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Mud Hole Custom Tackle
Posted by: David Baylor (---.neo.res.rr.com)
Date: March 11, 2015 11:01AM

I just wanted to take an opportunity to publicly thank Jamie Alderman of Mud Hole for all he did for me concerning a recent order I had placed with Mud Hole. Being new to rod building and purchasing components to build those rods, I wasn't sure what to expect from suppliers if something unexpected were to come up in relationship with an order. I now know what to expect from Mud Hole, and that is outstanding customer service.

Jamie was very helpful with my inquiries both on the phone, and through e mails. In our conversations I described to Jamie the kind of characteristics I was looking for in a blank. I mentioned a specific blank and what I thought the on paper attributes of that blank would be, and he went out of his way to physically verify that the blank in question would fit my criteria. After him personally checking, I feel confident that I'll have a blank to work with that I can build a rod that will serve beautifully for its intended purpose.

This kind of customer service may seem expected to members of this web site, but I can assure you, it is not something I expected. I've been fishing a long time and have had to deal with several different manufacturers and suppliers concerning warranty issues, back ordered items, and the like. In all of those dealings there is only one supplier that has even come close to the type of attention Jamie at Mud Hole gave my .....for lack of a better term, dilemma, And I for one, am extremely grateful for it.

Mr Alderman is a credit to Mud Hole Custom Tackle, and while I'm sure they know that. I just wanted to state it publicly.

I know one thing .... if Mud Hole carries an item I want to purchase in the future, regardless of who else may carry it., I'll be purchasing it from Mud Hole.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2015 11:03AM by David Baylor.

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Re: Mud Hole Custom Tackle
Posted by: mike quinn (---.carolina.res.rr.com)
Date: March 11, 2015 05:10PM

Had the same experience in Nov 2013 with Jamie and my very first order for all the components to build two blanks I already had. You would of thought I was placing a 2,000 dollar order instead of a 200 dollar order. He went in the back more than once to make sure the parts were correct and the right fight for what I wanted. Some of the parts Jamie said were not a perfect fit but that my solutions could work (I can be stubborn). Or said it would not work and suggested the right part. Every part arrived Exactly as he described to me on the phone. One solution did not work but I knew exactly what to order per his recommendation which did work. Thank you David Baylor for finally giving me a chance to publicly thank him.

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Re: Mud Hole Custom Tackle
Posted by: Ben Eipert (198.14.248.---)
Date: March 11, 2015 10:27PM

He has also helped me with almost all of my orders! Great guy and very knowledgeable!

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Re: Mud Hole Custom Tackle
Posted by: David Baylor (---.neo.res.rr.com)
Date: March 12, 2015 10:11AM

I'm not surprised to read these additional responses concerning Mr Alderman. I expect there are many more people that have had the same type of experience with Jamie that I, Mike, and Ben have had. He is "the man" in my book.

My order is currently pending billing, and I expect it to ship very soon. That means that about this time next week I'll hopefully have everything I need to start building my very first rod from the ground up.

I've made two power reamers out of old rod blanks. I've made a Flex Coat style cork lathe which I've already used to cut and turn down my rear and fore grip OD's, Leaving them a bit longer, and a bit larger, in case I need to make an adjustment or two once I start fitting them to the rod blank. Guide feet are all filed and deburred. And I've done some practicing painting a rod blank with some of the left over pieces of blank that I had from making my reamers.

I have my first Ohio Rod Builders gathering to attend this coming Saturday, where I'm sure I'll pick up some great tricks and tips from those in attendance. To say I'm excited about the upcoming prospects would be a severe understatement.

The only thing I'm anticipating more, is this darn ice melting off the lakes so I can go out and catch a fish on a rod that I built. Thankfully Mother Nature is doing a mighty fine job of that as we speak.

Maybe that March 29th first bass tournament of the year won't have to be delayed after all.

(Titanic ice berg warning siren sounding in the background)

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Re: Mud Hole Custom Tackle
Posted by: gary Marquardt (141.211.151.---)
Date: March 12, 2015 10:25AM

I think Jamie is going to be the employee of the month here soon. I had a question of a fly grip and reel seat set up that the catalog couldn't address. I called and got Jamie. he went out to the warehouse and pulled the items and did a test fit then called me back. Bonus points.

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