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Alps MVT Toray trigger reel seat
Posted by: Josh Olney (---.twcny.res.rr.com)
Date: February 02, 2021 06:01AM

Hello all,

I am looking for some info on how to size this reel seat. It comes in various sizes.


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Re: Alps MVT Toray trigger reel seat
Posted by: Joe Vanfossen (---.net.kent.edu)
Date: February 02, 2021 08:31AM

Since it is an exposed blank seat, you choose the inside diameter that is closest to the outside diameter of the blank where the reel seat will be. It's best to err on the side of the seat being slightly smaller in ID and reaming for a final fit than it is to get one with an ID that is too big that results in a sloppy fit. I haven't worked with the Alps MVT, but since it actually contains carbon fiber, I suspect that it is a bit more difficult to ream than the normal graphite colored plastic seats, so I wouldn't plan on reaming more than 0.5 to 1 mm at most.

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Re: Alps MVT Toray trigger reel seat
Posted by: David DeBruhl (---.res.spectrum.com)
Date: February 02, 2021 08:49AM

Exactly what Joe said. Buy the size closest to the OD of where the seat will sit. Order on the small size and ream if needed. I have used the MVT Toray and the Tex Touch almost exclusively. Having the locking nut gives the added security of your reel not loosening and with the lower profile of the reel seat, this aligns well with the way I palm a reel. The MVT Toray with the cutout puts you in direct contact with the blank. These also have a good ergonomic feel for my hands.

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Re: Alps MVT Toray trigger reel seat
Posted by: Derick Jahnke (---)
Date: February 02, 2021 09:57AM

IIRC after speaking with thr Gal at Utmost and doing the install on rod recently, the insert on the reelseat makes the fitment a bit more difficult....I would not buy a size smaller on that one....just make sure you are measuring roughly where the cutout would be.

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Re: Alps MVT Toray trigger reel seat
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: February 02, 2021 05:31PM

The MVT seats are sized at the front of the reel seat, so you need to determine what the diameter of the blank is going to be at the end of the threaded barrel. As far as reaming the seat and the insert goes, Reaming the insert has only caused me a problem one time, and that was because the insert wasn't epoxied into the reel seat, I contacted Batson to let them know, and was told that it should have been. Epoxying it in was no problem though. I will say that the reamer I use is one I built out of an old section of a blank, and I have 120 grit strip on it instead of the more coarse grit reamers I use for reaming grips n such.

Anyhow, they are IMO the best casting reel seat on the market. I don't know if they're any more sensitive than other similar fit to the blank reel seats, but I think they're the sharpest looking. I have them on 7 rods, and have used them exclusively ever since I got my first one.

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Re: Alps MVT Toray trigger reel seat
Posted by: Robert Ford (---)
Date: February 02, 2021 06:25PM

I have gotten nothing but compliments on mine.

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Re: Alps MVT Toray trigger reel seat
Posted by: Derick Jahnke (---)
Date: February 02, 2021 10:24PM

Oh yea I love that reel seat. Fits my hand well and feels like an extention of the blank. I wasn't aware that the measurements were taken from the Front of the seat. Good information for my next build.

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Re: Alps MVT Toray trigger reel seat
Posted by: Tom Wewerka (---.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net)
Date: February 07, 2021 07:15PM

Once you put that MVT reel seat on a blank and show it to a customer it is a done deal no matter the cost. I have used them since first introduced and they are without a doubt the best of the best. You can ream them with no issues and I have done so on many occasions

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Re: Alps MVT Toray trigger reel seat
Posted by: Rick Shaffer (67.213.20.---)
Date: December 17, 2022 10:49AM

Fot David Baylor, Tom Wewerka and/or others......Getting ready to install Alps MVT Toray casting reel seat and my insert was not pre-epoxied into the reel seat....What can/should you use to epoxy the insert in place???? Should I epoxy the insert into reel seat first OR epoxy the insert onto the blank where it is going to be positioned and then install reel seat??? Thanks in advance.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2022 10:51AM by Rick Shaffer.

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Re: Alps MVT Toray trigger reel seat
Posted by: Michael Ward (---.atlagax1.pop.starlinkisp.net)
Date: December 17, 2022 04:20PM

I’ve done both. Sometimes I’ll epoxy the insert and let it setup and then put the assembly onto the blank - other times I’ll just do it all at once. Works fine either way. Be sure to carefully clean up the epoxy that may likely find its way through the side openings of the seat that the insert will cover and then around the bottom
Blank opening

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Re: Alps MVT Toray trigger reel seat
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: December 17, 2022 07:24PM

Rick, when I have found the need to glue in the insert, I have always glued it in and let it set up, before I reamed it. I just feel better about doing it that way.

As far as what I used to glue it in. I use 10 minute U 40 Rod Bond. I may go to a little far in the way I do it though. I will put the insert in and then trace the exposed portion of the insert with a white China marker, and then take it back out and use a green 3M pad to scuff the surfaces that won't be exposed. Once done doing that I clean the insert with isoproply alcohol, wipe dry and then apply epoxy to the inside of the reel seat. Slide in the insert, and if needed turn it until it looks good, and then let it set up. I let it dry overnight just to ensure that any heat generated when reaming isn't going to cause the insert to spin in the seat.

So far, so good.

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