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Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Mark Talmo (---)
Date: August 10, 2022 10:53PM

The method of measurement will remain hotly contested. Proponents of the metric system explain that it is employed by the vast majority of countries around the globe and, more importantly, is a “base-10” system which is much simpler to understand and use without “fractions”. Proponents of the US system explain that the system has been used successfully for decades, and so why change? It should be obvious that a UNIVERSAL method of measurement would simplify everything, and ultimately benefit ALL across the globe.
So which one, Metric or US? When considering ALL aspects, the Metric System would undoubtedly be the most logical choice. The USA tried a feeble attempt back in the 1980s. I suspect it found too much resistance from the manufacturing industries, although credit must be given to our auto industry; I doubt there are any “US” sized bolts on a modern Ford, Chevy or Dodge. I also suspect that the machining and fabrication industries posed the largest resistance in converting to Metric; it would have entailed a massive effort and substantial monetary investment to switch back then, WITHOUT the guarantee the new system would be accepted across-the-board.
The system of “Weights and Measurements” employed in the US is inconsistent, absurd and confusing; 16 ounces = 1 pound, 4 quarts = 1 gallon, 12 inches = 1 foot, 3 feet = 1 yard, and my favorite 5280 feet = 1 mile; now there is a nice ROUND number!!! And then, there are “fluid” ounces and actual ounces. I am embarrassed to, yet admittedly, say that I use all these measurements. But then, the thing of most importance to so many in the US, MONEY, is a “base-10 system”.
The biggest difference between the Metric System and the US System commonly is boiled-down to the use of “fractions” (within the US System). Fractions are (usually) inaccurate, vague, and difficult to compute. SO DON’T USE FRACTIONS!!!
In the final analysis (disconcerting universal acceptance), it really does not matter if using a “centimeter” or “inch” as a constant when measuring distance; same with liters vs quarts or volumetric measurements. Simply get rid of the confusing FRACTIONS!!! I suppose that I am somewhat spoiled in that with my machining experience, I have no need for fractions; ½ inch = 0.500in, 13/16 inch = 0.8125in (note base -10). If needing equal spacing for 6 distances within 1 inch, they will be 0.116in appart which is much more accurate than somewhere between 5/32in and 3/16in. Although I have the luxury of DRO, decimal measuring scales (rulers) in the ‘inch” formate are readily available if one has not completely converted to the Metric System.
In the end, the unit-of-measurement is not necessarily the culprit of confusion and conflict between the two systems; just get rid of the fractions!!!
All said and done, the Metric System as a whole is far superior to the US System; trying to get the old-timers like me to change is the challenge.

Mark Talmo

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Chris Catignani (---)
Date: August 11, 2022 01:55AM

^^ On board!
A true stickler to the 1975 Metric Conversion Act.
Metrics...the easy way to space a guide system.

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Eric Garza (---.burlingtontelecom.net)
Date: August 11, 2022 11:48AM

I live in the US and have used the metric system as my primary measurement system for years. It is easier, mainly, as you say, because fractions of units are generally expressed in decimal form (a base of 10) rather than fractions based on denominators other than 10. I am sure that adherence to the Imperial system of measure plays a role in the US falling behind in the manufacturing realm, and really wish the country would adopt the metric system exclusively. It would make a lot of things easier, and would simplify inventory for the many hardware stores that carry both metric and Imperial tools and hardware.

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: August 11, 2022 01:19PM

Moving to the metric system with the rest of the world would make economic sense, there was a time I believe in the early 90's we were supposed to convert over, but it never happened.

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: August 11, 2022 04:41PM

I'll equate the question to fishing. Let's say you have never used a casting rod in your life, and suddenly someone takes a vote and says you will no longer be able to use a spinning rod, you must use a casting rod. How would you accept that if you were strictly a spinning rod user?

Not very good I bet LOL

As for my vote. I live in the US, I speak English. I drink my liquids by the ounce ( I don't drink, so I am talking milk and what not) eat my food by the ounce or pound. measure my distances and lengths in feet and inches or fractions of an inch, and weigh my fish in pounds and ounces. The metric system is for the other guys LOL

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: John DeMartini (---.inf6.spectrum.com)
Date: August 11, 2022 07:44PM


I got your back.


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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: August 11, 2022 08:00PM

Thanks John !!! lol

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Ron Weber (---)
Date: August 11, 2022 08:08PM

And I have both of you's back Can you imaging 1/4 mile or 1320 drag racing called 402.336 meter racing?

Ron Weber

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Glenn Knepprath (---)
Date: August 11, 2022 09:40PM

Where can you purchase a metric tape measure I cant even find one in the hardware stores around my area?

