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masking tape ?
Posted by: Judd Stanislawski (64.213.222.---)
Date: February 05, 2002 09:59PM

Hi I have some quick questions. What is the best masking tape to use? is there a differance as far as how well the epoxy will penetrate between differant brands? How is the professional grade painters masking tape (3M) compaired to the standard masking tape by the same mfg.
Thanks , judd

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Re: masking tape ?
Posted by: Mike Bolt (---.50.54.153.mhub.grid.net)
Date: February 05, 2002 10:26PM

Judd, if you are building spacers for reel seats just use the cheapest you can find. The epoxy doesn't really penetrate it anyway, it surrounds it. Get a couple different widths, 1/2, 3/4, 1" will do most all jobs.

I use drafting tape to hold my guides on while wrapping. Not very sticky and doesn't leave a residue.

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Re: masking tape ?
Posted by: Jeff Vadakin DBA Fish Stix (---.mob.bellsouth.net)
Date: February 05, 2002 10:42PM

Ther are tremendous differences. I use only one tape. It's not cheap, but then my labor is worth using $5/ roll tape. 3M brand, style/ "model" number 232. Thick, strong and HIGH tack.

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Re: masking tape ?
Posted by: Mike Ballard (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: February 05, 2002 10:44PM

Epoxy will not penetrate any type of masking tape. It will only attach itself to the outer layer. The tape has already been saturated with an adhesive.

You'll get lots of pros and cons on whether masking tape is suitable for cork arbors, but the fact is it will work fairly well, but not nearly as well as other mediums.

If you must use tape, get yourself some fiberglass drywall tape and use that. The open grid will permit some penetration of epoxy to the surface of the blank. So it will never slip on itself as can happen with the masking tape.

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Re: masking tape ?
Posted by: David Henney (---.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net)
Date: February 06, 2002 12:36AM

Dry wall tape works great for arbors, the screen type tape.. Thanks Davesrods

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Re: masking tape ?
Posted by: Robert Balcombe (REELMAN) (---.gh.centurytel.net)
Date: February 06, 2002 03:40AM

When I use masking tape I also make groves on all 4 sides this way you have epoxy going to the rod and it also alows the epoxy to penitrates in to the sides of the tape.

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Re: masking tape ?
Posted by: John Broughton (---.as3.mdsn0.wi.voyager.net)
Date: February 06, 2002 07:31AM

I use automotive masking tape-it leaves no residue. You can buy
it at any parts store (Car Quest, Pep Boys, Napa, etc).

For reel seats any masking tape will work as the epoxy only covers the top of the tape.

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Re: masking tape ?
Posted by: Rich Garbowski (---.voyageur.ca)
Date: February 06, 2002 10:18AM

3M masking tape gets my vote. #2020 in 3/4" is one recommended that has been used quite a bit and suitable for abors, not as expensive as #232 (not as thick). This is commonly available from rod parts suppliers.
Also, I don't think the deal about 'penetration' through the tape is what you're after. As arbors or shims for reel seats, make sure enough space is between to completely fill in wth past epoxy and contact with the sides of the tape and between the blank and reel seat.

Richard's Rod & Reel

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