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Writing on blanks
Posted by: Mark Pearson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: January 01, 2010 04:23PM

I would like to start hand writing rod information on the rods I build. Things like the customer name, rod weight, line weight, etc. Does anyone have any information as to what type of material I need to get started? What type of ink to use. What is the best type of pen. Is there a particular letterstyle I should use?

Thanks for the help.

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: Raymond Adams (---.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
Date: January 01, 2010 04:51PM

I like the pen found here.

Raymond Adams
Eventually, all things merge, and a river runs through it..

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: Barry Thomas Sr (---.hsd1.nj.comcast.net)
Date: January 01, 2010 04:59PM

Try here - [www.flexcoat.com]

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: Barry Thomas Sr (---.hsd1.nj.comcast.net)
Date: January 01, 2010 04:59PM

Try here - [www.flexcoat.com]

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: Alfonso Uy (---.home.cgocable.net)
Date: January 01, 2010 05:00PM

I use Hunt caligraphy pen nibs (#512 for my thick letters, #107 for medium, & 104 for fine) and Testors Enamel Paint as ink (#1146 Silver & #1144 Metallic Gold). I clean my nibs with acetone and I found out that it melts the Speedball handles so I made my own handles using scrap blanks.

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: Bob Balcombe (---.dyn.centurytel.net)
Date: January 01, 2010 07:32PM

I use quill nibs in 3 sizes, extra fine, fine and medium. I use, India ink, Testors model paint and Acrylic paints.. You may have to thin the Acrlics. No matter what medium you use, You will have to practice and practice. Also vary I lightly scuff just the area I write on. Let it dry 24 hours, when done cover the writing with one coat of CP, cover in just one direction. (Do not apply back & forth)

Good Wraps Bob

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: Victor Heal (---.gdrpmi.dsl-w.verizon.net)
Date: January 01, 2010 08:21PM

I use the quill nibs like Bob. Occasionally I use testors but most of the time I use acrilyic ink. Winsor and Newton is the brand tat works best for me. Check your local hobby store. I don't CP mine just scuff, write, dry with hair dryer for a few min's then finish. With practice you can write pretty small. I even sign ice rods.


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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: Andrew White (---.ks.ks.cox.net)
Date: January 01, 2010 08:33PM

Have you ever tried decals (slip on or water slide)? The reason I ask is that I spent a ton of time trying to write pretty inscriptions on rods--never could do more than a mediocre job. But, then I tried ordering custom water slide decals from one of the sponsors. WOW--it really made the job look professional. And, they're pretty cheap.

So, if you've tried the decals and are looking for something a bit more personal, good luck with writing on a rod. It takes quite a bit of practice and the right pen(s). But, if you're just looking for the best way (and most professional way) to include all the information, then I would say to definitely try decals.

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: Bob Balcombe (---.dyn.centurytel.net)
Date: January 01, 2010 08:43PM

I agree with Andrew for signatures on Water Slide paper, but when it comes to rod numbers that is a different story

Good Wraps Bob

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: John Van Emmerik (---.dsl.renocs.sbcglobal.net)
Date: January 01, 2010 08:52PM

I've been using a crow quill pen with Windsor Newton and calligraphy inks. These inks are water based and can be thinned easily and mistakes can be wiped off with a wet paper towel.
I can write directly on the blank without scuffing using slightly thinned ink and achieve fine line writing that looks very nice . You can apply finish directly over the inscription without any worries about smearing the ink.

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: Terry Turner (---.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
Date: January 01, 2010 09:08PM

Some people use gel pens, but I find them to be too thick for me. I also use the same pen and nib that Raymond suggested, with silver ink. I've not tried the testors paint as ink but it should work fine.

It's also important to have the blank stable on a flat surface so you can write as close to the same level as you would on a piece of paper. The Flexcoat video does a good job of demonstrating this. Note he does it before the guides are put on.


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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: bill boettcher (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: January 02, 2010 08:01AM

For decals check out Decal Connection on the left.

Bill - willierods.com

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: David Rogers (---.pn.at.cox.net)
Date: January 02, 2010 09:53AM

You can try this as well....quick, inexpensive, and totally custom everytime. As an added bonus, my penmanship is perfect. You can also scan in a signature or picture, or anything else an put it on the rod.



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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: George Forster (---.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
Date: January 02, 2010 11:34AM

Try it the way Flex Coat shows on their tutorial. Worked great for me.

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: Bob Balcombe (---.dyn.centurytel.net)
Date: January 02, 2010 04:32PM

The FC is a excellent tool. In any case what you need to do is practice, practice and practice on the fonts you like. May I suggest you get a book on fonts construction

Good Wraps Bob

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: Gary Henderson (---.mco.bellsouth.net)
Date: January 02, 2010 04:45PM

Personally, I'm a fan of the pen and inks carried my Jann's Netcraft (on the left).

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Re: Writing on blanks
Posted by: Jon Bial (---.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
Date: January 04, 2010 02:38AM

One of our ARB applicants, Matt Davis of Otterods, did such a fine job of writing on the blank that Gary Loomis called him to ask what he used. Maybe Matt will weigh in here.


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