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Love, Hate & Test Wraps
Posted by: Donald La Mar (---.lightspeed.lsvlky.sbcglobal.net)
Date: January 16, 2017 08:55PM

I hate making test wraps. The only thing worse is preparing the feet of size 2/0 snake guides. Both are truly awful tasks.

The good news for test wraps is that it is more probable they will produce unexpected and pleasant surprises. Seems that every time I wrap on just one more color, just to see what might happen with no expectation it might be The Color to "pop", it is the color that pops. It just happened, again. Knew as soon as the epoxy wet the silk that I had just gotten lucky - got to love it when it happens.

The question is, who made the rule of unexpected results for test wraps? Why can't we simply and consistently make one or maybe two test wraps to confirm our educated evaluation of a pleasing color palette?

Maybe it's not a rule. Maybe it's a personal curse for all the really ugly things I've said about color preservers.

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Re: Love, Hate & Test Wraps
Posted by: Matthew Pitrowski (---.lightspeed.milwwi.sbcglobal.net)
Date: January 17, 2017 01:39AM

use a dermel with a cut off disc like a mini grinder

The best day to be alive is always tomorrow !!
Think out side the box when all else fails !!!

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Re: Love, Hate & Test Wraps
Posted by: roger wilson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: January 17, 2017 01:56AM

A couple of pictures of guide prep:


In addition, to hold snake guides, I use a square front pliers. With such a pair of pliers, easy to hold the snake guide against the belt sander to quickly prep the guide feet.


Look at the black flat nose pliers. This pair of pliers do an exceptional job to hold a snake guide for foot prep.

Take care

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Re: Love, Hate & Test Wraps
Posted by: Chuck Mills (---.grenergy.com)
Date: January 17, 2017 08:06AM

I got sick of test wraps so I wrapped a scrap blank with all my threads. I did two bands of each color thread about 1/4" apart, then I applied CP to one band. Then I finished the whole thing.

"Angling is extremely time consuming.
That's sort of the whole point." - Thomas McGuane

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Re: Love, Hate & Test Wraps
Posted by: John Shear (198.135.124.---)
Date: January 19, 2017 05:20PM

Chuck Mills Wrote:
> I got sick of test wraps so I wrapped a scrap
> blank with all my threads. I did two bands of
> each color thread about 1/4" apart, then I applied
> CP to one band. Then I finished the whole thing.


John Shear
Chippewa Falls, WI

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