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Charlotte news
Posted by: Anonymous User (Moderator)
Date: July 15, 2005 05:52PM

I know it's early, but I like to pass things on as they develop. As of this morning, it would appear that the Fly Fishing Show is going to be moved to the far end of the hall which the rod building show was previously located in. The National Rod Builders Show, on the other hand, is going to be moved to the prominent area on the left of the hall. This will put it directly in front of the door that all attendees must enter the hall through. The National Rod Builders Show is now the headline event.


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Re: Charlotte news
Posted by: Dave Gilberg (---.pghk.east.verizon.net)
Date: July 15, 2005 07:01PM

Congratulations Tom! That's a terrific development! It should make the 2006 show by far the most successful yet.

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Re: Charlotte news
Posted by: Richard Kuhne (66.98.130.---)
Date: July 15, 2005 08:08PM

I certainly got my money's worth last year and will return next year for more. I can see that if you cannot have similar events across the country then you might as well make this single event the be-all, end-all of rod building shows, events or seminars. I think it already is, but no harm in continuing to make it even better. I am glad to see it take its rightful place as the headliner. I do not mind the other show being in the same hall, but it was the Rod Building Show that had all the excitement and all the people.

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Re: Charlotte news
Posted by: Mike Barkley (---.nap.wideopenwest.com)
Date: July 15, 2005 09:27PM

Great!!!!! For Once Rodbuilding takes Center stage!!! It's a credit to you, Tom that the "older" show is now riding your coattails!


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Re: Charlotte news
Posted by: Randy Parpart (Putter) (---.propel.com)
Date: July 16, 2005 01:18AM

Tom, it was pretty obvious which one of the two was center stage last February. Putting it out front is just signs of acceptance of the fact to me. Congratulations!

Williston, ND

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Re: Charlotte news
Posted by: Jim Rippe (---.252.206.223.Dial1.Chicago1.Level3.net)
Date: July 16, 2005 08:23AM

Tom, keep a close eye one Putter this year. He will marble the floor!

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Re: Charlotte news
Posted by: Anonymous User (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: July 16, 2005 10:01PM

Did the Log Homes people cut an run to a different venue? They really had big bucks invested in their Show with all the computerized work stations and displays - all their people were trying to figure out a way to turn down logs and install components to attract some of the REAL builders to their side of the fence!! Andy probably sold more out of his garbage can than they did with free airline tickets as bait!

Gon Fishn

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Re: Charlotte news
Posted by: Anonymous User (Moderator)
Date: July 16, 2005 10:54PM

For all I know they'll still be there too, but again in a different hall altogether. The convention center is a huge place - they can generally have 4 or 5 large shows there at the same time.


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