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Help with first cork grip
Posted by: Paul Wood (---.wireless.bright.net)
Date: March 15, 2017 08:03PM

I'm starting my fifth build and my first build with a cork grip, and purchased a St. Croix handle kit. I also purchased a set of Dream Reamers and a few FC pilot bits, and have the grips fitting nicely. The kit came with a tapered "plug", not a cap, and the diameter is larger than my blank (butt diameter is .44"). It's roughly 3/4" long, and tapers from about 3/4" to 5/8". I'm pretty convinced reaming isn't an option for this plug, so I'm considering either drilling the end to the diameter of the plug and allowing the epoxy to fill the taper, or drilling the end slightly smaller than the plug, tapping it snug while gluing, and sanding once set. Any thoughts or better ideas will be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Help with first cork grip
Posted by: Jeff Shafer (---.dyn.marcocable.net)
Date: March 15, 2017 09:30PM

I can't quite picture the fit you're trying to attain, but want to point out that cork doesn't stretch much. Be careful to not force the plug too much, the butt end if the grip might split.

"The greatest barrier to discovery is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge" - Daniel J. Boorstin

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Re: Help with first cork grip
Posted by: Paul Wood (---.wireless.bright.net)
Date: March 15, 2017 09:37PM

The kit I have is a St Croix HSK-4 if that helps, but thanks for that tip, Jeff...I was leaning toward tight fit and sanding. Any advice on drilling a short hole in a grip to accept a plug when a pilot bit won't work and I don't have a press?

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Re: Help with first cork grip
Posted by: Paul Wood (---.wireless.bright.net)
Date: March 15, 2017 09:37PM

The kit I have is a St Croix HSK-4 if that helps, but thanks for that tip, Jeff...I was leaning toward tight fit and sanding. Any advice on drilling a short hole in a grip to accept a plug when a pilot bit won't work and I don't have a press?

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Re: Help with first cork grip
Posted by: Jeff Shafer (---.dyn.marcocable.net)
Date: March 15, 2017 09:47PM

Any attempts I've made to drill cork freehand haven't resulted in a clean hole. When I drill holes in un-bored rings I always use my lathe. The result is acceptable, but only because the hole will be reamed larger after the rings have been glued.

"The greatest barrier to discovery is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge" - Daniel J. Boorstin

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Re: Help with first cork grip
Posted by: roger wilson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: March 15, 2017 10:21PM

When I have a cork grip with a hole in the butt cap of the rod, I finish it as follows:
1. I use a tapered reamer to cut a nice tapered hole in the end of the butt cap cork.
2. I either take an existing plug, or make a new cork plug that will be larger than the hole. Then, I take a very small drill bit, like about 3/32" and working from what will be the inside of the plug, insert the drill bit into the plug by about 1/4 inch.
3. If you work carefully, you can use this short drill bit handle inserted into a variable speed drill to spin the plug.
4. With the cork plug spinning, I hold it against a belt sander with about 100 grit paper on it, to sand a matching taper on the plug that matches the taper of the tapered hole in the end of the grip.
5. Then, I coat the inside of the hole and the outside of the plug with 5 minute epoxy and glue the plug in place.
6. After the glue has cured, I use a disk sander to sand the plug flush with the end of the butt cap.

this is the reamer that I use to run the tapered hole in the end of the cork grip. I generally remove the handle, and insert the reamer into the end of my 1/2 inch variable speed drill and quickly run the tapered hole into the end of the butt cap.


This is the sander that I made, based on an old well motor that spins at 3600 rpm. I had a disk made that screws onto the threads of the well motor. Then, I made a sanding base - with the purchase of a cross vise that is bolted to the motor base. With the use of the cross vise, I can clamp the rod handle in the vise, and then use the two screw levers to advance the butt cap to the spinning sanding disk and get a perfectly flat perpendicular end on the butt cap.


Take care

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Re: Help with first cork grip
Posted by: Paul Wood (---.wireless.bright.net)
Date: March 15, 2017 10:59PM

Roger...I think I understand what you're saying, but I'm pretty new to rod building language so please bear with me! You're suggesting I match the plug to the ream at the butt cap? If so, I know I have a little wiggle room to keep the grip solid, but should I focus on taking more material off of the plug, or out of the grip?

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Re: Help with first cork grip
Posted by: Norman Miller (---.lightspeed.jcsnms.sbcglobal.net)
Date: March 15, 2017 11:17PM

Since the plug has a larger diameter then the hole in your grip, the easiest thing to do is to taper sand the plug to fit the hole in the grip. Glue the fat end of the plug to a the end of a wooden dowel, using hot melt glue or 5 min epoxy. Chuck the dowel into a hand drill and gently sand while turning, make sure you taper the plug so when inserted into the hole it fits snugly with no gaps. The plug can be sliced off the dowel. When glueing the grip onto the blank extend the grip about a 1/2" past the end of the blank. The plug can be glued in place and when dry, sanded flush.

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Re: Help with first cork grip
Posted by: Roger Templon (---.aoo.pa.atlanticbb.net)
Date: March 16, 2017 06:07AM


i have used lots of the st. croix kits in the past. here's how i fit the plug. shave or slice a little off of the plug with a razor blade to fit. the plug doesn't have to be perfectly round. make it a little larger than the hole in the grip and force the plug in with your thumb. you will wan't a little of the plug left sticking out of the grip after gluing and pressing the plug in. slice the remainder of the plug with a razor blade and sand flush.


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Re: Help with first cork grip
Posted by: Paul Wood (---.wireless.bright.net)
Date: March 16, 2017 06:18PM

Thanks for the advice, guys. I think I'll try Roger's fix...It's what I have the tools for!

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