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Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.102.204.190.res-cmts.t132.ptd.net)
Date: November 24, 2013 05:24PM

Last week I sent a 6 oz. book on a 2500 mile journey at a cost of $2.53, I can mail a letter of up to 1 oz.. anywhere in the country for $.47. So why does it cost $8.00 for someone to send me a set of guides that weigh less than a 1/4 oz. 1000 miles? I don't mind paying for items but this almost doubles my order cost! No need to reply. Have a nice holiday.

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Re: shipping
Posted by: bill boettcher (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: November 24, 2013 05:39PM


Bill - willierods.com

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Re: shipping
Posted by: Garry Thornton (---.natsow.res.rr.com)
Date: November 24, 2013 05:43PM

Hidden profit center...
I once knew a guy who produced a fishing DVD.
This DVD was available FREE with a magazine subscription...
All you paid was "shipping and handling."
Needless to say he made out just fine.

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Re: shipping
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: November 24, 2013 05:57PM

Large mail order firms rarely have time to weigh out items individually. They base shipping charges on dollar amounts and post them in their catalogs and online so that you know, up front, what it cost to have something shipped. Cabelas, Bass Pro, Orvis, LL Bean, etc., etc., etc., all do it this way.

And before folks start up about how various companies negotiate for better rates with UPS and FedX, be advised that most of the time these better rates require the company to forego any claims for lost or damaged merchandise. They get a better rate, but accept and incur greater risk.

Bottom line - if you don't like the shipping charges, shop elsewhere.


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Re: shipping
Posted by: Phil Erickson (---.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net)
Date: November 24, 2013 06:08PM

Their shipping also includes packaging labor and materials, not just postage or freight rates.

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Re: shipping
Posted by: Fred Cory (---.cisco.com)
Date: November 24, 2013 06:14PM

read the fine print - most say shipping and handling...

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Re: shipping
Posted by: bill boettcher (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: November 24, 2013 06:58PM

As far as I know they and all shipping companies Measure the containers they are shipping A letter is flat
A package of guides is a lot larger in shape ??
Could this be one of the reasons

Bill - willierods.com

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Re: shipping
Posted by: Bill Sidney (---.gci.net)
Date: November 24, 2013 07:55PM

when you mail a book you take it to the postoffice not your employee you packed it up not your employee YOU YOU YOU [ you don't get paid ]
your employee get paid so where will the employee's money come from ??? SID

William Sidney

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Re: shipping
Posted by: bill boettcher (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: November 24, 2013 08:08PM

When I mail anything I take it too either FedEX - UPS or the Postofice

What are you talking about ????

Bill - willierods.com

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Re: shipping
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: November 24, 2013 08:52PM

The cost to ship something often entails more than just the postage or freight involved.

But this whole thing is really much ado about nothing - check the shipping rates before you buy. If you don't like the amount, go elsewhere.


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Re: shipping
Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.102.204.190.res-cmts.t132.ptd.net)
Date: November 24, 2013 09:13PM

1st thing, did check before odering , did not order, am shopping elsewhere.Second, there are about three people in the whole building, also it does'nt cost $8.00 to send 4 grams of guides from them to me. By the way I dropped the book at the post office which is located 2oo yards from my best trout spot.

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Re: shipping
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: November 24, 2013 09:28PM

If you didn't order from them, what is the point of this? They didn't charge you a dime for anything.


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Re: shipping
Posted by: Jim Gamble (---.res.bhn.net)
Date: November 24, 2013 11:12PM

My true internal cost to mail a single page of paper (invoice) in a #10 envelope = $5.00. The only reason it is that low, we do hundreds per day.

As stated, there is MUCH more than postage involved. As also stated, you are free to shop at other vendors - there is an entire list to the left side of the screen.

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Re: shipping
Posted by: Dennis Hamilton (172.56.34.---)
Date: November 24, 2013 11:55PM

Good thing your not buying blanks over 9ft. You might change your tune when a large company saves you over $50 from what you can do it for yourself. I get your point but it is your choice to buy or not. Im too cheap and just wait for free shipping specials. Does suck to pay more for shipping then the guides though

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Re: shipping
Posted by: Burton Bosley (---.direcway.com)
Date: November 25, 2013 07:49AM

I go through this far too often. I order stuff for one rod and grieve at the shipping charges. If
I had a brain I'd wait until I could put together a large order -

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Re: shipping
Posted by: John Locke (---.dupont.com)
Date: November 25, 2013 09:08AM

One more way to save on shipping...Mudhole (and probably others as well) will let you order on-line and pick your stuff up at the Expo, no shipping chages. (At least they did the last couple of years.)


I love fishing, but to be honest this whole catching thing has me stumped!

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Re: shipping
Posted by: Frank MacDonald (---.dsl.bell.ca)
Date: November 25, 2013 10:29AM

I sometimes order items from China (I know I know) A box 7" by 7" by 2 " product cost me $9.99 and it shipped free all the way from China. sometimes it takes 4 or 5 weeks sometimes it is at my door in 10 days. Just saying.

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Re: shipping
Posted by: Chuck Mills (---.grenergy.com)
Date: November 25, 2013 01:05PM

Burton Bosley Wrote:
> I had a brain I'd wait until I could put together
> a large order -

Correct. Don't order one set of guides, one spool of thread, or one blank. Get together with other builders and do a group order. This is not a rod building related problem at all. Try ordering one paint brush from an online craft store and see how that goes.

"Angling is extremely time consuming.
That's sort of the whole point." - Thomas McGuane

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Re: shipping
Posted by: Russell Brunt (165.214.14.---)
Date: November 25, 2013 01:30PM

I'll offer up the other side of the coin as food for thought.

Once upon a time I ordered some titanium guides. Vendor quoted and I ordered but he made a mistake. He quoted prices for stainless guides and that is what he shipped. When I notified him agreed to ship me the titanium guides and said to just keep the stainless guides. He made a mistake, a honest one, and was going above and beyond to make it right.

Now in order to not lose anymore money the guides were mailed in a bubble wrap envelope. You would not imagine the condition they arrived in. The post office guys must have jumped up and down on them....hit them with a hammer....I mean even the barrells on the tip tops were totally kinked.

I never said a word to the vendor but I began to understand why shipping something as cheaply as possible isn't typically in the best interest of either side. Just something to consider:)

Russ in Hollywood, FL.

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Re: shipping
Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.102.204.190.res-cmts.t132.ptd.net)
Date: November 25, 2013 02:40PM

Thanks folks for all your responses. I thought this might be a lively topic.

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