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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Michael Tarr (---)
Date: March 12, 2023 05:52PM

Here’s some have…

North fork
All Purpose Fast Glass APFG745-1
684g AA = 74 ERN = 22

North fork
DS 6107-1 (Delta LMX)
397g AA = 74 ERN = 15

North fork
SJ 706-1 (IM)
816g AA = 79 ERN = 25

North fork
MB 703-1 (Delta LMX) trimmed to 6’9
277g AA = 73 ERN = 12

North fork
Hybrid CB 705 Zentron (Delta LMX)
1083g AA = 85 ERN = 31

Phenix Composite-X11
618 AA = 74 ERN = 20

American Tackle
Bushido CB68
286g AA = 70 ERN = 12

153g AA = 70 ERN = 7

Champion 735
1101g AA= 81 ERN = 32

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Michael Tarr (---)
Date: March 12, 2023 10:48PM

St. Croix legend tournament
589g AA = 75 ERN = 20

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Matt Ruggie (---)
Date: March 15, 2023 09:16PM


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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.columbus.res.rr.com)
Date: March 16, 2023 10:40PM

Added the Blanks that Michael Tarr posted on 3/12/23 into Spreadsheet. Also measured up a few of the blanks I picked up at Expo. Those numbers are below and I added into Spreadsheet.

Manufacturer Model. length. IP. AA. ERN. Blank Weight Oz

Thrasher BSC7806 94 599.26 63 20 2.75
Rod Forge NSB70M Fast 84 553.05 76 19.31 2.01
Rod Forge NSB70MH Fast 84 693.53 73 23.03 2.49

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.columbus.res.rr.com)
Date: March 18, 2023 11:09PM

Added some NFC SM LMX series blanks provided by Mick that he had received directly from NFC. Some I believe are duplicates but also some new blanks added into list. Over 1000 entries now. Keep 'em coming. The more info the better and more useful when hunting for blanks. Don't forget that there is value in adding factory rods to the list.

Manufacturer Series Model ID Length (Inches) IP (Grams) AA ERN Pieces Blank Weight (Oz)

NFC SM LMX FW 661-1 78 165 68 8.5 1 1.3
NFC SM LMX Flip 766-1 90 725 58.2 24.4 1 2.4
NFC SM LMX Flip 769-1 90 762.5 58 25.1 1 2.6
NFC SM LMX CB 661-1 78 255 69.9 11.47 1 1.6
NFC SM LMX CB 701-1 84 270 74.9 11.93 1 1.7
NFC SM LMX CB 7111-1 95 355 80.3 13.88 1 2.59
NFC SM LMX CB 704.1 84 557.5 82 19.47 1 2.5
NFC SM LMX MB 661-1 78 300 71.93 12.67 1 1.7
NFC SM LMX MB 662-1 78 380 71 14.56 1 1.8
NFC SM LMX MB 663-1 78 460 69 16.78 1 1.4
NFC SM LMX MB 664-1 78 485 74.4 17.5 1 1.5
NFC SM LMX MB 665-1 78 662.5 68.5 22.56 1 1.8
NFC SM LMX MB 666-1 78 750 65.1 24.85 1 2.1
NFC SM LMX MB 668-1 78 750 65 24.85 1 2.1
NFC SM LMX MB 669-1 78 850 62.9 26.78 1 2.2
NFC SM LMX MB 705-1 84 612.5 72.3 21.05 1 2
NFC SM LMX MB 709-1 84 750 66.4 24.85 1 2.6
NFC SM LMX MB 739-1 87 837.5 62.8 26.57 1 3.19
NFC SM LMX SB 5100-1 70 237.5 78.2 11.03 1 1.6
NFC SM LMX SB 602-1 72 430 75 15.93 1 1.7
NFC SM LMX SB 603-1 72 515 69.2 18.28 1 1.5
NFC SM LMX SB 604-1 72 577.5 69.73 20.49 1 1.8
NFC SM LMX SJ 481-1 56 107.5 29.8 5.46 1 0.8
NFC SM LMX SJ 541-1 64 115 29.1 5.84 1 1.22
NFC SM LMX SJ 543-1 64 337.5 66 13.41 1 1.3
NFC SM LMX SJ 545-1 64 552.5 62 19.33 1 1.4
NFC SM LMX SJ 603-1 72 385 68 14.72 1 1.78
NFC SM LMX SJ 604-1 72 455 68 16.67 1 1.3
NFC SM LMX SJ 605-1 72 570 67.6 19.82 1 1.8
NFC SM LMX SJ 606-1 72 662.5 67.7 22.46 1 1.8
NFC SM LMX SJ 607-1 72 800 60.8 25.92 1 1.9
NFC SM LMX SJ 705-1 84 712.5 72.3 23.88 1 2.1
NFC SM LMX SA 9115-2 119 510 71.4 18.15 2 3.8
NFC SM LMX SA 905-2 108 612.5 64.7 21.12 2 3.3
NFC SM LMX SA 1064-2 126 430 73.3 15.93 2 3.9
NFC SM LMX SA 1065-2 126 490 72.9 17.62 2 4

