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Swampland Notice
Posted by: Bill Stevens (---.br.br.cox.net)
Date: March 12, 2013 08:57AM

Succesful Show Season ends with a bang. Lance Dupre was involved in an unfortunate vehicle accident on Interstate 10 near Crowley, Louisiana late Sunday night while returning from the Houston Fishing Show. A high gust of wind struck his trailer and the truck hydroplaned during a violent storm. Lance was able maintain control of his truck after hitting both side rails of the Interstate with his trailer. Lance was not injured, The trailer is a total loss. Lance is trying to return telephone calls and will be restoring his inventory and start shipping orders on Monday March 18, 2013. Thank all of you for your patience until Lance can get organized and back to work shipping orders. I was following him and he was quite fortunate save his truck and not have any serious injury.

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Re: Swampland Notice
Posted by: Steve Cox (---.client.mchsi.com)
Date: March 12, 2013 10:02AM

Wow! Sorry to hear about the wreck. Happy to hear nobody was hurt.

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Re: Swampland Notice
Posted by: Jay Lancaster (---.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
Date: March 12, 2013 12:22PM

Hate to hear that, Mr. Bill. Glad he's ok.

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Re: Swampland Notice
Posted by: Ellis Mendiola (---.hsd1.tx.comcast.net)
Date: March 12, 2013 01:12PM

Knowing Lance he'll come back stronger than ever. Thanks for letting us know, Bill. It was great seeing you two again.

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Re: Swampland Notice
Posted by: Col Chaseling (101.174.54.---)
Date: March 12, 2013 02:58PM

Hi Bill,
I'm pleased no one was injured. Was great to meet you both and Rachael at the Expo. Please pass on my regards to Lance and I hope everything works out ok.

Port Kembla, NSW

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Re: Swampland Notice
Posted by: Scott Backholm (---.uscg.mil)
Date: March 12, 2013 03:06PM

Wishing Lance the best.

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Re: Swampland Notice
Posted by: kevin knox (---.baybroadband.net)
Date: March 12, 2013 04:16PM


Kevin Knox

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Re: Swampland Notice
Posted by: Jim Rippe (---.pools.spcsdns.net)
Date: March 12, 2013 06:57PM

Happy to know Lance is ok. The trailer can be replaced.

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Re: Swampland Notice
Posted by: Lou Auret (204.16.161.---)
Date: March 13, 2013 08:56AM

Bill, that is horrible, glad Lance is OK.

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Re: Swampland Notice
Posted by: Duane Richards (---.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
Date: March 13, 2013 11:46AM

Best to you guys, good job Lance in keeping that rig on the road.

Glad to hear you are "ok" and doing well Lance.


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Re: Swampland Notice
Posted by: Lance Dupre (---.lightspeed.nworla.sbcglobal.net)
Date: March 14, 2013 12:35AM

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. It was a very close call and I'm very fortunate to be here. The shop is almost back in order and I should have everyone's order that was placed while I was in Houston out by Friday.

I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding. It means a lot to me.

Thanks again,


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Re: Swampland Notice
Posted by: Billy Vivona (---.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 14, 2013 08:50AM

Glad to hear you're OK Lance! Now get back to work

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Re: Swampland Notice
Posted by: Steven Paris (---.dsl.louisacomm.net)
Date: March 14, 2013 09:31AM

wow...glad to hear you are ok and thanks for taking the time to text me back....not sure if it was before the incident or after.

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