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Threadmaster Information
Posted by: Bill Hickey (---.nycap.res.rr.com)
Date: February 07, 2009 07:12AM

Hello, I was wondering what you folks use to clean up brushes and other items after using the Threadmaster finishes. I used the Regular build for the first time, awesome finsh quality, and I plan on using the Lite Build in a few days. Also, clean up for the Pac Bay Rodsmith the same? Any help appreciated. Thanks, Bill

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Re: Threadmaster Information
Posted by: Billy Vivona (---.nycmny.east.verizon.net)
Date: February 07, 2009 07:46AM

U40 brush cleaner. I just cleaned up my Clemens lather for teh first time in 9 years. Razor blade to scrape off all teh finish and contact cement & etc. Then used a scotchbrite pad & Acetone, followwed by fine steel wool. Everything looks brand spanking new, but I spent 3+ hours cleanign teh lathe. A good lathe is one that has drips of epoxy, it shows some character.

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Re: Threadmaster Information
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: February 07, 2009 07:51AM

If you'll wax your lathe bed, any epoxy that drips on it can be popped off with a fingernail once it cures.


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Re: Threadmaster Information
Posted by: Billy Vivona (---.nycmny.east.verizon.net)
Date: February 07, 2009 08:49AM

I use Boeshield T9, but I havne't put any on in several years - I guess it wears off from all the metal supports sliding around on it. The T9 allows the eoxy to pop off as well once it is applied. Do you know a product that works better than that?

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Re: Threadmaster Information
Posted by: John Trella (---.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
Date: February 07, 2009 08:52AM

Wouldn't that increase the chance for contamination on the wraps?

I have been very careful not to use waxes or silicones around the entire build area. Maybe I am just paranoid and its another way for me to waste my time.

I would think a nice coat of Rejex would keep it pretty clean.

Thanks, -JOHN

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Re: Threadmaster Information
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: February 07, 2009 09:33AM

Don't wax the wraps, just the lathe bed. It won't bother your thread a bit. Just stay away from sprays or liquids.

Any good carnuba paste car wax will work and hold up for many, many months.


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Re: Threadmaster Information
Posted by: John Trella (---.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
Date: February 07, 2009 09:38PM

It has been some time since I waxed the wraps. : )

Just thinking I would touch the lathe then the thread, next thing would be fish eye's.


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Re: Threadmaster Information
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: February 08, 2009 09:54AM

Once the wax is dry and buffed, there is nothing there than can transfer to your hands or the wraps. I've kept my Renzetti lathe beds waxed, yearly, for over 20 years now. I have yet to have the first fish eye.

Use a regular paste wax - Johnson's is what I've always used.


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