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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Patrick Coco (---)
Date: April 20, 2024 01:44AM

NFC Xray IS 694
IP 430g
AA 78

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res.spectrum.com)
Date: May 11, 2024 03:59PM

Just got done taking some numbers on a rod I'm ready to start wrapping, so figured I'd come here to post them, and what do I see? Patrick posting numbers for the same blank. lol Kind of cool

NFC X ray IS 694.

IP 440g

AA 76.5

Patrick, I'm curious what your impressions of the blank are? I was looking for a blank to build a new drop shot rod on that had more power than the DS 6107 IM blank that my current drop shot rod is built on. While I wish it had a little lighter tip, I like the over all power of the rod, Sensitivity feels really good as well.

Split CFX rear grip. Am Tack G2 Apex reel seat with the 3K insert, mounted up locking, and Am Tack black Ti forged KR style guides with Pentalite rings. I'm at 3.45 oz for the build before thread and finish.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Michael Danek (---.adr01.alma.mi.frontiernet.net)
Date: May 11, 2024 05:20PM

David, do you consider AA 76.5 to be X-Fast ?

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Patrick Coco (---)
Date: May 11, 2024 06:28PM

David Baylor Wrote:
> Patrick, I'm curious what your impressions of the
> blank are?

I haven't built it yet, but comparing it to the xray SB684 and the xray MB684, it definitely has the fastest action of the 3. It's nearly identical power wise to the SB684.

It should be a good 1/4-1/2oz dropshot rod I'd think if you're talking traditional vertical dropshot. You could probably throw shakey heads on it too up to about 3/16oz.

I will be building mine as a casting rod for small topwater (poppers and small walking baits) and mid size jerkbaits (vision 110jr or smaller). It will probably see some time as a wading inshore rod too for specks and reds. Should excel throwing topwaters as well as jigheads and plastic.

Based on previous builds, using an ecs16 seat, split cork handles and a Fuji alconite guide train with rv6 butt guide, total weight should come in around 3.25oz

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res.spectrum.com)
Date: May 12, 2024 07:32AM

Michael, were it a more powerful rod, I would definitely say it's extra fast action. With it being a lighter powered rod, I'd say it's borderline.

Patrick, your thinking pretty much mirrors mine. I usually drop shot with 3/16 - 1/4 oz weights, but I was looking for a blank with more power for when I go up to Lake Erie. It's to light in power for what I like for fishing shaky heads, I have an spinning rod built on an MB 733 X ray for those, but I think it will make a nice little Ned rig rod.

I thought about extending it 5" or so, but I didn't have a section of unsanded X ray blank that was big enough, or long enough that would work to hide the transition in the grip

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Patrick Coco (---)
Date: May 14, 2024 12:22PM

Looking at the CCS data, if you extended it 5", I bet you'd end up with a blank similar to the xray mb 733 anyway. Maybe a little faster than the mb 733 but it'd be the same ballpark IP and AA I bet.

Just glued up the handle assembly on the IS 694. It should be a really fun river rod for topwater.

I currently use a PB691MLXF for that, but it's a little heavier (IP over 500) so I think I'll like this rod a little better. A good chunk of the fish I catch are 10-14" spots, smallies, and Guadalupe bass so the lighter the rod the better!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/15/2024 08:12AM by Patrick Coco.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Jeff Saxby (---.ashwwi.broadband.dynamic.tds.net)
Date: May 16, 2024 07:43PM

If I understand the NFC model numbers, the SB 684 is a shorter SB 724.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Patrick Coco (---)
Date: May 16, 2024 08:41PM

Yes this is the case.

The xray sb684, sb724 and sb764 are just different lengths.

Same with the xray mb684, mb724 and mb764

Same as the xray sj685, sj725 and sj765

There may be more that follow this nomenclature, but these are the ones I'm certain of. Their pattern numbers are the same and then the length is indicated: xxx.80, xxx.86, and xxx.90

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.res.spectrum.com)
Date: May 21, 2024 10:18PM

Added in the NFC IS-694 blanks posted about above and also added the NFC Mooching Pro 1063-2 with info from manufacturer via email at release. I also added several Stryker blanks that I've been wanting to checkout. All that info added into Spreadsheet and listed below.

