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Trim/Winding check for Carbon Fiber Grips (CFX)
Posted by: Jason Kraft (---)
Date: November 14, 2023 02:06PM


What do you use as a winding check or trim piece for carbon fiber grips on the side that isn't cut straight and has rough edges and kind of a lip? I stacked two different size rubber winding checks in to each other but I don't really like the look. An example of the grips I am talking about are the CFX carbon fiber ones sold by Mudhole.

Thank you


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Re: Trim/Winding check for Carbon Fiber Grips (CFX)
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: November 14, 2023 04:38PM

As for myself, reaming usually eliminates that little lip around the center bore of the grip, but there is still a little puckered end of the carbon fiber sleeve to deal with. I just sand it down. I usually start with 220 grip paper on a flat surface, and then holding the grip in my hand, move it back and forth over the sandpaper. Once I get it close to being flat, I move to 320 grit to smooth it out.

The carbon fiber sleeve should not, and will not splinter because of sanding. The fibers are epoxied together during the lay up process. You can sand them as much as you want to, but you don't want to sand through the sleeve. I have never had a problem sanding that area flat, and even if the sanded area is a little larger than what the winding check will cover, you really can't see that its' been sanded.

I use rubber winding checks that will form around any slight hump that may be left. But even with solid aluminum winding checks, you just need to sand the grip flat so the check sits nice and flush against the end.

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Re: Trim/Winding check for Carbon Fiber Grips (CFX)
Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.44.66.72.res-cmts.leh.ptd.net)
Date: November 14, 2023 07:46PM

I always get rid of that hard ring with a chamfering tool before reaming.

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Re: Trim/Winding check for Carbon Fiber Grips (CFX)
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: November 14, 2023 08:04PM

Lynn, exactly. I just use a 3/8 drill bit and turn it by hand to get rid of that. The chamfering tool is a good idea though. Think I'll pick me one up. Thanks !!!

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Re: Trim/Winding check for Carbon Fiber Grips (CFX)
Posted by: Kevin Fiant (---.columbus.res.rr.com)
Date: November 14, 2023 08:19PM

Like Lynn mentioned above, I learned the hard way about trying to ream a set of those grip without chamfering. The foam core reams super easy but the outer skin not so much and when I was testing fit I ended up scratching a blank pretty good because the reaming left very jagged edges of the carbon skin.

I've built a couple of split grips using those CFX grips and each time I ended up using the CRB winding checks like these [mudhole.com]. They come in Matte, Polished and Colored options and turned out well. Covers up any issues you might have after chamfering/reaming.

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Re: Trim/Winding check for Carbon Fiber Grips (CFX)
Posted by: Kendall Cikanek (---)
Date: November 14, 2023 11:15PM

I use a half moon micro-file that works very well and quickly. The chamfering tool seems like even a better idea. There are probably a bunch of other ways to successfully sand or grind the little ring off. Any appropriately sized abrasive or fine cutting tool should work if carefully used.

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Re: Trim/Winding check for Carbon Fiber Grips (CFX)
Posted by: Jason Kraft (---.midco.net)
Date: November 14, 2023 11:49PM

Thank you for the replies. I hadn't thought about any of the suggestions. Was thinking if I messed with it the wrap would unravel. Didn't know it was fixed with epoxy to the core the entire surface area. Makes more sense now.

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