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.columbus.res.rr.com)
Date: March 21, 2023 07:18PM

Good to see NFC adding CCS data with the info for one of their new blanks, the X-ray C602 SJ 703. Kudos to NFC. I encourage all manufacturers to do the same. Keep that info coming. I added this blank into our ever growing database.

Below is the data entry for those not using the spreadsheet.

Manufacturer Series Model ID Length (Inches) IP (Grams) AA ERN Pieces Blank Weight (Oz)
NFC X-ray C602 SJ 703-1 84 351 77 13.75 1 1.4

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Daryl Ferguson (---)
Date: March 21, 2023 08:07PM

Self delete due to redundancy

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2023 08:30PM by Daryl Ferguson.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Daryl Ferguson (---)
Date: March 23, 2023 11:12PM

Without having to read the good Dr.'s dissertation on the matter, is there a simple legend for the different parameters? I know AA is action and ERN is power, but what is the IP, etc...? Also, is this something I can setup relatively easy without having to mar the wife's pretty walls? I still contend this will never catch on with the off the shelf rod manufacturers but, as I stated before, I see value in it for my own builds as I can measure rods that I love and duplicate them, hopefully.


In further reading it seems IP and ERN both have to do with power?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2023 11:19PM by Daryl Ferguson.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Michael Danek (---.alma.mi.frontiernet.net)
Date: March 24, 2023 08:39AM

IP is the weight in grams that it takes to deflect the blank to 1/3 its length. ERN, which is also a measure of power is a derived number (by Hanneman) to give guidance to fly fishermen as to which line would likely work best for a certain power rod. It is not linear with respect to IP because the standard weights of the lines are not "linear." There is a different number of grams between an 8 and 9 weight line than between a 3 and a 4, for example.

Three things are consistent,=: The higher the ERN, the higher the power. The higher the IP, the higher the power. And for each and every value of IP there is only one value of ERN.

Dr. Hanneman came up with the CCS process with the emphasis on fly while realizing that it would work for any blank/rod.

It is possible to do accurate CCS testing without the big wall. If you email me I can show you what I have. I correlate well with a couple blank makers and a number of builders.

I suggest you do read the good Dr.'s dissertation. You will come away with a much better understanding of the process and of blanks/rods than just getting the answer to one question.

Will it catch on? Point Blank has published data for years, and other makers use it but haven't yet gotten to the point of publishing it all. NFC , it appears, is jumping in based on the publication of CCS data on their last few introductions. If we keep pushing we might get to the point of all publishing. If we continue to accept what I call the "wine label" and "crap shoot" subjective specs without a peep, then no, they will keep on with the crap shoot.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Daryl Ferguson (---)
Date: March 24, 2023 09:30AM

Michael, I’ll read it all eventually. I sent you an email. No hurry, just whenever you have some time. Thanks!

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.columbus.res.rr.com)
Date: March 24, 2023 06:33PM

Reached out to Batson and got some additional info that they had on some of their Immortal series. Added those into Spreadsheet. Also, Batson indicated they would be publishing info on new releases of Fly or high end freshwater blanks.

Also added another new addition to the NFC lineup that has CCS data published. A blank in their Fly series called the LMX FAF763-4.

Great to see manufacturers providing this info. Keep it coming.