Manufacturer Series Model ID Length (Inches) IP (Grams) AA ERN
NFC X-ray IS 694 81 430 78 15.93
NFC X-ray IS 694 81 440 76.5 16.21
NFC HYB Mooching Pro 1063-2 126 327.5 85 13.21
Stryker SB SB7117 95 919 70 27.94
Stryker SB SB796 93 775 72 25.31
Stryker MB MB704 84 486 72 17.45
Stryker MB MB744 88 560 70 19.52
Stryker DS DS703 84 424 70 15.72
Stryker DS DS704 84 575 63 19.93
Stryker C C2711 95 540 72 18.96
Stryker C C2711 w/ 11" off butt 84 483 70 17.38

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Patrick Coco (199.195.15.---)
Date: May 22, 2024 09:52AM

Kevin - thanks as always for your upkeep on this. I've only been at this about a year and this spreadsheet has been invaluable in my rod building journey.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: May 27, 2024 05:45PM

Patrick, I'm with you in thanking Kevin for going the extra 10,000 miles and keeping this data base going, and up to date. Kevin, thank you. Very very much appreciated.

I've got CCS numbers for another blank to add.

NFC SW 764 Delta. IP 941 grams. AA 65.7

I built it for throwing smaller glide baits and hard swimbaits up to 3 oz. I haven't tried it out yet, but I think it's going to be really good for baits up to 2, maybe 2 1/2 oz. A 3 oz bait is probably going to be pushing it. Have to wait and see.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: May 28, 2024 06:42PM

Took some numbers on my SW 765 Delta. Numbers are from the bare blank. IP 1,218 grams, AA 62.7

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Rob Carey (---)
Date: May 28, 2024 09:01PM


New to the CCS. Question, I have a NFC HM709. It appears to be:
IP = 940
AA = 64

I'm looking for something longer and faster. Based on the C6O2 numbers here, I'm probably sending it back. I can see how it is rated to 8oz being under 900 IP.

Question, would the Immortal 76XXH cast well above it's rating? I was hoping to get to 3oz full overhead.

IP = 1200
AA = 70

Sorry if this is only for posting data.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2024 09:02PM by Rob Carey.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: May 29, 2024 12:08AM

I believe the Immortal should be listed as IMMC76XXH-TC. I don't see it listed any longer, just the XH.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: May 29, 2024 12:11AM

I believe the Immortal should be listed as IMMC76XXH-TC. I don't see it listed any longer, just the XH.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Jordan Smith (---.mscw.id.ptr.ziplyfiber.com)
Date: May 29, 2024 12:20AM

A couple other errors I noticed:

XST1024 is listed at 122". It should be 102".
XST1084 is listed at 128". It should be 108".

Does anyone have CCS for the NFC ST964?

Thanks everyone.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.res.spectrum.com)
Date: June 01, 2024 10:44PM

Add the couple of NFC SW and also added two more blanks from Stryker (two of the same blank). Also corrected the couple length errors mentioned above.

Manufacturer Series Model ID Length (Inches) IP (Grams) AA ERN Blank Weight (Oz)
NFC Delta SW764 90 941 65.7 28.42
NFC Delta SW765 90 1218 62.7 35.25
Stryker SB SB710EX 94 1256 67 36.5 4.02
Stryker SB SB710EX 94 1255 67 36.5 4.04

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.res.spectrum.com)
Date: July 04, 2024 07:27PM

Added the couple new DS X-ray C602 blanks released by NFC. Got the info from the email on the release of these new blanks.

Manufacturer Series Model ID Length (Inches) IP (Grams) AA ERN
NFC X-ray C602 DS 710-1 85 360 76 14
NFC X-ray C602 DS 760-1 90 360 76 14

If you have any new measurements add them into this thread and I will add them into the spreadsheet. Happy 4th of July.

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: samuel pan (207.237.191.---)
Date: September 22, 2024 05:15PM

I noticed that there are 3 different CCS entries for the NFC MB-733 X-Ray with drastic differences between them. 1) IP = 438, AA = 78, ERN = 16.14. 2) IP = 499, AA = 78, ERN = 17.79. 3) IP = 557, AA = 76.4, ERN = 19.38.

Does this mean when someone orders one of these blanks that they won't know which one of these they will get in the mail? Or am I missing something? Thanks

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Re: CCS Data Log
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: September 22, 2024 05:57PM

Samuel ..... if you read the first post in this thread [www.rodbuilding.org] you'll see why it is possible to have blanks with widely varying powers. It's a very informative post.

There is discussion following the first post that adds light to what the first post contains.

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