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Clarification on assembling VSS seat please...
Posted by: Ed Rose (---)
Date: March 19, 2024 09:48AM

Hi All, researching assembly on this seat and I find assembly as follows:
1 - glueing the arbors into the seat and reaming arbors to fit blank.
2 - ream cork handle to fit blank.
3 - glue cork handle to VSS seat and let dry.
4 - glue VSS/cork handle assembly to the blank.

Is this how you all put this seat together? When gluing the assembly to the blank does the cork handle "wipe away" epoxy and prevent adequate epoxy from gluing the arbors in the seat?
I've used this set up before but glued pieces separately. the cork to seat seam came out nice in 2 but the cork was a bit proud on one so looking to smooth out the cork/VSS seat seam.
This is going on a Point Blank blank so I'd like it to come out really nice.


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Re: Clarification on assembling VSS seat please...
Posted by: Norman Miller (Moderator)
Date: March 19, 2024 10:21AM

Ed - You are quoting the steps I use to assemble a VSS/IPS seat and handle combination. It works very well and I’ve never had a failure, and have used them on a number of Point Blanks with no problems. If you wish you can glue the pieces separately to the blank, it also works. However, in my opinion you have fewer problems when gluing as a unit.

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Re: Clarification on assembling VSS seat please...
Posted by: MichaelTarr (---)
Date: March 19, 2024 03:15PM

That’s the process I use with foam arbors except I ream the arbors to fit before gluing to the reel seat.

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Re: Clarification on assembling VSS seat please...
Posted by: Patrick Coco (---)
Date: March 19, 2024 11:31PM

I glue everything up - arbor to seat and cork grip to seat - and then I ream as one unit and attach to blank as one unit. No issues doing it that way.

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Re: Clarification on assembling VSS seat please...
Posted by: Ed Rose (---)
Date: March 20, 2024 07:39AM

Thanks to all. I will assemble the seat handle and glue it on as a unit.

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Re: Clarification on assembling VSS seat please...
Posted by: Scott Geist (199.247.42.---)
Date: March 20, 2024 10:58AM

I use tape arbors and glue it all together onto the blank at once and have had zero failures. I don't believe it matters much just do what you find the easiest for you. The main reason I glue it all at once is to only have to glue once and not wait for the vss reel seat and handle to dry before glueing it to the blank.

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Re: Clarification on assembling VSS seat please...
Posted by: Norman Miller (Moderator)
Date: March 20, 2024 01:25PM

Both the Fuji VSS and IPS seats require grips with a machined cutout into which the seat reel is inserted. Because of this cutout the use of a tape arbor is precluded. The VSS/IPS reel seats need to be arbored first and then reamed to fit the blank prior to installation.

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Re: Clarification on assembling VSS seat please...
Posted by: Scott Geist (65.248.247.---)
Date: March 21, 2024 11:13AM

Norm that is false, it is possible to do these seats with a tape arbor no matter what orientation you use it in. I have built many of these rods with the grips on top or bottom of the reel seat using tape arbors.

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Re: Clarification on assembling VSS seat please...
Posted by: Norman Miller (Moderator)
Date: March 21, 2024 12:25PM

Not really false if installing the reel seat in the down locking position, unless you ream the grip so it slides further down the blank to give you the room needed to wrap the tape arbors, or if you install the grip from the butt up. In my opinion, neither are the best nor easiest ways to go. If you are using the reel seats in the up locking position, which I never do, you can certainly use tape arbors. I should have mentioned these options. I personally think pre-installing a polyurethane foam arbor and reaming to fit the blank is as simple and easy as it gets, but that’s just my opinion. If one wishes to use tape arbors that’s their choice. More than one way to skin a cat.

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