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Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Miles Miller (---.googlefiber.net)
Date: June 16, 2023 08:24PM

Hey everyone, I'm looking to build a 5'6" spinning rod to replace one built in the past. The one I'm using now is a CRB561L through Mudhole. The blank is lacking the action I prefer for the baits I throw, the power isn't the issue it's just the action. I throw for largemouth, smallmouth and sometimes crappie on a bobber rig with minnow. Senkos, flukes, small top water frogs(1/5-1/4oz), bitsy tube, and stuff similar to these, and on 10lb braid.

So I am going assume that if I increase my blank action, the power is going increase a smidge, as well? The CRB blank flexes ALL the way down through the cork handle and reel seat during a cast. Cork is 5", reel seat is standard. I like the softness of the rod, but I am missing fish on hooksets, and would honestly just prefer more backbone. I feel like increasing the action that's at the base of the rod now, up higher 20-30% would be more ideal for me. It would solve my problem of missing hooksets(mainly on frogs really), and also give me the preferred action and crispness I like in a rod.

I would like to keep price under $100 for the blank, and some opinions on this rig is really just what im looking for. Thanks!

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: June 16, 2023 09:24PM

Action is not power and power is not action. Action is where the rod initially flexes.The more tip oriented the rod is, the faster the action.

Now keep in mind that ALL rods will flex into the lower area if you apply enough load to them. So what you want to determine is where the blank flexes at the outset. If the rod you have now is flexing into the handle simply on a cast, then it is indeed a slow action. So look for something faster. The power does not necessarily have to increase.

As far as missing hooksets, you might also consider a longer rod.That gives you more sweep and line speed on the hookset.


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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: June 16, 2023 11:33PM

Have you looked at blanks like the Liberty DS560-1? Get Bit has a diversified selection, talk to them about your needs.

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Miles Miller (---)
Date: June 17, 2023 08:41AM

Yes, Tom. You and I are on the same page, I tried to explain it the best I could but we are both in agreement. I have to get to work but I will try to comment tonight. Thank you!

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Joe Vanfossen (50.41.6.---)
Date: June 17, 2023 09:22AM

Miles, that CRB blank is fine for a little float fishing and maybe tossing some small open hook jigs (I use them with my wife and kids like this), but for anything where T-rigged with the hook laying on the side of the bait like a fluke or small topwater frog, that blank just does not have the power to set the hook.

While in grad school, we had a great small river flowing through town. I kept a Rainshadow SB720-4 pack rod in my car, and it was an excellent rod for walking the river fishing the same types of lures you are using as well as the occasional slip float. It has a good bit more power than the CRB blank, but it's a very versatile little rod and caught me a ton of smallmouth. I would highly recommend it or the one piece version SB720. For something a little less powerful, I bet the 5'9" light powered blank in the RX7 Revelation series would be nice as well or an MHX SJ720.

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Miles Miller (---)
Date: June 17, 2023 01:00PM

Joe I'm happy you chimed in, cause you addressed my main concern with the CRB blank that I'm having. I looked at the SB720 and the SJ720 blank, but I couldn't find the 5'9" blank you mentioned. The SJ720 seems the most appealing to me so far. It has the slate/natural color I prefer and the video they provide sounds like it will be a good match for what I want. And Joe you HAVE had the CRB in hand and fished it from what it sounds like right? Cause that helps me out a lot knowing you have experience with the blank in question.

If you think the SJ720 will have the attributes I'm looking for, then I'm probably gonna go that route.

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Michael Tarr (---)
Date: June 17, 2023 02:32PM

This is one of my favorite blanks for “all purpose”

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Michael Tarr (---)
Date: June 17, 2023 02:34PM

I’m currently building the Bass series 6’8 version.

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: June 17, 2023 03:03PM

The SB 720-4 is way stiffer than your rod in every way, stiff compared to others in that same weight class. I recommended what I did because of your self-imposed restrictions in length. Get Bit is well aware of many company's products, the Rod Geeks blank is a lighter side crankbait blank, I own the original St. Croix version in 7 ft. not my idea of a crappie rod, frogs are a notoriously low hookup ratio lure to begin with.

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Joe Vanfossen (50.41.6.---)
Date: June 18, 2023 07:19PM

Miles, as mentioned, the SB720-4 is significantly more powerful than the CRB blank. I brought it up, because it makes for a great smallmouth stream rod. I like to fish finesse versions of typical power fishing lures. Think 4" worms with 1/8oz weights, 1/8oz buzz baits and spinnerbaits, jigs with grubs and tubes up to 1/8oz weights with tubes and 1/4oz with grubs, 1/8oz jig-n-pig, smaller soft jerk baits, etc. The 720-4 handles it all very well, but does fish more like a ML powered bass rod with a wee bit softer tip.

The CRB, I really only like for open hook lures and live bait. It just doesn't have any power in the butt. The initial flex starts a few inches further down the blank than I would expect and then bends all the way to the grip without much power in the butt. It's a nice blank for its price, but not one that is technique specific.

