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Thread art "twill woven" pattern
Posted by: Marco Cellini (---.51-185.alenia.it)
Date: February 08, 2023 06:58AM

Hi all,
I'm building a spinning rod using the Lamiglas Texalium tube as a handle.
I'd like to make a simple thread artwork (about 10 cm over the foregrip) to follow the pattern of the texalium tube (twill woven).
Can anyone help me by suggesting a simple scheme (2 colors) to follow or where can I find appropriate information on the net?

Thank you for your support
Marco Cellini

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Re: Thread art "twill woven" pattern
Posted by: Mark Talmo (---)
Date: February 08, 2023 10:33PM

You are asking for quite a bit! I certainly do not have any suggestions, but Maybe Rich Forhan has some “Magic Wand” recommendations.

Mark Talmo

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Re: Thread art "twill woven" pattern
Posted by: Marco Cellini (---.51-185.alenia.it)
Date: February 09, 2023 03:25AM

Mark Talmo Wrote:
> Marco,
> You are asking for quite a bit! I certainly do not
> have any suggestions, but Maybe Rich Forhan has
> some “Magic Wand” recommendations.

Thank you Mark.

Thank you for your support
Marco Cellini

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Re: Thread art "twill woven" pattern
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: February 09, 2023 09:08AM

What you have is just a pattern based on multiple axis. Very simple to do.


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Re: Thread art "twill woven" pattern
Posted by: Marco Cellini (---.15-151.wind.it)
Date: February 09, 2023 12:17PM

Thanks Tom, could you please provide me some contact/link where I can get instructions to do this? I'm sorry but I'm a beginner with the practice of thrad art.

Thank you for your support
Marco Cellini

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Re: Thread art "twill woven" pattern
Posted by: Michael Ward (---)
Date: February 09, 2023 12:28PM

I’m assuming you want to mimic something like this?

I would do this as a multi-axis chevron wrapped in bands of thread. To get the best effect you’d need to do at least 8, but most likely more axis which would be a bit challenging to keep up with when wrapping - but you’re also likely to only be doing a couple colors and wrapping in bands. By wrapping in bands I mean wrapping multiple threads at a time - say 3-5.

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Re: Thread art "twill woven" pattern
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: February 09, 2023 12:36PM

Michael has given you the simple answer.


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Re: Thread art "twill woven" pattern
Posted by: Michael Ward (---.atlagax1.pop.starlinkisp.net)
Date: February 09, 2023 12:37PM

If you’re going to get into the world of decorative wraps I’d recommend Billy Vivona’s book “Decorative Wraps” - covers the fundamentals and foundations and info / patterns for more complex wraps.

A chevron is the most basic - just crossing of threads on one direction down the blank. What wi make this a bit more complex is the need to space it so it “closes” - where he threads you’re wrapping meet ones you started earlier - and then doing this on a large number of axis around the blank.

I definitely also recommend you get or make a “butt alignment jig” and a circle template to mark your blank, and then use the spacing to mark your starting cross points.

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Re: Thread art "twill woven" pattern
Posted by: Marco Cellini (---.15-151.wind.it)
Date: February 09, 2023 01:42PM

Yes Michael, you assuming well !
OK, I'll start to study.

Thank you for your support
Marco Cellini

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2023 01:44PM by Marco Cellini.

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