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What is a good thread finish for low build, keeping the 'satin' look?
Posted by: Anthony Unger (---.15.236.249.res-cmts.ovr.ptd.net)
Date: January 27, 2019 01:38AM

Hi guys,

not sure what to use here... Im using CP thread, so i have that nice satin look, wraps look georgeous... Id love to preserve that look.. The wraps are black with metallic silver tape spaced into 3 bars with the black, and 2 red trim bands on either side..

I dont really have a whole lot of permagloss left, and this things a 10' surf with a fast taper.. In other words, im up to almost 75-80 yrs of thread.. And have 1 more guide and tip to finish yet..

I ran a test, i put a quick wrap spaced over the matallic tape finished with Hitena thread coat, and another with permagloss.. I personally prefer the gloss.. And so does everyone else apparently... Out of 15 people 14 chose the gloss.. However.. Wouldnt 1 coat of gloss be no where near enough for thread coat?

And since this is a salt rod, how the heck would i get the gloss down in the guide tunnels to protect against corrosion.. Or isnt that a comcern? Im not to experienced with surf rods.. In fact ive never been surf fishing lol..

I was tossing the idea around about using a varnish, but never used the stuff ever...

Does anyone have a suggestion? Or product that would help keep the 'no coating' look?

The rod is a 10' graphite fast taper... has a name stamped 'the Angler' 'no.975 10', it has a furrule for the removable 2' wooden handle, witch also has wraps to match the guides... I have glossed the blank. My brother spray varninshed the handle..

*While im at it, anyone know a good way to bring the shine back to a rubber butt cap? Its dull, and has a little white here and there...


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Re: What is a good thread finish for low build, keeping the 'satin' look?
Posted by: roger wilson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: January 27, 2019 09:10AM

If you want a satin look, use talc, mixed in the right proportion with your favorite thread epoxy.

Do not do it for the first time on the rod in question. Rather, experiment with various amounts of talc to get the look you want and do the testing on an old broken rod so you get the final result. It won't take much talc to get the satin look that you want.

It is never an issue to get the finish down into the tunnels of the guide feet. Just use a touch of heat after application to thin the finish as thin as water and the finish will flow nicely into the tunnels.

Again - do not use heat the first time on the rod you want to complete. Rather do some wraps on an old broken rod and get familiar with the amount of heat needed to just get the finish flowing without overheating the finish.

With respect to the butt cap, use armor all on the cap and it will shine as much as you want.

However, with respect to the satin look:
You have indicated that everything else on the rod has a nice shine. I would just personally coat the thread wraps with your favorite thread finish and enjoy the rod. Everything would match and everyone would love it.

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Re: What is a good thread finish for low build, keeping the 'satin' look?
Posted by: Anthony Unger (---.15.236.249.res-cmts.ovr.ptd.net)
Date: January 27, 2019 11:37AM

You are right, the finish would work either matte, or gloss... But im trying to preserve a look without reducing durability, functionality, and longevity of the finish.. For example spar varnish passed my thought.. But about 5 or so years needing a recoat wont work for this one.. Plus i want clear..

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Re: What is a good thread finish for low build, keeping the 'satin' look?
Posted by: Norman Miller (---.lightspeed.jcsnms.sbcglobal.net)
Date: January 27, 2019 12:14PM

I have never tried applying Permagloss directly over NoCP thread or regular thread coated with CP. Permagloss does soak into regular thread and because it is so thin requires multiple coats to get the proper build depth. However, CP treated thread or NoCP thread prevent epoxy finish from penetrating the thread, thus no color change. In your case, CP coated thread or NoCP thread may also prevent the PG from penetrating the thread and thus may require fewer coats of PG to get the depth you want. It probably worth your time to experiment with this to see if you get the results you want. However, It seems like you have already tried this and got good results. If you don’t think one coat is not enough give it another coat or two. Permagloss cures very quickly and you can recoat within 30 min. I also think Permagloss is harder and more durable than epoxy finishes, so I don’t think hardness and durability is an issue. If you don’t like what you get then just give the wraps a final coat of epoxy finish.
I agree with Roger that Armor All will work to shine up your rubber butt cap.

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Re: What is a good thread finish for low build, keeping the 'satin' look?
Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.97.252.156.res-cmts.leh.ptd.net)
Date: January 27, 2019 04:23PM

I have a rod here wrapped with nocp thread and 3 coats of my favorite moisture curing urethane (no epoxy) that you can see if you wish. Also have a full bottle of said urethane I'd be willing to share as a little goes a long way. Let me know. Don't use the Armor All till everything else is done. Keep it away from your rodbuilding stuff.

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Re: What is a good thread finish for low build, keeping the 'satin' look?
Posted by: Anthony Unger (---.sub-174-201-6.myvzw.com)
Date: January 27, 2019 06:50PM

Copy that lynn... I may take you up on that show and tell... Im glossing it..

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Re: What is a good thread finish for low build, keeping the 'satin' look?
Posted by: Phil Erickson (---.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net)
Date: January 27, 2019 07:00PM

Perma Gloss will give you the finish your looking for.

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Re: What is a good thread finish for low build, keeping the 'satin' look?
Posted by: Anthony Unger (---.15.236.249.res-cmts.ovr.ptd.net)
Date: January 27, 2019 08:25PM

I know.. I was just worried about the guides not being sealed from salt, gloss is so thin you cant get any build out of it.. I know thats the whole point of glossing, but guide protection from corrosion is more important then looks.. Even though he said hes never going to use it, just make it a display rod.. But that doesnt mean his kid wont 15 years from now...

Norm suggested using a needle to wick the tunnels, drop by drop.. And i am blown away at how well that worked.. I never expected permagloss to wick that well.. They are completly sealed.. And for the record, color fast thread obsorbs gloss very well

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Re: What is a good thread finish for low build, keeping the 'satin' look?
Posted by: Anthony Unger (---.15.236.249.res-cmts.ovr.ptd.net)
Date: January 29, 2019 01:29PM

Just wanted to finalize this thread.. I put 2 coats down, ran out of gloss would ha e liked to use 3 but it turned out very well.. The 3rd would have been for aesthetics, as the first and second coat fully soaked and sealed everything nicely.. The client was ecstatic.. He couldnt believe what i did with what he gave me.. He was extremly happy with the results..

I couldnt see putting epoxy over those wraps.. Didnt feel right.. And it payed off.. Thank you guys for all the help, not only on this project, but in building in general.. I appreciate the knowledge more then you can ever know.. So thank you

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Re: What is a good thread finish for low build, keeping the 'satin' look?
Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.97.252.156.res-cmts.leh.ptd.net)
Date: January 29, 2019 07:14PM

Your'e doing some excellent work TJ.

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Re: What is a good thread finish for low build, keeping the 'satin' look?
Posted by: Anthony Unger (---.sub-174-201-15.myvzw.com)
Date: January 29, 2019 08:46PM

Thank you lynn.. Means alot

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