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magnifying goose neck lamp with light
Posted by: Coach Bagby (---.gnt.com)
Date: January 30, 2002 07:25PM

I saw a set up at a rod builder's place and he had one of the goose neck type lights that had a magnifying lense with a light. I have looked for this and cannot find them. Another set up I saw, was the light with a magnifying lens on an arm that had springs to hold it in place as it was moved from point to point as you were wrapping a rod.
Any suppliers have any such animal?

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Re: magnifying goose neck lamp with light
Posted by: Kelly Verge (---.pn.at.cox.net)
Date: January 30, 2002 07:38PM

I've seen the spring/arm light at both Office Depot and Office Max. Around $40 if I remember right.

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Re: magnifying goose neck lamp with light
Posted by: Eddie Hinote (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: January 30, 2002 08:35PM

Orvis has the goose neck combination light/magnifying glass for fly tying vices. I use it for my rods and I like it. Being Orvis it was on the pricey side. E..

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Re: magnifying goose neck lamp with light
Posted by: Ellis Mendiola (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: January 30, 2002 09:02PM

I bought one at an office supply store also. Mine is not a goose neck, it is the spring arm type. It came with a clamp that the arm fits into but was not stable. I drilled a hole on my rod table and stuck the part that fits into the clamp right into the hole. It is now stable but it takes some getting use to it due to the magnification. I use it mostly when I am packing threads on a wrap.

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Re: magnifying goose neck lamp with light
Posted by: Ken Andrewlavage (---.mis.prserv.net)
Date: January 30, 2002 09:35PM

Cabelas has them as well as your art supply shops.

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Re: magnifying goose neck lamp with light
Posted by: Dave Joseph (---.dial.bright.net)
Date: January 30, 2002 09:50PM

Hey Coach! I have magnifiers for you! Go to www.mcmaster-carr.com. It is a giant industrial supply house that has been around for a long time. A huge inventory of tools and products that us guys find very cool. Click on the search bar on the left of the page and type in "magnifiers" and you will find about every type of magnifier known to man."Warning" this site is addictive. Seriously, they have a lot of stuff. I ran across a headband magnifier some years back at a garage sale and have used it ever since while wrapping rods. They are very light and comfortable and don't cost much. They come in a various focal ranges. To figure what range you need just measure the distance from your eyes to the rod at a normal comfortable wrapping position and get a magnifier where that distance is in the center of the focal range. These things are great. They don't clutter your work area, they flip up, and they work over any pair of glasses. Some are available with a light that goes wherever your head is pointed. Most of them also have a extra jewelers loupe attached for some very good close up stuff. The really great thing is they go where you head goes, and you won't have to be re-positioning an arm type magnifier to get from one end of blank to the other.

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Re: magnifying goose neck lamp with light
Posted by: Coach Bagby (---.gnt.com)
Date: January 30, 2002 10:10PM


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Re: magnifying goose neck lamp with light
Posted by: Barry Thomas Sr (---.ocean2.eticomm.net)
Date: January 30, 2002 10:40PM

Coach; I have the spring-arm light and i made a slide block that slides on the backsplash of my bench. It has 2 bolys with large threaded handlesto lock it in position

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Re: magnifying goose neck lamp with light
Posted by: Larry Thomas (4.40.159.---)
Date: January 31, 2002 10:15AM

You can also drill holes the size of those on the end of the spring arm at different locations on your work table. You don't have to fool with the clamp and you can locate it anywhere.

If you can, go for stay away from the household light bulbs. They get hot. Get one that will hold a florescent bulb.

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Re: magnifying goose neck lamp with light
Posted by: Steve Emmert (---.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net)
Date: January 31, 2002 10:08PM

This company has a very wide selection:



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