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Thanks Billy. Couple of questions....
Posted by: Burton Short (---.bankofamerica.com)
Date: February 25, 2008 09:45AM

Billy it was great meeting you at the show this year. Thanks for convincing me to try out the fish scale wrap and walking me through it with the visual wrap software. After reading your book most things are fairly clear but I still have a few questions I was hoping you could help out with. These are probably pretty dumb but this is my first attempt.

1. Do you have to have the foregrip on the rod before you begin the wrap? Since this is a surf rod and I will be using cork tape I was thinking that I could put the wrap on and then put cork tape on up to the wrap.

2. How do you mark out your intersect points? I tried the china marker and couldn't get the dots exact enough. I then tried thread but when I wrapped over them they moved and I had to keep moving them back. Any other suggestions?

The messurements for the wrap area are Diameter: tip - 69mm, center - 70.5, butt - 72 and the wrap area is 300mm long. For the fishscale pattern that I'm doing I was thinking that I wanted fairly small scales and so I would need to work off of 8 axis.

4. How many wraps of Madera will cover 1mm? I think I've seen someone post that before but couldn't find it. I'm trying to figure out the fade pattern so I am trying to see how many wraps I will get in each box.

5. Anything else that you can think of that I might want to look out for? do the number of axis seem to be too many?

I'm still trying to figure out how to calculate the intersect point measurements and will probably come back to you with some questions. In the book you have the intersect broken down for a 4 axis wrap and I think it is just a matter of continuing the progression to get to 8 so I will see how that works.

Thanks again for the quick lesson, it was great finally putting a face with a name.

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Re: Thanks Billy. Couple of questions....
Posted by: William Bartlett (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: February 25, 2008 10:43PM


I can't speak to the rest of your questions Billy will have to tackle that. But as for marking your intersect points, you may try a white out pen or a sharp probe to scratch a small dot / mark. Just make sure that you only penetrate the rod finish and don't go into the blank itself.

Bill in WV

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Re: Thanks Billy. Couple of questions....
Posted by: Billy Vivona (207.10.148.---)
Date: February 26, 2008 08:43AM

Burton, you're killing me, lol. I'm still in the hotel lobby as I type this, I'll answer your Q's when I get back home and settled in.

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Re: Thanks Billy. Couple of questions....
Posted by: Burton Short (---.bankofamerica.com)
Date: February 26, 2008 02:20PM

Thanks Bill. I'll try and find a whiteout pen.

Billy, sorry for hitting you with questions so soon. Take some time and get rested from the big week. I'm not in too much of a hurry.

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