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Dan Craft Blanks
Posted by: Jim Fitzpatrick (---.tukw.qwest.net)
Date: February 04, 2005 10:18PM

I am interested in building a fly rod on a DC blank - probably a 2 or 3 weight. I would like opinions on the differences between the Sig III, FT and Sig V.

I see the differences in Modulus - 60/57/51 respectively and action - fast/fast/medium fast. I also note with interest that the prices don't vary much. This surprises me. As a typical male faster -is- better flyrod building newbie, I am leaning towards the Sig V. Is there something I am missing?

What is an "exploded ferrule" design. Sounds dangerous.

Yes, I could ask Dan, but I take it that he is a small company and I don't want to absorb his day filling my head with info if he is trying to run a company. I will likely only build one (or 2) rods on his blanks. Also, I would like some opinions of those who have used his rods. He appears to have a fan club on this site and I am looking to join.

Any and all info appreciated.

Great web site.

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Re: Dan Craft Blanks
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---.client.comcast.net)
Date: February 05, 2005 12:36AM

In laymen's terms, Dan's blanks don't have the thick reinforcing extra wrap of graphite at the ferrule that caused that bulge you see where the pieces meet. He has a more straight blank over blank connection and you reinforce it with your thread wrap. Many put a guide on all the ferrules they can, this let's you reinforce the ferrule and hide the ferrule all in one stroke, to where the rod looks almost one piece. Because there is no reinforcement graphite we all wrap our ferrule wraps longer to make up for it. Dan sends instructions on this with the blank. If I remember right Dan has a new 4 piece 3 weight Sig III that may not yet be in the online catalog that's reported to be pretty sweet. All the ones I've built I've liked a lot and he's super people.


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Re: Dan Craft Blanks
Posted by: Russ Miller (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: February 05, 2005 12:53AM


I have built the Sig III 8' 3wt, 5pc and it is a sweet rod, I would say medium fast. It is a nice travel rod. The wall thickness in Dan's blanks is reduced which makes them lighter than most on the market. You do need to wrap the ferrules a bit longer for reinforcement, no big deal. It looks like a one piece rod from a distance. I have also built a Sig IV 7' 1wt, 6pc. This is a very soft rod, perfect for small streams and using light tippets. I haven't tried anything else in the Sig IV series, but I have heard great things about them on this board. I have also built the 6'10" 1wt, 3pc in the Sig III series. Again, this is a full flex rod for saving light tippets and presenting flies very delicately.


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Re: Dan Craft Blanks
Posted by: Russ Miller (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: February 05, 2005 12:53AM


I have built the Sig III 8' 3wt, 5pc and it is a sweet rod, I would say medium fast. It is a nice travel rod. The wall thickness in Dan's blanks is reduced which makes them lighter than most on the market. You do need to wrap the ferrules a bit longer for reinforcement, no big deal. It looks like a one piece rod from a distance. I have also built a Sig IV 7' 1wt, 6pc. This is a very soft rod, perfect for small streams and using light tippets. I haven't tried anything else in the Sig IV series, but I have heard great things about them on this board. I have also built the 6'10" 1wt, 3pc in the Sig III series. Again, this is a full flex rod for saving light tippets and presenting flies very delicately.


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Re: Dan Craft Blanks
Posted by: Russ Miller (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: February 05, 2005 12:55AM

Oops! Don't know how to delete repeated post.

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Re: Dan Craft Blanks
Posted by: Dan L Craft (---.eugn.qwest.net)
Date: February 05, 2005 01:42AM


In reality, Our Signature IV blanks have the thin walled ferrules and it is recommended that they get a little more wrapping although standard wrapping doesn't void the warranty. The kicker here is that the Sig. IV blanks are mostly only available to wholesale members ( I do have a few left for sale to the public).
While our Signature V 3pc blanks are thin walled, the ferrules are reinforced sufficiently to allow standard wrapping of twice the width of the opening. The exploded ferrule is nothing more than a way of allowing for a more slender blank by not allowing thr female ferrule opening to dictate the diameter of the tip of the next section.
Our Signature V blanks have a larger hoop that allows for a thinner wall thickness. We also use a graphite scrim that helps keep the thickness down.
Our FT blanks (at least the 8'6" and 9'0" models) are fast action and the 10'0" models will throw major amounts of line at extreme line speeds. These are standard tip over ferrules but due to scrim and a style layup and methods that the factory won't even share with me, are extremely powerful.

The Signature III blanks are pretty straight forward 51 million modulus with tip over butt ferrules.
You are correct that there really isn't much difference in price from one series to another. Believe me, there has been much debating about that!
We (I) decided that I really couldn't treat my customers and members in the way I would have to in order to make the profit on the Sig V, Sig. IV and FTs that the factory wants me to. This is the main reason these blanks don't cost much more that the Sig III blanks. Will the price eventually go up? Probably but I hope it will be due to the ever rising cost of materials and not because of greed and that I lost sight of the fact that it is customers like you who pay my wages.
We just hope to keep making quality blanks at a reasonable price for as long as possible.
No, I won't get rich overnight but that isn't everything is it?

Dan Craft
Dan Craft Enterprises
Five Rivers Rod Blanks.

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Re: Dan Craft Blanks
Posted by: Bob Crook (---.nas6.portland1.or.us.da.qwest.net)
Date: February 05, 2005 01:07PM

I have been fly fishing for over 50 years and have to say that the rods I have built using Dan's blanks are the finest I have ever used. So far I have built 3 and have another one waiting in the wings.

Signature III 2 wt 8' 2 pc Great rod for small water, very delicate presentation in the 30 to 40 ft range, medium fast tip action.

FT 10 wt 10 ft 4 pc built as a switch rod, fast tip action will easily cast a delta spay 10/11 wf line 80 to 100 ft single or two handed.

FT 5 wt 9 ft 4 pc great rod for use from a pontoon boat, float tube, or wading, fast tip action.

FT 3 wt 10 ft 4 pc not stared yet, After talking to Bob Meiser this will also be built as a swtich rod for use single or two handed.


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Re: Dan Craft Blanks
Posted by: Anonymous User (---.client.comcast.net)
Date: February 06, 2005 03:18AM


I ordered one of the Sig III 8'0" 4pc 3 weights this week (as well as one of the 6'10" 1 weights). The 3 weight is next on the list. I'll keep the gang updated as I build it.


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Re: Dan Craft Blanks
Posted by: Marty Martin (---.dialup.mindspring.com)
Date: February 07, 2005 08:00AM

So are Dan Craft ferruls similar to Gatti? I have heard that Gatti requires a good reinforcement wrap too.

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