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Turning wood inserts for reel seats
Posted by: Bill Hickey (---.static.twtelecom.net)
Date: September 14, 2008 09:11PM

I was wondering if there are any books or published data on how to turn your own reel seats available. Looking for the type of book that would take you from A to Z, like some of the rod building books that are out there. I'm thinking about buying a lathe this fall and getting some turning stock to make my own inserts for my flyrods. Thanks for any help you may have. Bill

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Re: Turning wood inserts for reel seats
Posted by: Duane Richards (---.rn.hr.cox.net)
Date: September 14, 2008 09:14PM


Lamar has a DVD that will suit you just fine on lathe use. [fishsticks4u.com] has it listed for sale in the books/dvd section.


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Re: Turning wood inserts for reel seats
Posted by: Jeff Shafer (---.airproducts.com)
Date: September 15, 2008 12:34PM

Turning your own reel seat inserts is a great way to add another personal touch to your fly rods. There are many interesting types of wood to select from. During this past year I’ve gone through what you're about to go through – select a lathe and tools, and start turning wood. I found that lathe tool selection and the wood turning steps are fairly easy to learn. Since I’m something of a perfectionist, and expect that things I build should maintain their appearance and last a long time, I have spent a lot of time experimenting with wood finishes and technique.

The simple process of turning wood to a specific unfinished diameter is pretty straightforward. As you know, your finished diameter will be specific to the reel seat hardware you use. Depending on how you apply your selected finish, sand, and polish will determine the unfinished diameter you start with. As you experience success (and failure) take a lot of notes. Replicating success isn’t automatic.

Good luck, and feel free to ask questions.

Jeff Shafer

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/16/2008 12:19PM by Jeff Shafer.

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Re: Turning wood inserts for reel seats
Posted by: Russ Pollack (---.org)
Date: September 15, 2008 06:18PM

Andy Dear's DVD about this shows and discusses everything you could want about doing this - as you said, from A to Z. If you do what he shows in there, you will turn out beautiful pieces that will seriously enhance your rods.

Be aware that you can of course buy pre-finished inserts or various kinds of wood or other material, aolready fitted to skeleton seats of various sizes. However, I haven't seen one yet that can match what you see when you take the time to learn how to do this (see Jeff's post, above) so that the process of creating an insert includes selecting your wood, turning it, and finishing it.

I currently have a matched set of three pure teak inserts drying in our shop, after initial sanding an application of two coats of teak oil. The customer picked a really nice block of teak (as opposed to all the pre-finished stuff we showed him) and I think he already knew what it was gonna look like in the end. These three pieces are within 1mm of each other in all dimensions - when the three rods are donbe, they will be perfectly matched, as well as any stocks on a mathced pair of fine shotguns. The colors will compliment the cork grips, which will have a patina on them from a fine-sanded coat of Cork Seal, almost perfectly. As they age, they will take on the natural look of weathered teak, and will be refinished about once a year as an additional service to the customer.

I wish you could see this setup in the "raw" condition". Yes, there's a pride of workmanship involved, and I don't apologize for it, not even one bit. This is what the customer wanted, expected, and was willing to pay for. With a little time, patience, and practice, you'll end up with some stuff in your hand that will be, truly, "custom".

Uncle Russ
Calico Creek Rods

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Re: Turning wood inserts for reel seats
Posted by: Bill Hickey (---.nycap.res.rr.com)
Date: September 15, 2008 07:04PM

Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to buy the DVD that Andy has made. As for Russ and Jeff, I am looking to do exactly what you folks are doing with with your own reelseats, without seeing them. I think we are on the same page as far as creating something that has much more curb appeal than what you can buy on the open market. Plus its always nice to say to a potential customer when they ask about who do you get your inserts from, I can reply, Me. Thanks again for the help.

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Re: Turning wood inserts for reel seats
Posted by: Jeffrey Van Zandt (64.186.113.---)
Date: September 16, 2008 03:32PM

Hi Bill one of the best ways to do fly rod reel seats is with pen trunning mandrils and vise ect all can be gotten from Lee Vally tools is you need any help or have any questions just e mail us at kayaonekaya@yahoo.com it is easy and fast and you can do some realy nice seats much better then the off the shelf seats God Bless Jeff Rhonda and Kaya net pup

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Re: Turning wood inserts for reel seats
Posted by: Dave Loren (---.prov.east.verizon.net)
Date: September 16, 2008 07:11PM

Man,now you guys got me wanting to make my own seats on top of the custom grips. I really want to thank everyone who shares info here!! Bill I'll be rite behind you on that purchase. Mr. Dear has great mandrels for grips also.

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Re: Turning wood inserts for reel seats
Posted by: Mike Barkley (---.try.wideopenwest.com)
Date: September 16, 2008 08:11PM


Can you either unhide your e-mail or shoot me an e-mail at mbarkley@wowway.com

Mike (Southgate, MI)
If I don't want to, I don't have to and nobody can make me (except my wife) cuz I'm RETIRED!!

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Re: Turning wood inserts for reel seats
Posted by: Dave Loren (---.prvdri.east.verizon.net)
Date: September 17, 2008 09:45AM

Mike, My e-mail is now available. Did not realize it was hidden.

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