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Color preserver
Posted by: Kurt (---.hypercom.com)
Date: August 01, 2001 10:53AM

I'm in the process of building a new rod & began appling U-40 color lock to my wraps last evening. I was extremely disappointed to find many bubbles, blisters & dis-colorization once it dried. As a novice rodbuilder, my first thought is that I'm appling the product incorrectly.
I'd like to hear your thoughts regarding this issue. - Thanks KC

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Re: Color preserver
Posted by: Ralph O'Quinn (---.pstbbs.com)
Date: August 01, 2001 09:08PM

I think your first thoughts are probably correct. Apply the color lock with a 1/4" brush, quality of the brush is not important as it is with the finishes. Apply a heavy flood coat -- to a rotating rod if possible. Watch it soak in, and watch the bubbles form as it soaks in. Simply brush out the bubbles but do not remove the excess. Let the rod rotate for a few minutes while the materiel stiffens. Almost universally you will receive instructions to wipe off or brush off the excess. I have found that if you merely leave on as much as possible, you will need only one coat to do the job. If you wipe or brush off the excess, you will need to add another coat. After the initial bubbles are brushed out, there should not be any more forming. I have never seen any blisters, or discolaration but these must be caused by uneven coating and/or brushing or in some manner disturbing the coating after it has stiffened. If you need something more specific give me an E mail and maybe I can help.

Ralph O'Quinn

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Re: Color preserver
Posted by: Kurt (---.hypercom.com)
Date: August 02, 2001 10:17AM

Thank You Ralph

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Re: Color preserver
Posted by: Dave J (---.accesstoledo.net)
Date: August 02, 2001 04:36PM


About the discolorization; Oil and grime on your fingers while wrapping can cause problems when you apply the finish. I've seen wraps that appear almost mottled in appearance because of this. Also, make sure your color preserver is good and applied evenly. By good, I mean that it has never been frozen. Frozen and then thawed color preserver will be very thick. Good color preserver will be almost water like in consistency.

Good Fishin'
Dave Jann

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Re: Color preserver
Posted by: jnail (---.unitelc.com)
Date: August 08, 2001 12:16AM

Try the brilliance color preserver from clemens tackle, the stuff is great!, I never have had any problems with it

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