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Re: reel seat location
Posted by: Bob Foster (205.234.62.---)
Date: March 13, 2023 01:48PM

For my own casting rods I measure from the center of my palm to my elbow and subtract 1 to 2 inches. So my rods end up 10 or 11 inches from center of the palmed reel to the end of the fighting butt or rear grip. This length allows me to trap the butt between my forearm and my ribs if required also.

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Re: reel seat location
Posted by: El Bolinger (50.233.0.---)
Date: March 13, 2023 01:55PM

I think I'm just gonna glue my next spinning seat right on the edge of the butt and hope I don't catch any big fish

Bob I like that concept, I'm going to compare that measurement to just holding a rod and seeing where I like the feel of where it lands.

Building rods in MA, Building the community around the world

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Re: reel seat location
Posted by: Matt Ruggie (71.230.42.---)
Date: March 13, 2023 02:15PM

Just use one of these...true custom, fully adjustable, and I can garentee these reel seats are 140% more sensitive than something

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Re: reel seat location
Posted by: Matt Ruggie (---.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
Date: March 13, 2023 02:18PM

What you posted originally was a great starting point and advice.

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Re: reel seat location
Posted by: Rob Carey (---)
Date: March 13, 2023 02:33PM

I also let the blank tell me where to put the seat. On some of the fast actions, I don't want the handle too long and make it more moderate in action.

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Re: reel seat location
Posted by: Dennis Danku (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 13, 2023 02:52PM

I never use a tape measure when deciding where a real seat should be. A white China Marker is all I need to layout the grips and realseat. If I were to copy to a file, then I would measure my layout and transfer to paper. We all don't wear size 40 short.

Dennis J. Danku

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2023 02:55PM by Dennis Danku.

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Re: reel seat location
Posted by: El Bolinger (---.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 13, 2023 02:56PM

Matt that actually made me laugh out loud

That is certainly quite the interesting concept, I'm especially interested in why they don't allow music, or are they making it clear that this is not a musical instrument haha

Building rods in MA, Building the community around the world

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Re: reel seat location
Posted by: Matt Ruggie (---.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
Date: March 13, 2023 03:57PM

Haha. I must of hit my volume button when taking tje screen shot. Drill a few holes in it it might make an ok flute who knows lol

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Re: reel seat location
Posted by: Rick Sankey (---.comm1bulkdns.net)
Date: March 13, 2023 10:49PM

Hey guys
I learned a lot on the topic I was asking about. A lot of good input. I was able to talk with my customer today. We will get together and I will get the reel seat positioned on the blank to his liking.
Once again never disappointed when asking for help on this site. I've built quite a few rods but always learning and visit this site daily as I'm a sponge. Never to old to learn.
Thanks again

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