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Results 361 - 369 of 369
12 years ago
Matt Ruggie
Never had a problem getting the stickers off any of the Croixs, but phenix sent me a blank that had the sticker on w/ 2 coats of epoxy over it. Talk about a PIA!
Forum: rodboard
12 years ago
Matt Ruggie
I had USPS break a rod that was shipped to me in a PVC tube. They taped the tube back together but didn't wipe off the tire tread pattern....... insure it!
Forum: rodboard
13 years ago
Matt Ruggie
Take a close look and do a google search, the curado 50E and the "new" chronarch 50E are just about the same reel. Curado can be had for much cheaper. As for the dropped down gear case, they are very comfortable and lower palming profile , so much that the older reels feel funny. Joe Van. My first thought when the MHX SJ781 blank arrived was that it was a little more powerful
Forum: rodboard
13 years ago
Matt Ruggie
personally, I'd go w/ the SJ781 for the 1/8-1/4 oz. baits and small streams. It has more power than my St Croix SCV s66MLF, also built as a caster. I built one as a finesse casting rod for river smallies and love this rod. I like it enough that I think I'll be building another on their HM SJ781 blank in the future. I wouldn't consider the smoke a finesse reel. The carbonlite w/ the dual br
Forum: rodboard
13 years ago
Matt Ruggie
I'd say the 66MLF or 70MLF would be my first choice for what your looking for. In fact I was just using my SC5 66MLF (built as casting rod) this evening and was chucking 3" yum dingers on an 1/8oz. head to river smallies. Pick your price point from SC III, IV, or V blanks. Stay away from the light action croixs for this, they really are better suited for small creek fishing, not much b
Forum: rodboard
13 years ago
Matt Ruggie
thanks for the welcome Bill!
Forum: rodboard
13 years ago
Matt Ruggie
Roger, I just started 2 SCV blanks too. A 66MLF and 610MXF. Yes they do have a crisper feel to them . I LIKE IT!!! I have/had XC 69MLXF, AVC68MXF, and LEC68MXF as well and It's weird, the 1 Avid XF that I mentioned is the only 1 that has that type of tip. All the other Croix XF rods I own are as you described, very very fast tips.
Forum: rodboard
13 years ago
Matt Ruggie
I have the MHX SJ781 and the S782. For what you're looking for I'd also reccomend the SJ781. The S782 that I have is a reaally lite rod, no backbone at all( I got it for small creek fishing). So I can't see the the lighter S781 working for your intended techniques. Matt
Forum: rodboard
13 years ago
Matt Ruggie
First off hello to everyone, this is my first post. just registered Roger, I'm assuming you are talking about the 3S/C69MLXF. If so, Have you built 1 on the newer blanks w/ IPC as well as the pre ipc SCIII. Reason I ask is your commment on how fast these are. I have built a few rods on these. 2 pre IPC blanks and 1 newer 1 w/ IPC. The older blanks were way stiffer/faster and
Forum: rodboard
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