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.44.66.72.res-cmts.leh.ptd.net)
Date: August 11, 2022 09:49PM

Do it the easy way, 12 points in a pica, 6 picas in an inch, Lol

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: August 11, 2022 10:43PM

We wouldn't want to use a system that is derived from the natural world and is the same everywhere, all the time. It's more fun to have multiple values for a pound, barrel, ton, gallons, etc. to remember and use. it's much easier to understand my horse is fourteen three tall than to use metric tape measure.

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Steve Chontos (---.delta.com)
Date: August 11, 2022 11:25PM

I'm gonna fight the change til the end or the end of me, which ever comes first.


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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Mark Talmo (---)
Date: August 11, 2022 11:58PM

Thanks for the multiple replies = very interesting.The first few seemed to condone the Metric system (as expected) but the following replies seem to favor the Inch system (not expected). Maybe it is just circumstance, but I find it odd and unlike expected; maybe there is more resistance in converting to the Metric system than I imagined.
To stress again, there is not a ‘RIGHT OR WRONG” answer to the USA converting to the Metric system. But both sides have valid defenses and offenses!!! I am just “stirring-the-pot” to see what comes to the top; I am here to learn.

Mark Talmo

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: John DeMartini (---.inf6.spectrum.com)
Date: August 12, 2022 12:24AM

The forum is intended to share information and help folks solve problems related to rod crafting, so I fail to see how my countries measurement standards or the inclusion or lack of the metric system would make me or anyone else a better craftsman.
so to me this discussion is not relevant.

The US system has been around more than just decades its been around for well over 200 years and has done quite well with it. Americas' response to the 1975 Metric Conversion Act seems to support that philosophy..

Also, I do not see how going metric will simplify inventory for hardware stores because today we are still using and maintaining US standard equipment made hundreds of years ago and we will using and maintaining today's US standard equipment hundreds of years from now. The inventory structure will still exist it will just reverse itself, it will shift to less SAE to more METRIC components.

As far as Americas' "falling behind" because US does not "adhere to the Imperial system of measurement", is off base, the real reasons are social and political and by no means pertinent to this forum.

For those who feel the metric system is the only way go I support, encourage and respect your choice but don't try to force it on me or others who are not interested in changing.

A world wide standardized metrology system would make global collaboration on joint projects more effective. BUT, change will not be easy nor instant and again these debates also belong in another circle.

In summation you do your thing I'll do mine.we get together drink beer, go fishing and........HAVE FUN!

Mark, I posted my response before I read your last post, so I am compelled to add my response.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/12/2022 12:55AM by John DeMartini.

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Ron Weber (---)
Date: August 12, 2022 07:12AM

You go John, I totally agree. I thing Mark and Phil are roomies

Ron Weber

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: David Baylor (---.neo.res.rr.com)
Date: August 12, 2022 08:42AM

"We wouldn't want to use a system that is derived from the natural world and is the same everywhere, all the time"

Spencer? Just what system would this be?

It sure isn't either of the two systems being talked about here.

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Chris Catignani (---)
Date: August 12, 2022 12:07PM

John DeMartini Wrote:
> The forum is intended to share information and
> help folks solve problems related to rod crafting,
> so I fail to see how my countries measurement
> standards or the inclusion or lack of the metric
> system would make me or anyone else a better
> craftsman.

I have spent countless hours moving guides and measuring the distance between guides.
This distance between guides follows a steady progression.
When I converted this process to metric...the task became exponentially easier.
You could have a measure of 4 cm. You could also call it 1-5/16 inches.
But if you call it 1.574803 inches you just converted it to base 10. (metric is base 10)

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: David Baylor (---.neo.res.rr.com)
Date: August 12, 2022 01:00PM

LOL Dang it Lynn ....

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: John DeMartini (---.inf6.spectrum.com)
Date: August 12, 2022 01:19PM


I am glad the metric system works best for you.

Folks who have mastered fractions have no problem using them.

I also wrote "For those who feel the metric system is the only way go I support, encourage and respect your choice but don't try to force it on me or others who are not interested in changing."

I got your message and there is a 1/64th chance that I will convert.

Have Fun


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/12/2022 01:34PM by John DeMartini.

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Re: Measuring; Metric vs US / Imperial / SAE
Posted by: Chris Catignani (---)
Date: August 12, 2022 01:41PM

John DeMartini Wrote:

> I got your message and there is a 1/64th chance
> that I will convert.

For those that have problems with fractions...that .015625 chance John will convert.

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