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Another KR concept question
Posted by: Josh Freeseman (206.85.179.---)
Date: March 17, 2024 10:58AM

I am using the KR Guide placement software, using a 3000 spool and 6-10lb braid, it spits out 16H, 8H, 5.5M. and the following spacing, 19", 10.72", 7.93". If I want to upsize to the 20H, 10H, 5.5M reduction train, should i use the spacing numbers for the 16H shown previously? or should I edit my reel/line inputs until the software spits out a 20H reduction train? For reference, doing this gives the following spacing: 21", 11.07", 8.38".

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Re: Another KR concept question
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: March 17, 2024 11:27AM

If you want to use the 20H, 10H, 5.5M reduction guide group because you might at some time be using heavier line, or a larger reel on the rod, then use the spacing given for the 20H guide group. And while I am pretty sure you could use the spacing for the 16K guide group with the 20H guide group, if you're using the 6 - 10# braid you mention, why would you want to do that?

If you want to use the 20H guide group because it makes the rod more versatile, then use the spacing the software calls out for that group of guides.

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Re: Another KR concept question
Posted by: Josh Freeseman (206.85.179.---)
Date: March 17, 2024 12:25PM

Thanks David

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Re: Another KR concept question
Posted by: Michael Danek (---.alma.mi.frontiernet.net)
Date: March 17, 2024 01:53PM

To get the software to recommend the 20-10-5.5 up the line pound test until it gives the 20. Use that spacing. Since the heights of the guides are not exactly the same different spacing will be called out.

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Re: Another KR concept question
Posted by: Chris Rosell (---)
Date: March 18, 2024 08:08AM

I have been watching some other posts and thoughts, one thing pointed out was the type of braid being used. The newer PE braids are super supple and I believe one may be able to get away with placing the guides further out.

Rod Builds are getting so technique specific it is difficult to get them to that epitome performance levels using different lines and styles of fishing. I have always been trying to push for more than one useful purpose, most of the time a particular build has one thing it likes to do more.

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Re: Another KR concept question
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: March 18, 2024 01:01PM

If you space the guides further out than you are just going back to the older concepts, the GPS system is supposed to reduce the big guide's mass and place them further back on the rod for better balance and leave the rest of the rod to light, small, line flow controlling guides. Before you do though, take that reel and line and put it on your lightest powered casting rod and go test cast it, you are now testing about the worst-case scenario there is, how did it do? How did it balance? Now this is where your baseline should start on rod performance, balance, etc., a place where everything thereafter can be measured by, the above appears to be picking at the edges.

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