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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Michael Tarr (---)
Date: June 08, 2023 06:53PM

I received a couple Rodgeeks blanks today…
AA 65

AA 61

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Michael Tarr (---)
Date: June 08, 2023 08:58PM

Corrected numbers…
B468MMF (blank)
AA 73

C3710MMF (blank)
AA 76

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.columbus.res.rr.com)
Date: June 27, 2023 09:29PM

Been awhile but got into Spreadsheet and added in David's post from above. Link to spreadsheet: [docs.google.com]

If anyone has any recent builds with CCS numbers post them on here and will add to spreadsheet. Has anyone built on anymore of the rod forge blanks? Any numbers on the 7'-6" NSB blanks? was looking at the 7'-6" NSB M and MH.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Les Cline (---)
Date: August 07, 2023 10:10AM

Any new info coming in with CCS?

I'm not sure this belongs in the Log or not, however it was a fun project that yielded a nice rod:

I salvaged the front 5'10" of a St. Croix Mojo Bass rod (original rod specs were: Model MJS71MHF, spinning, 7'1", MH power, Fast action, 8-14 line)

I extended the salvaged piece to 6ft. and gave it a CCS test.

IP = 243 Pennies or 607.5 grams
AA = 73

Would be interesting to know how it compares to the original rod specs if someone has this rod out there and will run a CCS test.

Kevin - don't feel compelled to add this to the log because it is a unicorn of sorts. Mostly I wanted to bump this thread back to the top of the list to remind our community this resource is still here and open for more data!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/07/2023 10:39AM by Les Cline.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Logan Summers (---.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
Date: August 11, 2023 09:15PM

I put a bunch of hook keepers on a friend's factory rods recently, measured them all to add to my database for comparisons so will share them here too. Length in parenthesis because their model #'s are a little wonky for some.

Daiwa Rebellion 731HFB (87"): IP = 975g, AA = 75
Daiwa Rebellion 761HFB (90"): IP = 850g, AA = 75
Daiwa Rebellion 731MHFB (87"): IP = 875g, AA = 80
Daiwa Rebellion 6101MHFB (82"): IP = 750g, AA = 75
Daiwa Rebellion 731MHFB-G (87"): IP = 700g, AA = 77
Daiwa Rebellion 7011MFS (85"): IP = 550g, AA = 77
Daiwa Rebellion 701MFB-G (84:): IP = 525g, AA = 75
Daiwa Rebellion 701 MLFS (84"): IP = 425, AA = 77

I know I'm one of the only ones posting factory rods, but its very helpful for me choosing blanks to have a 'known' factory rod to compare to.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: August 12, 2023 06:30AM

Logan, posting factory rods is great and is no doubt very helpful to others that may be looking to match a factory rod they love. I know when I started building, I wanted to build higher level rods that matched the power and actions of my factory rods, so I took CCS measurements of them.

I've given away all but two of my factory rods, or I'd be posting numbers for some of those all favorites.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.columbus.res.rr.com)
Date: August 25, 2023 09:15PM

Added in the Factory Rods to the spreadsheet that Logan posted above. Also added in a couple of new NFC blanks below

Manufacturer, Series, Model, Length, IP, AA, ERN
NFC X-ray SWB 909-2 107 1400 61 41
NFC X-ray C602 SJ 764-1 90 615 70 21

Here is the link to the spreadsheet [docs.google.com]

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.columbus.res.rr.com)
Date: October 04, 2023 08:33PM

Hello All - Awhile back I received an information email/notification that Batson was releasing several additional RX10 Eternity models to their lineup. After I received that email I reached out to Geoff at Batson via email asking if they had the CCS numbers for the new models. He replied back the next day indicating that they would be taking measurements once they had sales inventory for all the new models as he felt it was a best practice to use actual inventory vs factory samples of the new models.

Yesterday (10/3/23) Geoff reached back out via email and provided CCS measurements for all of the new Eternity RX10 models to include the new Spinning, Popping and Fly blanks. Huge Kudos to Geoff and the rest of the Batson Team for making this information available to the rodbuilding community! Batson has also added a webpage that provides CCS Data for the entire Eternity RX10 lineup at: [batsonenterprises.com]
Or another way to get to the Batson webpage is to goto any of the Eternity RX10 series pages and look for the, "Common Cents System Info (CCS)" link toward the top of the page to get you there.

Again, big shoutout to Geoff and Batson for making this info available!

