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thread epoxy
Posted by: Rick Elrod (184.63.184.---)
Date: March 08, 2017 07:52AM

I am finishing up my first build, a 6'9 casting rod with the KR concept guides. I applied the Pro Kote epoxy yesterday and am wondering if there is a need for a second coat. I wonder because I notice that one of my store bought rods of the same set up (Abu Villan) and size has a much "larger" build up of epoxy used from the factory. Thoughts please?

Rick Elrod

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Re: thread epoxy
Posted by: Thomas Kaufmann (107.77.85.---)
Date: March 08, 2017 08:07AM

As long as you have sufficient coverage for the threads and none are exposed why add the extra weight?

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Re: thread epoxy
Posted by: Donald La Mar (---.lightspeed.lsvlky.sbcglobal.net)
Date: March 08, 2017 08:12AM

Congratulations on your first build!

If you can neither see individual turns of thread nor feel turns of thread with a finger nail you are done, else apply another, thin coat of finish.

There is no virtue in a bulbous thread finish.

What flavor of ProKote are you using? General rule, with many exceptions, is the medium viscosity ProKote requires 2 applications while high build can cover with just one application. Again, many exceptions to the general rule.

Another general rule is the less and lighter stuff you put on a rod the better so as not to dampen sensitivity. Another coat of finish will add weight but the downside sensitivity loss could be minimal and trumped by aesthetics.

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Re: thread epoxy
Posted by: Rick Elrod (184.63.184.---)
Date: March 08, 2017 08:35AM

I am using whatever came in the original Mudhole kit. Based on above comments I believe that I am done. (sans decal which was not sent with blank) I will post a pic this evening. Overall I am happy with first attempt.

Rick Elrod

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Re: thread epoxy
Posted by: Donald La Mar (---.lightspeed.lsvlky.sbcglobal.net)
Date: March 08, 2017 08:48AM

Terrific. You have a few days (5) to apply another coat without sanding if you change your mind.

Take a look at the finished rods on this site, Google images of similar rods, inspect the finish on other factory rods at a retailer near you. It will help you get a feel for how much is enough.

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Re: thread epoxy
Posted by: Michael Danek (---.adr02.mskg.mi.frontiernet.net)
Date: March 08, 2017 09:53AM

Please consider one exception to the above: I would not recommend using some factory rods as an indicator since many use excessive finish resulting in "footballs." Unless you like footballs, then fine. If you have footballs you have more finish than necessary for proper function.

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Re: thread epoxy
Posted by: roger wilson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: March 08, 2017 10:57AM

Actually, if you want to apply another coat of rod finish, you can apply a 2nd coat any time that you want, as long as the first coat is not tacky.

If it has been a very long time, say several years between coats, you might want to scuff up the current finish a bit with a scotch brite pad for better adhesion.

I have built many many rods over the years. I have applied finish from one thin coat to multiple coats. But now, when I build a rod, I generally only apply one + coat of finish.

I use the term one + coat of finish, because as the first coat is drying and if I find a thin spot, I will add a touch of heat to thin the finish on that guide and add a touch more to fill in that spot. The slight heat lets the additional finish flow and fill with the rest of the first coat.

By using this method, when I am doing production runs of 10-20 rods at a time, I only have one extended drying period before I ship the rods. Thus, when doing production, it can cut a day out of the ship schedule for a big run of rods.

Take care

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Re: thread epoxy
Posted by: Chris Tulk (---.dsl.bell.ca)
Date: March 09, 2017 09:10AM

Hi Roger

What is the max time you would use your "one +" technique on a drying rod? I see thin spots all the time but I never touch th m because I always thought it was best to let it set then apply another coat?

I like your method though.

Thank You,

Chris Tulk

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Re: thread epoxy
Posted by: roger wilson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: March 09, 2017 04:44PM

10 minutes

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Re: thread epoxy
Posted by: Chris Tulk (184.151.190.---)
Date: March 09, 2017 08:54PM

Thank you!

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