Something like the SJ720, I think may be along the lines of what you are looking for. I haven't built on that one yet. I'm still waiting on the right excuse (I'm just been too happy with most of my personal rods for a good while now). What you can expect from a spin jig blank is a soft tip that results in a very fast action, a mid section that is a little soft allowing them to handle treble hook lures in the lower powers pretty well, and a fairly powerful butt. I believe they were intended for vertical jigging initially, but are very versatile rods. It should be very much what you are looking for in terms of power and action. That said, I think it may still struggle just a bit with T-rigged (Texposed) lures and things like frogs, but will be a vast improvement over what you are fishing now.

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Kendall Cikanek (---)
Date: June 18, 2023 10:49PM

Michael Tarr Wrote:
> This is one of my favorite blanks for “all
> purpose”

I have to agree. I can’t think of a better all purpose choice than the SCIV66MMF. I don’t own another 6’6” rod that will outcast it. It pins and holds fish very well. It functions okay with a wide range of techniques and baits. I built mine as a baitcaster and it is more my canoe rod now as I prefer longer rods when practical. Still, the 6’6” has less portability and site limitations than do 7’ to 8’ rods. For a one rod freshwater quiver, it’s got to be up there.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/18/2023 10:58PM by Kendall Cikanek.

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Michael Tarr (---)
Date: June 19, 2023 05:51PM

It cast light lures and doesn’t fell wimpy. Winner in my book!

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: June 19, 2023 07:59PM

Here's the thing .......You can effectively fish opened hook baits on a rod that fishes a Texas rigged bait effectively. But you may not be able to fish Texas rigged baits on a rod that fishes open hooked baits well.

As Tom pointed out earlier. a 5'6" rod doesn't move a lot of line on a Texas rig snap type hook set. The braided line is going to help some, but it isn't going to help that much if your rod is under powered. Not with that short of a rod.

I personally would err on the side of more power. I'd be looking for something in a medium light. I've built on one Revelation blank. The REVS68ML. I built a casting rod with my blank, and it casts light baits very well. With you building it as a spinning rod. No doubt it would cast the lure weights you're speaking of. They sell a 6'2" version. Might be one for you to give some consideration to.

As far as the mentioned weight of the frogs that might be fished. At 1/5 - 1/4 oz weights, I can't imagine them being a double hooked hollow body frog. To my knowledge they haven't made anything like that in years. Gotta be a small popper or a a frog with paddle foot legs that you just reel. And while you still need some power with those paddle feet , it's not like the power you'd need if you were talking a standard double hook hollow body.

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: chris c nash (---.atmc.net)
Date: June 19, 2023 09:03PM

I love the Rod Geeks stuff , very very happy with their performance and feel .

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Miles Miller (---)
Date: November 07, 2023 06:49AM

So kinda got busy with life, but I am hoping to make an order for this build after friday, so doing some more looking into it this week! I am thinking of going with a 6ft rod, or maybe a 5'10"(cutting down probably a 6' or 6'6" blank from the BASE of the blank). My idea behind this, is it will help with hook set/aid with the power I've been missing. Plus a 6' rod would be better for my boat fishing, which I will use this for with ned rig, senko, fluke, etc.

I have looked at the blanks people have suggested, right now I am looking at 3 blanks,
I am leaning towards the 752, and snipping the bottom 3-4" to make it 5'11" or 6".

Ordering through Mudhole had been great for me. Get Bit is excellent as well, and I will be surfing their site at some point today. I will bw using PacBay minima guides(its what I've been using and don't have any real complaints), and I don't believe Get Bit carries them. I have to get into work but thanks for all the help and I will talk to everyone here soon!

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: roger wilson (---)
Date: November 07, 2023 09:35AM

For boat fishing, unless you are in a kyak, some extra length normally works to your advantage.

Go with a 6'3" 6'8" or 6'10" -- with no nipping on the length.

If you are just fishing over the side of the boat with little to no casting, then a shorter length may be to your advantage, but if you have any casting at all; the additional length will be to your advantage.

Also, consider the purchase of one of Batson's rain shadow blanks. Pretty tough to beat them for overall performance.

Best wishes .

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Michael Danek (---.alma.mi.frontiernet.net)
Date: November 07, 2023 11:46AM

I agree with Roger. I used to use the short light power rods and after going longer have never gone back. Better casting, better handling of the fish, better hook sets.

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: November 07, 2023 07:56PM

5 months, I would think Miles long ago made his blank choice.

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Alex Weissman (---)
Date: November 11, 2023 10:29PM

I'm using a Rainshadow Immortal 6'2" extra fast walleye blank. IMMWS62MXF-TC. It'll do everything you specify very well. I usually use either 6 lb mono or 10 lb braid with a 6 lb leader.

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Re: Blank Suggestion
Posted by: Miles Miller (---)
Date: November 12, 2023 10:27AM

So I'm gonna go with the MXH CS722 blank. Thank you everyone for the input, given the variables I'm aiming to address I feel this rod will be fun to fish! This is replacing my main rod, which I use in many different situations(boat, kayak, bank fishing in the woods where there is nothing but brush surrounding you so it's hard to cast) with many different baits(Ned rid, senko, fluke, bitsy tube, smallish hollow body frogs). There are so many blanks/suggestions to work with it can be mind boggling!

But again, thank you to everyone for the input! We have a great community here and I will tell you guys how it turns out!

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