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Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: Mo Yang (---.static.rvsd.ca.charter.com)
Date: November 09, 2011 09:37PM

Many of you know that I'm quite weight sensitive. All that cheesecake....:)

Anyways, a while ago I searched for some lightweight burn cork or any cork that's darker than regular cork for accenting. Never did find anything less than double the weight of regular cork.

Anyone know of the lightest weight burnt, speckled or brown color cork?

The heaviest are the stuff that is rubberized. Many times heavier than cork. The lighter stuff seem to be mashed up cork that's been reconstituted with some type of adhesive. Appreciate any help.


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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---.war.clearwire-wmx.net)
Date: November 09, 2011 09:45PM

If I remember right Syncork is similar in weight to cork, but has bonding problems on grips not built on the blank itself.

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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: bill boettcher (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: November 09, 2011 10:34PM

You keep worrying about weight like this and you are going to give yourself a Hart Attack


Bill - willierods.com

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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: Mo Yang (---.static.rvsd.ca.charter.com)
Date: November 09, 2011 10:46PM

Spencer. yes, Syncork is really nothing like cork at all except in name. Adhesion is a challenge.

Bill - loosing weight is good for my heart...:)


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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: Phil Erickson (---.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net)
Date: November 09, 2011 11:04PM

Burnt or speckled cork has to be held together by an adhesive so it naturally going to be heavier the plain cork. Worrying about the slight amount of weight in an accent (most likely in the grip area) seems unproductive!

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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: Mike Barkley (---.nap.wideopenwest.com)
Date: November 10, 2011 12:06AM

Over bore the grip and insert a foam arbor in it with just a shell of the cork on the outside!!!!

Mike (Southgate, MI)
If I don't want to, I don't have to and nobody can make me (except my wife) cuz I'm RETIRED!!

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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: roger wilson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: November 10, 2011 12:25AM

The cork is the same weight. But the heavy part of the other types of glued together cork is the adhesive. Basically, the adhesive is rubber, which is many times heavier than cork.


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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: Bill Eshelman (---.skylan.net)
Date: November 10, 2011 06:30AM


the weight savings will be very minimal.

i think you should keep pushing the issue.

Who knows what you may come up with

This is how ideas come to life and every little bit helps.

Give Mikes idea a try it should be a little lighter.


Ohio Rod Builders

Canton, Ohio

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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: bill boettcher (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: November 10, 2011 07:55AM

If it is going on a butt handle it may just help to balance the rod

Bill - willierods.com

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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: Eric MONTACLAIR (---.credit-agricole.fr)
Date: November 10, 2011 09:11AM

Bill Eshelman Wrote:

> the weight savings will be very minimal.

It depend of number off ring used.

A standard size Rubberized cork ring can weight 9gr and a cork ring ils less than one grm.

So if you put 3 rubberized cork ring in a grip (instead of 3 cork ring) you end up with a grip heavier by 24gr (near one ounce).
Not as minimal as that.


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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: November 10, 2011 09:16AM

Interesting that Mike would bring that up - the next issue of RodMaker tackles that very issue and coring a grip can reduce overall weight by up to 2/3rds of what the un-cored version weighs.


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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: roger wilson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: November 10, 2011 01:10PM

I have to agree with you on this one.
I few years ago, I built up a trolling rod and used all rubberized cork for the handle. . It was a long handle with a long rear grip and also a long fore grip.

What a club, it turned into. Very very very heavy. A couple of years later, I was so upset with the rod that I cut off the handle, and reel seat.
I then just used EVA for both the rear as well as the fore grip. What a difference. It tuned a terribleinto ihto a wonderful rod.

I think that for either rubberized or burled cork, the best use for these rings is for trim only, where you might be using one or two rings for the entire rod. Then, they form a nice accent, with not too much weight gain.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/10/2011 01:17PM by roger wilson.

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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: john timberlake (---.triad.res.rr.com)
Date: November 10, 2011 01:24PM

use a cork veneer over foam or anything. mar krutz had some really nice cork veneer and i am sure you can get it in burnt

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Re: Lightest weight burnt cork.
Posted by: Joaquim Loureiro (---.netvisao.pt)
Date: November 15, 2011 05:47PM

Mr. Mo,

My company produces a model that meets your needs and which is lighter, the ring is natural cork with a special burnt tratment ofcourse isn't so dark like the burl burnt disc but the weight is less than 3gr size 1.1/4 x 1/2 x1/4 hole.

the disc is DECOR model 13.

Joaquim Loureiro
Mar Ktruz Lda

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