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Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: Paul Wood (---.columbus.res.rr.com)
Date: August 05, 2017 08:34PM

I do a lot of night fishing for cats...just wondering if anyone has tried this yet, and if it'll replace a glow stick?

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Re: Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
Date: August 06, 2017 01:07AM

If it's like the other glow threads it last about 45 minutes of so, than needs recharged.

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Re: Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: roger wilson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: August 06, 2017 06:14AM

If you want a really slick night fishing rods for cat fish, use a hollow fiberglass blank and then put a light and a battery in the butt of the rod blank.

The light will run up along the inside of the blank causing the blank to glow softly. However, when you get a bite, the rod will begin to bend and suddenly you will see the light dancing along the blank up and down in concert with the bends in the blank.

There was a rod builder in Idaho who was purchasing blanks from California and then adding the blank butt lighting. I have one of his blanks and it built up into a wonderful rod that I use for night fishing all of the time. In addition, the rod is heavy enough that it also makes the perfect sturgeon rod.

The cap for the battery case is the butt cap on the rod. As a result, I turn the butt cap counter clockwise to turn off the light, and turn it clockwise to turn off the light. Because I am not sure of the potential time interval between outings with this particular rod, I always remove the batteries from the rod when ever the rod is placed in storage. That way, if the non use happens to get extended, I don't have to worry about inside the blank battery case damage due to a leaky battery that can happen with any dry cell battery.

It is a very slick way to make an outstanding night fishing rod. Give it a try.

You just have to purchase a translucent blank through light will shine. Find one with the right action and power and you are off to making your own night fishing rod.

Good luck

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Re: Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: Matthew Pitrowski (---.lightspeed.milwwi.sbcglobal.net)
Date: August 06, 2017 09:26AM

nothing much glows for hours other than a stick light I have tried several different things and it has been the 1 hour mark at best for any thing to glow I even took the powder paint for jigs and mixed it in to finish and has a 6 inch tip coat and it to only glowed for about an hour, it seems the colder the temp the less time it glows.
Rodger s rod with the light inside is about the best think to be found if you want to invest the time and parts to make a night fishing rod that keeps on glowing.

The best day to be alive is always tomorrow !!
Think out side the box when all else fails !!!

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Re: Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: Tom Wewerka (---.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net)
Date: August 06, 2017 09:43AM

roger wilson Wrote:
> Paul,
> If you want a really slick night fishing rods for
> cat fish, use a hollow fiberglass blank and then
> put a light and a battery in the butt of the rod
> blank.
> The light will run up along the inside of the
> blank causing the blank to glow softly. However,
> when you get a bite, the rod will begin to bend
> and suddenly you will see the light dancing along
> the blank up and down in concert with the bends
> in the blank.
> There was a rod builder in Idaho who was
> purchasing blanks from California and then adding
> the blank butt lighting. I have one of his blanks
> and it built up into a wonderful rod that I use
> for night fishing all of the time. In addition,
> the rod is heavy enough that it also makes the
> perfect sturgeon rod.
> The cap for the battery case is the butt cap on
> the rod. As a result, I turn the butt cap counter
> clockwise to turn off the light, and turn it
> clockwise to turn off the light. Because I am
> not sure of the potential time interval between
> outings with this particular rod, I always remove
> the batteries from the rod when ever the rod is
> placed in storage. That way, if the non use
> happens to get extended, I don't have to worry
> about inside the blank battery case damage due to
> a leaky battery that can happen with any dry cell
> battery.
> It is a very slick way to make an outstanding
> night fishing rod. Give it a try.
> You just have to purchase a translucent blank
> through light will shine. Find one with the right
> action and power and you are off to making your
> own night fishing rod.
> Good luck

Roger that really sounds cool. Can you give a little more detail on how and what type of light so you put in the butt.


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Re: Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: joseph karow (---.res.bhn.net)
Date: August 06, 2017 11:54AM

Plus 2 , please more info on light bulb assembly. joe

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Re: Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: joseph karow (---.res.bhn.net)
Date: August 06, 2017 11:54AM

Plus 2 , please more info on light bulb assembly. joe

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Re: Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: roger wilson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: August 06, 2017 02:02PM

Since this rod was made a few years ago, the light is a simple 1.5 volt flash light bulb. The battery is a 1.5 volt AA battery.

I purchased the blank from the builder in Idaho, but I believe that he simply used the equivalent of a pen light flash light - such that the twist tightening end of the flash light forms the on/off switch for the light. Then, the pen light was simply glued into the end of the blank.

If I was doing it today, I would do the same thing, except I would use an LED light since the LED light would be much brighter with much lower current consumption.

Since it has always worked for me, I have never dug into the interior of the blank but I believe that the glued in pen light would be the overall design of the light.

I would guess that a current model led pen light similar to this one would work just fine:


The diameter of the light is .5 inches which would be about right to fit into the end of the blank that I use for this style night fishing.

But again, due to potential battery leakage over a long time, I would make a point to remove the battery for periods of long rod storage to avoid damage to the case of the light.

Take care

I suspect that it might take a bit to locate a transparent or translucent fiberglass blank on which to build such a rod. A couple of searches:



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2017 02:10PM by roger wilson.

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Re: Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: Tom Wewerka (---.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net)
Date: August 06, 2017 04:39PM

Thanks for the info Roger

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Re: Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
Date: August 06, 2017 04:43PM

Look back in the early years here and the gentleman in question left quite a bit of info. Don't remember his name, sorry. Use the search function.

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Re: Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: Terry Kirk (---.ks.ks.cox.net)
Date: August 06, 2017 06:21PM

A 12 volt blacklight would do the trick on almost any thread. Just set it behind your rods or in front of them. Would work from land or a boat.

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Re: Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: Victor Heal (107.77.253.---)
Date: August 07, 2017 08:09AM

Wylie Wiggins was the gentleman's name I believe.

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Re: Has anyone tried the new Glow Wrap?
Posted by: roger wilson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: August 07, 2017 03:25PM

Yes, you are correct. Wylie was the man.

Be safe

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