nternet gathering place for custom rod builders
  • Custom Rod Builders - This message board is provided for your use by the sponsors listed on the left side of the page. Feel free to post any question, answers or topics related in any way to custom building. When purchasing products please remember those who sponsor this board.

  • Manufacturers and Vendors - Only board sponsors are permitted and encouraged to promote and advertise products on the board. You may become a sponsor for a nominal fee. It is the sponsor fees that pay for this message board.

  • Rules - Rod building is a decent and rewarding craft. Those who participate in it are assumed to be civilized individuals who are kind and considerate in their dealings with others. Please respond to others in the same fashion in which you would like to be responded to. Registration IS NOW required in order to post. You must include your actual First and Last name and a correct email address when registering or posting. Posts which are inflammatory, insulting, or that fail to include a proper name and email address will be removed and the persons responsible will be barred from further participation.

    Registration is now required in order to post. You must include your actual First and Last name and a correct email address when registering or posting.

2025 ICRBE
Custom Rod Symbol
Common Cents System
American Grips Piscari
American Tackle
Anglers Rsrc - Fuji
BackCreek Custom Rods
HNL Rod Blanks–CTS
Custom Fly Grips LLC
Decal Connection
EPSON Decal Printers
Flex Coat Co.
Get Bit Outdoors
HFF Custom Rods
Janns Netcraft
Mudhole Custom Tackle
MHX Rod Blanks
North Fork Composites
Palmarius Rods
REC Components
RodBuilders Warehouse
RodHouse France
RodMaker Magazine
Schneiders Rod Shop
SeaGuide Corp.
Stryker Rods & Blanks
The Rod Room
The FlySpoke Shop
Utmost Enterprises
VooDoo Rods

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Results 1 - 4 of 4
7 weeks ago
Brian Purdy
Awesome! I like using them. Thanks for the input.
Forum: rodboard
7 weeks ago
Brian Purdy
Hi all. I'm looking to find a company to make decals for my custom rods. I'd like to make my own design with my own logo, in color. Are there any companies that can make high quality, color, custom decals? I have always used Decal Connection, which has been amazing! They make an awesome product. I'm don't get the impression they do custom logo and graphic decals. Thanks for your time.
Forum: rodboard
7 months ago
Brian Purdy
Decal connection is amazing. I have a fantastic experience with them for the orders I have placed.
Forum: rodboard
7 months ago
Brian Purdy
So can someone lay it on the line for those of us who aren't well versed in the physics and the science? 1. Yes or No- Should we build on the spine? 2. Yes or No- Should all rods be built with the spiral wraps regardless of application....popping for tuna straight through to panfish? 3. Yes or No- Is the consensus on here that it doesn't matter where you build on the blank, just as long as t
Forum: rodboard
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