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Does anyone have an opinion on the relative merits of a Fugi VSS seat vs. An IPS seat?
Posted by: Tony C Robinson (---.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
Date: February 28, 2015 04:21PM

On paper they seem very much alike, but I have never seen a IPS in person. I'm trying to decide which to use.

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Re: Does anyone have an opinion on the relative merits of a Fugi VSS seat vs. An IPS seat?
Posted by: Bill Sidney (---.gci.net)
Date: February 28, 2015 05:42PM

it is like a FORD or Chev . they are the same but different it is personal taste I think , good luck on your endovor

William Sidney

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Re: Does anyone have an opinion on the relative merits of a Fugi VSS seat vs. An IPS seat?
Posted by: bill boettcher (---.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net)
Date: February 28, 2015 05:59PM

You can get both and use the other on another build ???

Bill - willierods.com

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Re: Does anyone have an opinion on the relative merits of a Fugi VSS seat vs. An IPS seat?
Posted by: Garry Thornton (76.172.107.---)
Date: February 28, 2015 07:33PM

I have used both styles and have a couple of VSS in stock now.
The IPS is the older design and has a larger diameter.
I have big hands and find the #16 IPS comfortable, but I need a #17 VSS.
The VSS has more ridges molded in to give the epoxy a better grip.
It is my opinion that the cork and EVA handle pieces for the VSS fit better.
Therefore, I would use the VSS if everything else were equal.

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Re: Does anyone have an opinion on the relative merits of a Fugi VSS seat vs. An IPS seat?
Posted by: Bill Falconer (207.203.39.---)
Date: March 02, 2015 10:15AM

I use them both a lot and you can't go wrong. The notable thing to me is what Gary mentioned - a 17 VSS feels about like a 16 IPS. A 16 VSS is pretty slim...a bit too small for my hand for all day use. Kind of like the old size 16 NPS seats. But they are very light and a lot of people like them in UL spinning rods. And while both can be used either UL or DL, to me the VSS is really more flexible in this regard. By that I mean it is more comfortable as an uplock seat than the IPS.

But all of that is totally subjective. Bill is guiding you to the only way to know for sure - try them both! Then you'll know for sure.

Hope it helps!

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Re: Does anyone have an opinion on the relative merits of a Fugi VSS seat vs. An IPS seat?
Posted by: Tony C Robinson (---.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
Date: March 02, 2015 07:12PM

Thanks for the replies everyone. I think I will try the VSS 17, DL With a cut down KDPS nut/hood.

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Re: Does anyone have an opinion on the relative merits of a Fugi VSS seat vs. An IPS seat?
Posted by: Garry Thornton (---.natsow.res.rr.com)
Date: March 03, 2015 04:00PM

I just installed one of those fancy CRB handle kits from Mud Hole on a client's rod.
It also uses a #17 Fuji seat with the KDPS foregrip-nut & hood.
Two observations.

1: I didn't have to cut the threads or the rotating part to get a nice compact and clean looking package.
The KDPS uses a two inch foregrip. In size 17, the whole unit is only about 3 inches long. If that's too long for you, save your money and go with no fore grip.
On VSS seats I usually cut off the excess threads, then make a little ramp, with my wet finger, out of U-40 rod bond. It dries clear, but you can color it black with a permanent marker. Once the clear finish is on, it looks perfect. Anyway, you will want to fit everything before you start cutting.

2: My build was EVA. I normally prefer cork, but the natural stretch in the foam allowed a nice tight looking fit between rod and grip.
I have never been really happy with gap at the front of the covered nut when using cork.

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Re: Does anyone have an opinion on the relative merits of a Fugi VSS seat vs. An IPS seat?
Posted by: Tony C Robinson (---.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
Date: March 03, 2015 11:15PM

Thanks for the feedback Garry. I mentioned cutting the KDPS down because I am planning to fit an eva hood for the KSKSS foregrip-nut onto it. I prefer its tapered look to the more blunt finish of the KDPS foregrip.

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