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Rod Maker Pubication - Not available in Canada
Posted by: Harold Dean (207.194.36.---)
Date: March 12, 2009 05:54PM

Tom, I just received notice form Joe Fehr that Rod Maker is not going to be available to us up here in Canada. He is having trouble with the shipping and cannot guarantee delivery to Canada. Very disappointing to say the least. There is so much info in them, I sure hope sooner, rather than later, they will be available to us again. Is there any other way to order these for delivery to Canada.

Harold......starting into withdrawl already.

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Re: Rod Maker Pubication - Not available in Canada
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: March 12, 2009 06:16PM

I don't sell magazines outside the U.S. The reasons are many but the main reasons were due to poor delivery (cost me hundreds and hundreds of dollars in replacement mailing charges each issue) and time. Each magazine sent outside the U.S. requires me to fill out a customs form and hand carry it to the post office where I was required to stand in line, sometimes for half an hour. This is time I just don't have to spare - I'd have to charge $100 per copy before I could even begin to break even, if I had the time at all.

There are some, such as Joe, who buy RodMaker and then have it shipped (by someone else) to their outside the U.S. locations and then sell subscriptions on their own. I know there is some confusion about this when I get calls or emails from folks outside the U.S. thinking that I'm the one supplying their subscription - I'm not.

I wish RodMaker was easily available outside the U.S. but so far it's beyond the ability of my funds and time to make that happen. Sorry.

I haven't heard from Joe in some time. He was having magazines sent to him by another company and now that they've changed hands I don't know what the arrangement is.


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Re: Rod Maker Pubication - Not available in Canada
Posted by: John Sams (---.listmail.net)
Date: March 12, 2009 06:20PM

AMAZON.COM used to sell Rodmaker subscriptions. Have you checked with them to see if they mail into Canada. I bet they do.

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Re: Rod Maker Pubication - Not available in Canada
Posted by: Harold Dean (207.194.36.---)
Date: March 12, 2009 06:25PM

Thanks Tom. I appreciate the explanation. It's a shame there is so much red tape invovled. Tom, would I be doing something illegal if I could set up a subscription through someone in the US and have it mailed to their address and then just have them forward it to me in the mail?? I'm not trying to be dishonest, I just really enjoy your publication.


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Re: Rod Maker Pubication - Not available in Canada
Posted by: Harold Dean (207.194.36.---)
Date: March 12, 2009 06:27PM

Sorry John, we were typing at the same time. I'll check that out. Thanks


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Re: Rod Maker Pubication - Not available in Canada
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: March 12, 2009 06:27PM

Not at all. Many folks overseas have family or friends send them a copy each time. There's nothing wrong with that.


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Re: Rod Maker Pubication - Not available in Canada
Posted by: Harold Dean (207.194.36.---)
Date: March 12, 2009 06:44PM

Perfect....Thanks Tom.


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