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o-rings as a spacer?
Posted by: Zachary guyach (---.hsd1.wv.comcast.net)
Date: March 02, 2022 12:20PM

Any issues with epoxying o-rings as a permanent spacer?



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2022 06:46PM by Zachary guyach.

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Re: o-rings as a spacer?
Posted by: Les Cline (---)
Date: March 02, 2022 01:37PM

Hey! That looks like a solution!

The O-rings stay flexible to not pinch the blank under a load (not likely on the butt end - but could also use on the fore end), and they seem to have the perfect diameter to center your trim piece! The O-rings are also stretchy so they can slide down over a taper with no fuss.

I have used a piece of foam arbor in the same application many times, but admittedly, when doing it by hand, the results can be a hair off-center. Can do a better job on the exact O.D. with the lathe, but I still have to hand ream the I.D.

Nice! Great photos, btw.

Not sure how well the O-ring will wet out with thread epoxy, but if it does, it will look sweet! Could test finish on a dowel or old blank.

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Re: o-rings as a spacer?
Posted by: Lance Schreckenbach (---.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net)
Date: March 02, 2022 01:37PM

You may want to see how the rubber reacts to the solvents you are using to clean up. I would coat them and the winding check with with epoxy. I don't think you should have a problem because there are rubber winding checks and there is nothing wrong with them. It doesn't look bad either.

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Re: o-rings as a spacer?
Posted by: Zachary guyach (---)
Date: March 02, 2022 02:15PM

Thanks for the replies. I really don't want to coat the winding check with thread epoxy if I don't have to. I'll test this out first but I planned on grip epoxying the winding check in place, then standing the rod up vertical while carefully filling up the hole that is shown in picture 2 with high build epoxy.

The only issue I'll have is when doing the rear grip winding check since the rod will be vertical the other way up. I'll have to figure out a way to hang the rod from my ceiling or something.

Or I may just use grip epoxy or 5 min epoxy on everything and leave the gap visible between the blank and winding check ID

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Re: o-rings as a spacer?
Posted by: Michael Danek (---.alma.mi.frontiernet.net)
Date: March 02, 2022 04:00PM

If you do coat the check with epoxy you will have a classy, totally encapsulated , black "line" on the rod that seems to me to make sense visually. The epoxy can be made to form a nice filet. Being totally encapsulated the check will not deteriorate, at least I've never had one do so, and I do a lot of rods with rubber/vinyl checks, totally encapsulated.

For O rings I would wash them with alcohol to remove any possible mold release that might have been used in their manufacture.

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Re: o-rings as a spacer?
Posted by: Norman Miller (---)
Date: March 02, 2022 04:03PM

It looks good!

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Re: o-rings as a spacer?
Posted by: Robert A. Guist (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: March 02, 2022 04:14PM

Hello Zachary.

If your "O" Ring is to big you can use one of those little rubber winding checks under your metal check, it works good too.

Tight Wraps & Tighter Lines.


New Bern, NC.

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Re: o-rings as a spacer?
Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.44.66.72.res-cmts.leh.ptd.net)
Date: March 02, 2022 08:57PM

I've had o-rings break down and crack in the past, just from exposure to the atmosphere.

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Re: o-rings as a spacer?
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: March 02, 2022 08:58PM

Vulcanized rubbers do very well with alcohols. O rings can be selected in a huge amount of materials and colors.

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Re: o-rings as a spacer?
Posted by: Joe Vanfossen (131.123.51.---)
Date: March 03, 2022 08:21AM

I'll echo Lynn's comment. I've used them in the past, and left exposed, they will dry rod and crack when exposed. The ones I've tucked inside the front end of a reel seat on rod with no fore grip are in good shape after a decade or more covered by epoxy.

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