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maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: Thomas Kaufmann (---.direcpc.com)
Date: June 28, 2015 12:01PM

So throughout the years I've done many extensions of a few inches up to a maximum of 8 inches on an ultra light project. I was just looking through the blanks that I have and noticed that I have quite a few 6 footers that if extended out to 7 foot would be pretty useful. They are MH All Star Blanks 12-25lb test IM10x blanks. I believe the model numbers are 726's.

My question is as follows; Is and extension that would bring the rod out to 7 foot too much? I would plan on using a 10" handle and of course the reel seat in front of that so the joint should be easily covered up. They will be built as casting rods.

Yes, I know that it would be easier to order 7 footers, but why not try something new? They are for me so if I pop one, so what. Let me know what you guys think.


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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: bill boettcher (---.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net)
Date: June 28, 2015 12:14PM

There is an artical in the Library section on extending rods upper right should be usefull

Bill - willierods.com

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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: Steve Gardner (---.nc.res.rr.com)
Date: June 28, 2015 12:41PM

The old stile flipping banks where often extended up to as much as 18-21 inches. the fact the joint is going to take place under the reel seat itself should serve to strengthen it. Unless you are using split grips

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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: John DeMartini (---.res.bhn.net)
Date: June 28, 2015 02:20PM


If you remember the old style pistol grip rods the blank was secured to the handle by the last inch or so of the blank. At that time it was "state of the art. With that in mind if the joint does not extend beyond the center of the reel seat you will have no problems. I agree with Steve when he wrote "the fact the joint is going to take place under the reel seat itself should serve to strengthen it"

Go for it and have fun.


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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: Randolph Ruwe (---.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
Date: June 28, 2015 02:29PM

I believe I would make sure the extension fit into the butt a minimum of 4".

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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: Thomas Kaufmann (---.direcpc.com)
Date: June 28, 2015 04:28PM

Bill, thanks for the reference. I had read that in the magazine when it came out however; I've not been to the library in quite some time and I see it has expanded enormously since my last visit..

Steve, I honestly hadn't even thought about that. I've still got a few of those flippers laying around and even have one of the All Stars collapsible blanks in the pile that I found ( it is their 6'10 model). Randolph, I will ensure that there is enough overlap, thank you for the suggestion.

Ok, all I have to do now is strip the blue off of the blank and get to it!!! Thanks again guys, I really appreciate it and this should be a fun rainy day project (supposed to rain tomorrow).


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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: bill boettcher (---.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net)
Date: June 28, 2015 04:37PM

All blanks have a release agent on the inside of them A good prep to get as much of that out will give a good or better bond when inserting the new piece

Bill - willierods.com

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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
Date: June 28, 2015 05:15PM

Lamiglas makes a 3 foot extension for their surf blank, or at least they did last I had a need for one. Got them from Angler's Workshop. I've extended blanks to 18 inches myself with no problems, blanks were 10-20 lb. line class and lighter.

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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: Russell Brunt (---.lightspeed.miamfl.sbcglobal.net)
Date: June 28, 2015 05:48PM

Always questioned....what is the difference between using a uni-butt and any other type of extension? Seems it is more a matter of rather or not the blank flexs there than amount of "overlap".

Russ in Hollywood, FL.

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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: John McCleish (---.nrflva.east.verizon.net)
Date: June 29, 2015 09:09AM

Thomas, this has been going on for over 50 years. Rod manufacturers would buy a blank, say 6' long. Then they would use an aluminum tube about 18" long and insert the rod into the tube. All you needed was about 3" of the rod into the tube. Now they could use the same blank and make a rod anywhere from 6' to 7'3" just by the amount of blank in the tube. It's a lot easier reaming a 3" arbor than a 16" handle. Then they would "ream" all their handles to 5/8" and glue them up. I just repaired a handle on one of these rods last week. Put a 5/8" bit in the lathe and reamed the handle perfectly in about 30 seconds. Easiest way to ream a 12 1/2" handle. And a perfect fit every time. They could have a thousand handles done and they would fit on any rod they made. So go for it. Extend it either way. It'll work just fine.


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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: Thomas Kaufmann (---.direcpc.com)
Date: June 29, 2015 09:52AM

Thanks guys, I appreciate all the advice. I have stripped the original blue coating off the blank and am taking a short coffee break and will begin the extension shortly. I am pretty excited to see how it all comes out.


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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: roger wilson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: June 29, 2015 02:32PM

I would try to keep the extension to be less than 10 feet.

By the way, there are pole extensions out there that allow the rod to run outboard from a boat by 10 feet or so, to get the rod and line away from the boat.

I personally would never have a rod held like this, but it does fill a tiny niche of folks that like to run their rods in this fashion.

Be safe

If you believe this, I do have big bridge in New York that if for sale.

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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: Ron Schneider (---.mid.dyn.suddenlink.net)
Date: June 29, 2015 05:53PM

One further thought, be sure that the "power" of the extension is at least as heavy as the original section you are extending.
And for durability, I like an "OD" mounted extension, unless the ID of the original blanks is substantial,
and put a wrap over that area to avoid and chance of a "split-out".

Best wishes,
Ron Schneider
Schneider's Rod Shop
Mountain Home, Arkansas

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Re: maximum length recommended for extension
Posted by: Thomas Kaufmann (---.direcpc.com)
Date: June 30, 2015 06:34PM


Thank you. I think that I am going to try and use some aluminum tubing on one and some graphite scrap that I have for the other. I will ensure that I wrap as well.


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