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<<<No Friday Folley here>>>
Posted by: Donald Newenhouse (---.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
Date: April 03, 2009 07:11PM

It has most definitely been a good Friday for me for sure.My neighbor who is moving back to Maryland to be with his family,came over today and handed me (10) old fishing rods.He has been tellig me for the passed (5)years that he had some rods to give me,and today was the day.
The one rod in the bunch stuck out above the rest.When I looked at it closer I realized that it was an old bamboo pole(rod).My neighbor told me that the rod was (95-100) years old. He's (80)and he told me that his father gave it to him when he was (12),and his father had it sometime before that.
Also along with the rods he gave me his rod wrapper that he has used since he was (15).I have put some photos up.I had a few more of that rod but I,m doing something wrong cause they don't upload.
The thread on the wrapper is,coats&clark 100%spun polyester.Just for the fun of it .I wrapped some on a rod I had laying around,and the fuzzies on the thread made it looked like mohair.Also the tip/top you see on the wrapper is just floating on a nail.
Will try to get the other pics up.This rod has guides on both sides of the rod and the tip/top is a stirup type.
Anyway it sure made my day,It's a dream that came true, and it for sure is an (oldie) but a goodie.


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Re: <<<No Friday Folley here>>>
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: April 03, 2009 07:13PM

Check the size of your files. Anything larger than 2000 pixels is unnecessary and won't upload. Also make sure you're putting the photos into a category or nothing will happen.


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Re: <<<No Friday Folley here>>>
Posted by: Donald Newenhouse (---.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
Date: April 03, 2009 10:06PM

Tom:Went it comes to computers/cameras I'm definitely not the brightest color in the box.The only thing I know is we have a Sony Cyber-shot with 7.2 Mega Pixels . I looked in the book and it don't have anything about the pixels.Done a search,but didn;t find out anything that would help.
To be honest with you I don't know how I got what I did up on the photo page so fare.
My brother-in-law is coming over tomarrow ,he might be able to help me out.He's knowledgeable with computers.<<<<DON>>>>

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Re: <<<No Friday Folley here>>>
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: April 03, 2009 10:14PM

See if you can set your camera for a smaller or lower "quality" image. That will reduce the pixel size. The internet is a low resolution medium and 7.2 megapixels is overkill for anything you'd need for web use.


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Re: <<<No Friday Folley here>>>
Posted by: Donald Newenhouse (---.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
Date: April 03, 2009 10:20PM

Tom:Thanks will give it a shot.In the morning,I'm calling it a night.<<<<DON>>>>

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Re: <<<No Friday Folley here>>>
Posted by: allen forsdyke (---.colc.cable.ntl.com)
Date: April 04, 2009 05:04AM

when you put pic onto computer just hover the mouse over it and it will give you dimensions (it will probably be 2400 X 3000 ) like tom says use the lower setting 600x600 is ok or you can resize the picture>
Also make sure its the right format Jpeg etc

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Re: <<<No Friday Folley here>>>
Posted by: Fran Park (---.carolina.res.rr.com)
Date: April 04, 2009 12:33PM

Donald, the easiest way to make sure your pictures are small enough to upload is to email them to yourself. Go to the folder where you have the files saved, and select them all. You do that by clicking once on the first one to select it, then hold down the Ctrl key and click on the rest of the ones you want to send. Then right click on one of them and select "Send to" and then Mail Recipient." Windows will ask you if you want to resize them to send. Say yes. Email them to yourself, and save them again, somewhere where you can find them when you are ready to upload. They will be easy to upload then.

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Re: <<<No Friday Folley here>>>
Posted by: Donald Newenhouse (---.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
Date: April 04, 2009 10:58PM

Fran:-- Thank you for this valuable piece of information.Followed it just like you said and it worked like a charm.Got the pics down sized and in a new folder.Tomarrow I will upload a couple more of them on the photo page.
I really appreciate you helping out thanks again.<<<<DON>>>>

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