I added all the info into our Spreadsheet at [docs.google.com]

If you are new to this CCS Info and how to use the spreadsheet here is a YouTube video I posted awhile ago that shows the basics on how to use. [youtu.be]

Below are all of the new models I added into the Spreadsheet:

Manufacturer Series Model ID Length (Inches) IP (Grams) AA ERN
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 ETES62L-SS 74 258 71 11.53
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 ETES62M-SS 74 508 74 18.07
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 ETES68L-SS 80 264 70 11.67
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 ETES76ML-SS 90 398 81 15.03
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 ETEP70M-SS 84 367 66 14.14
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 ETEP70MH-SS 84 524 69 18.48
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 ETEP76M-SS 90 443 69 16.27
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 ETEP76MH-SS 90 493 67 17.65
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 RXXF865-4SS 102 112.4 70 5.65
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 RXXF905-4SS 108 131.3 71 6.62
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 RXXF906-4SS 108 159 71 8.03
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 RXXF907-4SS 108 176 69 8.84
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 RXXF908-4SS 108 203 69 9.91
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 RXXF909-4SS 108 233 69 10.84
Rainshadow Eternity RX10 RXXF9010-4SS 108 277 69 12.08

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Les Cline (---)
Date: October 05, 2023 06:13AM

Thank you, Kevin! Your dedication is admirable!

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Michael Danek (---.alma.mi.frontiernet.net)
Date: October 05, 2023 06:58AM

Yes, Many thanks to Kevin and Batson Enterprises!

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.columbus.res.rr.com)
Date: October 06, 2023 10:46AM

Hi all - Norm Miller recently posted some CCS numbers for some NFC Travel blanks in another thread here [www.rodbuilding.org]

I added those values into our spreadsheet and also listed them again below:

SJ683-4 IP = 467 gm. AA = 76.5
MB683-4 IP= 518 gm. AA = 73.5
MB704-4 IP = 740 gm. AA = 74.5

I've got some more I need to measure up here shortly and will post here soon. If anyone else has any other to add post them on this thread. Measurements of factory rods can also be helpful for folks trying to find comparable blanks. Thanks all.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Evan Cobb (---.rochester.rr.com)
Date: October 17, 2023 05:58PM

A few for the list, most are duplicates but achieved numbers that support or vary from existing data which I’ll also include to make life easy.

CRB IS66ML - IP 396, AA 67 (currently in database; IP390, no AA; 1.5% difference between IPs)
RodGeeks C266MLF - IP 360, AA 73.8 (currently in database; IP 424, AA78; 15% difference between IPs)
NFC IM MB704 (post build) - IP 578, AA 74 (currently in database, see below; 4% difference between IPs)
NFC IM MB704 (pre build, different blank than above) - IP 606, AA 71.9 (currently in database; IP 557, AA 72.2; 8% difference between IPs)
NFC IM FW702 - IP 197, AA 72.4 (currently in database; IP 212.85, AA 72.7; 7.5% difference between IPs)
NFC IM FW704 - IP 336, AA 63 (currently in database; IP 345.48, AA 64.6; 3% difference between IPs)

St Croix BassX BXC71MF - IP 463, AA 84
St Croix Mojo MJS68MXF - IP 684, AA 80
St Croix Mojo MJS71MF - IP 636, AA 77.9
MHX SJ842-MHX - IP 550, AA 78

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Michael Danek (192.183.59.---)
Date: October 17, 2023 06:18PM

Logan, sorry I missed your factory rod post until now- Personally, I welcome factory rod data. All rod objective data is of value. thanks!

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: October 24, 2023 09:45PM

I took some measurements on a couple of blanks I received yesterday. Both from NFC. Here are the numbers I came up with

SB724-1 X ray. length: 86" IP 513 grams. AA 71

MB724-1 X ray length: 86" IP 568 grams. AA 75

I'll be building a spinning rod for a friend on the MB724 blank. I let him use my spinning rod I have built on an RX10 ETEC72M blank and he absolutely loved it. He just didn't like the price I would have charged him to build an exact duplicate. The MB724 blank has almost the exact same CCS numbers as the RX10 blank, The rods will have the same components on them so it will be a great comparison between an X ray blank, and an RX10 blank. I'm looking forward to comparing the two.

The SB724 is going to be built as a spinning rod as well, and will be a personal rod. It's a little more powerful and a little slower action than I was hoping for, but it's 100 grams lighter in IP than the rod it will be replacing. Which, considering what I will be using it for, will be a very good thing.

Looking forward to both builds.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Michael Danek (192.183.59.---)
Date: October 25, 2023 07:26AM

"The rods will have the same components on them so it will be a great comparison between an X ray blank, and an RX10 blank. I'm looking forward to comparing the two." And it would be nice then to compare subjective conclusions with TNF data.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: October 25, 2023 03:49PM

Michael, chances are pretty good that I'm not going to venture into doing TNF measurements on any of the rods I build. It's not because I don't believe there is some validity to it when it comes to what we feel with faster action rods. It's just not something I feel I need to do to confirm what I feel. And since feel is subjective, and can't be objectively measured or given a numerical value, it doesn't really qualify as data. It qualifies as data to me, but that means little to nothing to others interested in hard verifiable data as confirmation of an expressed opinion.