Below is a list of all the new blanks added:

Manufacturer Series Model ID Length (Inches) IP (Grams) AA ERN Pieces Blank Weight (Oz)

Rainshadow Immortal IMMS610MXF 82 427 77 15.79 1
Rainshadow Immortal IMMC73ML 87 553 74 19.31 1
Rainshadow Immortal IMMS72ML 86 480 81 17.31 1
Rainshadow Immortal IMMS72M 86 631 77 21.31 1
Rainshadow Immortal IMMP70ML 84 283 71 12.22 1
Rainshadow Immortal IMMP70M 84 416 70 15.51 1
Rainshadow Immortal IMMWS72ML 86 268 74 11.81 1
NFC LMX FAF763-4 90 77 75 3.5 4 0.9

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: March 25, 2023 07:45AM

Kevin, once again I want to say what a great job you're doing with keeping the data base current. Taking it upon yourself to reach out to different manufacturers is next level. Definitely above and beyond kind of stuff

And for anyone considering some of the recently added blanks, I built a rod on an Immortal IMMC73ML blank. It's is an excellent blank. If you're looking to build a rod that does a lot of things really really well, it would be one to consider. Sensitivity is outstanding, and it casts baits in in its listed weight range, extremely well. I use mine for tube jigs, light Texas rigs, 3/8 oz and under spinnerbaits and smaller 4" and under swimbaits.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Joel Babin (47.160.133.---)
Date: March 27, 2023 09:57AM

@Logan Summers... Any chance you have measurements for the XX Brailist?

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Michael Danek (---.alma.mi.frontiernet.net)
Date: March 27, 2023 11:39AM

Joel, go to the data base at [docs.google.com]

Click on the "CCS Database" button at the bottom, and open the data base. Sooner or later if you're seriously into building you will want to be able to search the data base for blanks you are interested in.

Watch the "How to video" by clicking on its liink.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Joel Babin (47.160.133.---)
Date: March 27, 2023 03:08PM

Michael Danek Wrote:
> Joel, go to the data base at
> [docs.google.com]
> jPBa-c5LT9RTYeDR_pnCDIkVIdDv0YoeQ/edit#gid=1592691
> 333
> Click on the "CCS Database" button at the bottom,
> and open the data base. Sooner or later if you're
> seriously into building you will want to be able
> to search the data base for blanks you are
> interested in.
> Watch the "How to video" by clicking on its liink.

Hi Michael, I downloaded the database to look at the various blank specs. I noticed the Braillist wasn't listed, so was curious if any has every measured it.

I've built quite a few rods over the past two years since taking up the craft. This site and others have proven very helpful and education in the process.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Michael Danek (---.alma.mi.frontiernet.net)
Date: March 27, 2023 03:42PM

got it, I thought you had not yet known about the data base and how to use it.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Logan Summers (---.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 29, 2023 06:36PM

Joel Babin Wrote:
> @Logan Summers... Any chance you have measurements
> for the XX Brailist?

Hi Joel - I have not measured a Braillist, that is a model I never owned....But I have fished with one. I could make an educated guess on it based on my experience with other MB rods. I'd say it will be very similar to the 1st Gen XX EMTF, though slightly more powerful. AA is probably the same or close.

Sooo - I'd guess 800 to 850 for IP and 75ish for the AA. Without measuring I can't say for sure, but I'd be shocked if it wasn't at least close to those numbers.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Logan Summers (---.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
Date: April 04, 2023 08:38AM

3 more to add...

Rainshadow Immortal IMMC76MH-TC: IP = 1000g, AA = 70deg
Rainshadow Immortal IMMC76H-TC: IP = 1150g, AA = 70deg
Rainshadow Immortal IMMC76XH-TC: IP = 1200g, AA = 70deg

I checked the H and XH several times because of how close they were, they really are that close - only 50g apart in IP. I had 2 XH blanks to measure and both were consistent at 1200g

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Logan Summers (---.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
Date: April 10, 2023 01:03PM

...and 2 more since my NFC order just arrived

NFC Delta CB705 Hybrid Zentron: IP = 650g, AA = 80deg
NFC Delta CB706 Hybrid Zentron: IP = 1000g, AA = 80deg

@ Michael Tarr, did you mean to list your Delta Hybrid as a 705? Looks like you might have measured a 706? (Or been sent a 706?)

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.columbus.res.rr.com)
Date: April 10, 2023 09:45PM

Added the Rainshadow and NFC blanks that Logan posted 4/4 and 4/10.

Everyone keep em coming. Over 1000 and growing. Again, if anyone has several they want to add goto the Spreadsheet and download a copy. One of the tabs on the spreadsheet is a blank template. You can fill that out and email to the address on the spreadsheet and it'll come to me. I'll add them to our list.

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