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What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Michael Friddle (---.triad.res.rr.com)
Date: October 19, 2005 06:31PM

I'm looking to buy a lathe and wanted to know what you guys like.

Thanks for your help!!

"The early bird gets the worm,.. but the second mouse gets the cheese!"

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Neil Toland (---.dsl.louisacomm.net)
Date: October 19, 2005 06:37PM

Penn State Industries Turncrafter PRO Midi Lathe with the extension bed. I didn't get the extension bed when I first ordered the lathe - I should have.

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Mike Barkley (---.nap.wideopenwest.com)
Date: October 19, 2005 06:41PM

Turncrafter Pro and love it (if I can ever become proficient with it)


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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Bob Hesser (---.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net)
Date: October 19, 2005 07:09PM

I have a Taig. I have an application that requires a very accurate diameter so a small, functional metal lathe was the most cost effective tool.

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Ben Stacy (137.229.22.---)
Date: October 19, 2005 08:11PM

I was curious about the Wilton Mini Lathe. Does anyone have one and do you like it? Wilton and Jet are the same company, so I thought it might be a decent starter lathe.
Here's the link.

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Mike Barkley (---.nap.wideopenwest.com)
Date: October 19, 2005 08:28PM


What is the price?? 2/5 hp might be a little underpowered compared to Jet, Turncrafter, etc. That link didn't give any real info and I didn't see any on the site. What is the bed length and is a bed extension available? If you are going to do grips, that will be very important, especially when it comes to boring them out. What is the MT (Morse raper)


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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Stan Gregory (---.dyn.sprint-hsd.net)
Date: October 19, 2005 08:35PM

Jet Variable Speed Mini lathe. Really like it. Will get the bed extension soon as that can be useful.


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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Pat Majeski (---.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net)
Date: October 19, 2005 09:36PM

I'm using an old shopsmith.

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Bryan Thompson (---.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
Date: October 19, 2005 09:53PM

Jet mini. Gets the job done. I thnik the lathe is indifferent in most situations as lnog as you get with enough power for what you want to do. Operators will make more mistakes than the lathe wil 1 million to one. The above mentioned are all good, Turncrafter, Jet, Delta, Grizzly (not hobby). It's hard to make a horrible decision. Any way good luck, and you do get what you pay for. Not necisarily in accuracy, but in longevity. Bryan

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: john channer (---.228.157.77.Dial1.Denver1.Level3.net)
Date: October 19, 2005 10:42PM

I think the small metal lathes such as the 7"x12" sold by Grizzly, Harbor Freight, etc, are much more usefull than the wood lathes. These lathes will do all any wood lathe will do, plus do most any metal work a rodmaker would care to do. I bought my 7x12 Grizzly for less than $500.00 a few years ago..

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Dave Gilberg (---.pghk.east.verizon.net)
Date: October 20, 2005 02:32AM

Jet Mini Lathe 1014 (not variable speed). If you get it I recommend Amazon for a very good price rebate
and free shipping. Still can't believe how smooth and quiet it runs.

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: John Kepka (---.iad.untd.com)
Date: October 20, 2005 09:32AM

IMO variable speed is the way to go. I have two lathes both from psi. The turncrafter pro for me i is a pain to change speeds. Considering all the extras you need--chucks wood and drill chisels etc. the added cost for variable speed is worth it especially if you plan on doing any polishing. Because the lathe is not really portable, I ended up getting a turncrafter plus which I saw on sale which is variable speed but 1 MT. I really like it esp the variable speed. With some creativity using pen mandrels the plus can do whatever you need. I know others will disagree but for about twice the cost of the grizzly hobby lathe you can pretty much do what you want. If long mandrels are needed then the larger bed lathe would be a necessity. I had trouble getting amazon to honor free shipping on a lathe and ended up cancelling the order.

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Scott VanGuilder (162.96.169.---)
Date: October 20, 2005 09:33AM

I have a cheapo(the $125 version) Grizzly variable speed. It does the job, but I wouldn't buy it again, built too flimsy.

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Anonymous User (Moderator)
Date: October 20, 2005 09:49AM

The JET/Delta/Frisch/Penn State models are tremendous values. They're all much better machines than the price would indicate. Hard to go wrong for $200 to $300 for something that is going to last you many, many years with just a little care. And they're fairly accurate too.

The Taig is great, but the bed will be far too short to do much in regard to turing the grips you're interested in. Larger machine lathes would be fine, but they'll be much heavier than the wood lathes mentioned above.

If money is no object, then my preference would be for a OneWay. The 1018 that you saw here yesterday is a fantastic lathe although I'd probably steer you to the 1224 just for a little extra bed length.


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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Billy Vivona (67.72.26.---)
Date: October 20, 2005 10:39AM

DElta Midi - I got mine from Woodcraft.com 4 years ago (WOW!). Free shipping on my first order, 10% off, free extension bed. Paid $300 for it. And then about another $150 in accesories: tools, chucks, misc. Well, well worth it.

Look around, the extension bed will be included for free for XMAS. If you decide to get it from Grizzly, just make sure there are accesories which will fit. My first Lemon Lathe was a HArbor Frieght one which somebody recommended. $150 inc shipping, I got it, found there were no accesories which fit, adn gave it away. IT was also loud...REALLLY LOUD. The Delta & JEts have a nice hummmmmmm when on 3750RPM, sweet.

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Jim Little (---.49.118.238.nw.nuvox.net)
Date: October 20, 2005 12:04PM

Delta Midi and a MicroMark 7 x 14.

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Ben Stacy (137.229.22.---)
Date: October 20, 2005 01:25PM

That Wilton Lathe is only $89 at most online retailers. The only info I could pin down is that it is 12" between centers. I was really hoping someone on the board either has one or has seen or used one so they could give me a little more info. I would just like to turn a few cork handles and maybe a little wood for reel seats. I'll just save a little more if that's what it takes.

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Anonymous User (Moderator)
Date: October 20, 2005 01:28PM

When you consider the TurnCrafter Pro from Penn State at something like $160, I tend to think the Wilton or the cheaper Grizzlies or Harbour Freight models are false economy. Save a little longer and get a machine that is tough enough to run smooth and last for many years.


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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Scott VanGuilder (162.96.169.---)
Date: October 20, 2005 02:41PM

" I tend to think the Wilton or the cheaper Grizzlies or Harbour Freight models are false economy"

I am in agreement with Tom on this one. I broke the tool rest on my cheap grizzly in less than 6 mos. Spend a little up front and save yourself some frustration later:)

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Re: What lathe do you have??
Posted by: Tom Juster (---)
Date: October 20, 2005 03:10PM

Jet-mini, variable speed, and I love it.

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