Besides, the blanks have the same tip size and the exact same measured AA, as well as being within 5 grams of having the exact same IP. I would guess that the two rods would have TNFs very close to one another.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.columbus.res.rr.com)
Date: October 25, 2023 10:16PM

Hi all - I added the info from Evan's post on 10/17/23 and David's post on 10/24/23 into the Google Docs Spreadsheet. Also added in spreadsheet all the values posted from a different thread [www.rodbuilding.org]

Just for ease of access, I reposted all of those value into this post below:

Manufacturer Series Model Length IP AA
NFC Xray SJ 736 87 750 76
NFC Xray SJ 736 81 680 73 (Modified by cutting 6" off butt)
NFC Xray SB 683 80 258 63
NFC Xray SB 684 80 452 69
NFC Xray MB 684 80 525 74
NFC Xray SJ 736 87 720 78

Also, I tweaked the default sorting of the Spreadsheet to be sorted by: Manufacturer then by Length, and then by IP (Power). Was previously sorted by just Manufacturer and then Power. I'm thinking this will make it a bit easier to scroll thru to find something without filtering. Also, as I get time, will make it easier for me to go through spreadsheet and do some "cleanup" like making sure all model and series info is as consistent as possible. If anyone has any suggestions on best way to setup default sort please pass those along. We currently have 1093 records. Some are for the same blank but I think those add value as each person might have slightly different processes of getting measurements and blanks of same model may have some variability as well.

Keep the info coming. If any manufacturers are monitoring this thread and have CCS data please checkout the spreadsheet README Tab with how you can share your data.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Logan Summers (---.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
Date: October 26, 2023 01:05PM

I have some NFC's to add:

NFC Delta Hybrid/Zentron CB7106: 94" IP=975g AA=82
NFC Delta Hybrid/Zentron CB704: 84" IP=550g AA=80
NFC Delta MB693: 81" IP=675g AA=70
NFC Delta MB736: 87" IP=800g AA=70
NFC Delta MB693: 81" IP=675g AA=70
NFC Delta DS6107: 82" IP=375g AA=73

NFC XRay NEO MB765: 90" IP=825g AA=80
NFC XRay SJ765: 90" IP=850g AA=70
NFC XRay SJ725: 86" IP=800g AA=70
NFC XRay SJ703: 84" IP=360g AA=70

And a question for discussion, I think I've asked this before but the two 765's I just measure prompted it again. The XRay MB765NEO and the XRay SJ765 are the same length and within 25g of IP, but the MB is much faster than the SJ. There is absolutely no question in my mind that the SJ765 with it's more moderate action feels much more powerful than the MB765....Much more so than the only 25g difference in their IP. So, does the action of a rod impact it's perceived power? I've felt this way for a while with other rods, but this is the most direct comparison I've ever been able to make. My theory is that given two rods with same length, same IP, and same materials (both XRay, though I know the NEO is slightly different) - The faster action rod will be less powerful in a real world application.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Peter Yawn (---.mpls.qwest.net)
Date: October 26, 2023 04:45PM

It's a good question Logan. Rods that have the same power can feel very different depending on their action angle. If two rods are the same power, the faster rod by definition has a softer tip and a more powerful mid/butt section. So with fishing lures, the faster rod may feel less powerful because the weight of the lure will bend the tip more. However, when fighting a fish, the faster rod may feel more powerful, as it "locks up" with more power deeper into the rod. As with all the other variables of blanks that have been discussed here lately, feel is in the hands of the rod user. CCS is great, but it is still based on an arbitrary number of how far the rod should bend. Not that 33% is the wrong number, just that someone picked a number and that's what we use. I think it is totally possible that in comparing two blanks one may have a higher AA at 20% and the other may have a higher AA at 40% Such is the complex world of blank tapers.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: October 26, 2023 05:24PM

Logan, I'd have to wonder if lever arm length plays into the more moderate action blank feeling more powerful? On lighter powered rods I couldn't see it being much of, if a factor at all. But on higher powered rods I would wonder if the if the the lever arm stays longer on the more moderate actions .

What I means is, on an extra fast action you're losing lever arm length because the tip is at an angle closer to 90 degrees. That would mean more of the length of the blank is vertical, or closer to vertical, so in essence, the length of the lever arm is being shortened to some degree. Perhaps with a more moderate action less lever arm length is lost because less of the blank is vertical, thereby keeping the lever arm effectively longer.

It would be akin to the length you have to cut a roof rafter for every 1' of run. Trying to remember back to my carpentry days. I believe on say a 4 - 12 pitch roof the rather would be 13.46" for every 1 foot of run.

I don't know if would be completely responsible for the difference in feel, but I'd imagine it certainly plays a part.

Peter, your wondering about AAs at different loads IMO, is definitely possible. You figure when you fully load the rod per CCS standards, the blank is flexing deeper into its' length, As the blank flexes deeper into the blanks length, the blank takes on a downward angle, but the load is staying plumb, straight up and down, so the angle of the tip is decreasing. If the the blank were at an upward angle, the angle of the tip would increase. At least that's how I see it in my mind.

Of course I could have it completely backwards. L:OL Interesting thoughts from you guys though.

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