nternet gathering place for custom rod builders
  • Custom Rod Builders - This message board is provided for your use by the sponsors listed on the left side of the page. Feel free to post any question, answers or topics related in any way to custom building. When purchasing products please remember those who sponsor this board.

  • Manufacturers and Vendors - Only board sponsors are permitted and encouraged to promote and advertise products on the board. You may become a sponsor for a nominal fee. It is the sponsor fees that pay for this message board.

  • Rules - Rod building is a decent and rewarding craft. Those who participate in it are assumed to be civilized individuals who are kind and considerate in their dealings with others. Please respond to others in the same fashion in which you would like to be responded to. Registration IS NOW required in order to post. You must include your actual First and Last name and a correct email address when registering or posting. Posts which are inflammatory, insulting, or that fail to include a proper name and email address will be removed and the persons responsible will be barred from further participation.

    Registration is now required in order to post. You must include your actual First and Last name and a correct email address when registering or posting.

2025 ICRBE
Custom Rod Symbol
Common Cents System
American Grips Piscari
American Tackle
Anglers Rsrc - Fuji
BackCreek Custom Rods
HNL Rod Blanks–CTS
Custom Fly Grips LLC
Decal Connection
EPSON Decal Printers
Flex Coat Co.
Get Bit Outdoors
HFF Custom Rods
Janns Netcraft
Mudhole Custom Tackle
MHX Rod Blanks
North Fork Composites
Palmarius Rods
REC Components
RodBuilders Warehouse
RodHouse France
RodMaker Magazine
Schneiders Rod Shop
SeaGuide Corp.
Stryker Rods & Blanks
The Rod Room
The FlySpoke Shop
Utmost Enterprises
VooDoo Rods

Posting notice
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (---.dialinx.net)
Date: November 21, 2001 01:36PM

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Since Rodbuilding.org's inception, we have asked that you use an actual name in your postings to this board (see the rules above). I know that my moderators have been contacting some of you about this and we seem to be getting more and more people who are using handles alone.

I am asking that you use an actual name either on your post, or at the bottom of your posted message. I do realize this will upset some people, but considering that we do not ask you to register or make any personal information available to us that this is a very small thing to ask. I hate to even bring it up, but it is easier to take care of these things at the outset rather than later on after it has become widespread. I have your IP address on my administrative page and know who you are, but no one else does. What most public forum internet message boards have found, is that when people use their name rather than a handle, they tend to be much more civil and refrain from doing things they do not want associated with their name. Nobody here is being accused of that sort of thing and I know that some of you go by a nickname or handle just for fun, but this is a rule we're going to stick by. I don't think it's too much to ask. Sorry if that offends anyone.

The rules also ask you to use a valid email address. I know from my administrative page than many of you access this site while at work and thus use one of the free email services. That is fine, as long as it is a valid address.

Again, RodBuilding.org can't please everybody, but I am doing what I can to make it a place that is informative and agreeable to the majority. Thanks.

Tom Kirkman

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Re: Posting notice
Posted by: Angelo Randaci (192.223.163.---)
Date: November 21, 2001 02:11PM

And your doing a great job! Thanks,

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Re: Posting notice
Posted by: Sean Tate (216.161.55.---)
Date: November 21, 2001 04:25PM

This is the best bb on this topic I have ever found - keep it up and you'll always have my support.

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