nternet gathering place for custom rod builders
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    Registration is now required in order to post. You must include your actual First and Last name and a correct email address when registering or posting.

2025 ICRBE
Custom Rod Symbol
Common Cents System
American Grips Piscari
American Tackle
Anglers Rsrc - Fuji
BackCreek Custom Rods
HNL Rod Blanks–CTS
Custom Fly Grips LLC
Decal Connection
EPSON Decal Printers
Flex Coat Co.
Get Bit Outdoors
HFF Custom Rods
Janns Netcraft
Mudhole Custom Tackle
MHX Rod Blanks
North Fork Composites
Palmarius Rods
REC Components
RodBuilders Warehouse
RodHouse France
RodMaker Magazine
Schneiders Rod Shop
SeaGuide Corp.
Stryker Rods & Blanks
The Rod Room
The FlySpoke Shop
Utmost Enterprises
VooDoo Rods

2017 Expo
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: February 20, 2017 08:24AM

Easily the best ICRBE in our history. Best attendance, best weather, least amount of a problems (only one - I forgot to announce one seminar until it had already begun, but the attendees were on top of it and had already filled the room). I put a short video up on the Expo Facebook page that covers about 2/3rds of the aisles early on Saturday morning. I'll have more videos and photos going up later today and tomorrow. The level of craftsmanship found in the display rods was higher than I have seen in this craft in some 35+ years. Just a great time and if there is such a thing as a perfect Expo, this came pretty close to it.


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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: Brad Hetzel (---.nc.res.rr.com)
Date: February 20, 2017 04:17PM

I had a great time at the show this weekend seeing old friends and meeting new ones. This event is a must see for rod builders as you have the opportunity to meet the people and experience the best by far rod building components available In this industry. I had the opportunity this year to represent American Tackle as a ProStaff team member. One of the highlights for me was my fellow pro staff members autographed copy of his book Inspirations. Nuno Paulino has 15 of his rods captured along with Tom Kirkmans introduction in the book is another must have. Toms introduction really touched me as a rod builder in this business.

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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: Eric Hanson (---.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
Date: February 20, 2017 04:33PM

Do you happen to have the contact info of who was running the stand with all the Gudebrod thread?

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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: February 20, 2017 04:57PM

I know that Cork Fly Grips, LLC had some Gudebrod thread this past weekend.


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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: Trace Butkovich (107.77.97.---)
Date: February 20, 2017 07:47PM

How many people you figure showed up there

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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: February 20, 2017 08:48PM

We have to count the tickets but it will be around the usual 3000. Saturday is the big day, Sunday sees much less traffic but often greater sales. There were 678 two-day tickets sold. Still have to count the one-day tickets but they are always the majority by a wide margin.

There were 401 people at the RodMaker Reception.


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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: Trace Butkovich (107.77.97.---)
Date: February 21, 2017 01:13AM

O wow so it just keeps growing every year! Maybe one of these years if I'm lucky I'll get to attend.

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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: February 21, 2017 07:34AM

It grows a little bit each year, but the craft is only so large and thus the Expo can only become so big. Still, it is easily 10 times larger than all the other gatherings and rod building events, combined.


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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: Capt. Craig Freeman (---.coxfiber.net)
Date: February 21, 2017 10:26AM

Thanks for all your work in making the ICRBE happen Tom, I'm sure there is a lot more to it than what people think. I had a great time meeting and talking to folks. As always there were some innovating products on display. Can't wait to try out some of them.

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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: Ken Preston (---.opera-mini.net)
Date: February 21, 2017 02:25PM

I've now missed two in a row. Time to return to meet old friends & make new.

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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: keith corwin (---.dhcp.unas.mo.charter.com)
Date: February 21, 2017 04:00PM

We missed you Ken1

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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: Ken Preston (---.opera-mini.net)
Date: February 21, 2017 04:07PM

Not to toss cold water - been sort of out of sorts with lower back & hip "issues". Comes after a combination of age and doing silly things when I was younger ... airplanes were really not supposed to be jumped from.

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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: Mark Hahn (---.147.18.98.dynamic.ip.windstream.net)
Date: February 22, 2017 09:55AM

Enjoyed it immensely.

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Re: 2017 Expo
Posted by: eric zamora (---.lightspeed.frsnca.sbcglobal.net)
Date: February 26, 2017 12:05AM

I'm on the wrong side of the country. Congratulations on another successful year!


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