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madeira shading codes
Posted by: massimiliano biagiotti (31.190.250.---)
Date: November 13, 2023 03:14PM

hi everybody!
this is my first post
i-m from italy and all thre best resources are overseas... nobody in europe sells premade shade paks of madeira... but i have access to madeira!

tjere is any chance to have a list of shades pack codes?

i need that in purple and green

thx a lot

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Re: madeira shading codes
Posted by: Robert A. Guist (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: November 13, 2023 04:09PM

Hello Massimiliano.

You need to talk to Billy Vivona at northeastrodbuilders.com or just NERB's

He sells Madeira thread and thread packs.

Hope that helps.

Tight Wraps & Tighter Lines.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/14/2023 05:34PM by Robert A. Guist.

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Re: madeira shading codes
Posted by: massimiliano biagiotti (31.190.250.---)
Date: November 13, 2023 04:53PM

thx a lot Robert
billy vivona have great things! i have to buy his book now hehe

i'm trying to ask him if he will sell me the codes for the shades so i can buy the madeira here in italy

thx again

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Re: madeira shading codes
Posted by: Michael Ward (---)
Date: November 14, 2023 08:19AM

It would not be right for someone to just send over the color codes Billy uses in his shade packs as he put in that time and $$$ to bring in product and find the colors that work well together to make up a specific spade pack. While it’s certainly not something that could be trademarked or copyrighted or anything it is “Intellectual Property” in a sense and would just be bad form to pass along the color sets to anyone else

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/14/2023 09:47AM by Michael Ward.

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Re: madeira shading codes
Posted by: Mike Ballard (---.ip-51-79-18.net)
Date: November 14, 2023 12:03PM

Look--- shading isn't hard. Just go to the place you say you have access to that thread and buy several spools in the same color family. Dark brown, medium brown, light brown, pale brown, tan, etc. They probably have a color chart for each color family. Use them all or just three or four.

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Re: madeira shading codes
Posted by: Kerry Hansen (---.wavecable.com)
Date: November 14, 2023 04:10PM

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Re: madeira shading codes
Posted by: massimiliano biagiotti (31.190.250.---)
Date: November 14, 2023 04:24PM

Don't get me wrong
I want to pay for the codes... like I have bought that from them but without import fee

I have access to spool but online

BTW maybe and I say maybe I have solved

Or hope so hehe

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Re: madeira shading codes
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: November 14, 2023 04:36PM

The trouble with someone selling you the "codes" is that it is all too easy for those codes to be electronically shared far and wide. Not hard to put yourself out of business that way.


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Re: madeira shading codes
Posted by: massimiliano biagiotti (31.190.250.---)
Date: November 14, 2023 06:55PM

That's true, but if I buy the pack won't I have the code on the spools?

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Re: madeira shading codes
Posted by: Michael Ward (---.atlagax1.pop.starlinkisp.net)
Date: November 14, 2023 10:27PM

I get wanting to save a few dollars - and I’ll admit I don’t know what the import duties into Italy would be - but at the same time is spending that small amount (relative) extra to purchase from someone that supports the rod building community and provides goods and services to help further the craft in various ways not worth the extra?

I mean it seems the same folks that are looking to save 50 cents or a dollar off a $10 spool of thread will be the first to want “free” knowledge on some specific rod building technique or to complain how their customers expect a custom rod for price of one at Walmart…. Support those small businesses that support the craft….

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Re: madeira shading codes
Date: November 15, 2023 01:01AM

Not that type of person here...

The import fee are 22% plus the delivery (is taxed too)

And we have that spool fot 3 euro each here...

Just dont make any sense to buy spools from there ,
I want to pay for the knowledge

No problem by the way... i have a shop near home carry all the colours that i didnt know. I will just go there in person will be easy to find the shades

Sorry if my answer was misunderstud, never wanted any free knoweledge

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Re: madeira shading codes
Posted by: Michael Ward (---.atlagax1.pop.starlinkisp.net)
Date: November 15, 2023 07:08AM

Massimiliano - the last part of my most recently reply was not really intended to be directed to you specifically but to a more general audience. My apologies as I was not meaning to imply you were looking for anything free or such…. Just struck a nerve on something that I see across the rod building community.

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Re: madeira shading codes
Posted by: Kerry Hansen (---.wavecable.com)
Date: November 15, 2023 11:58AM

massimiliano biagiotti Wrote:
> Not that type of person here...
> The import fee are 22% plus the delivery (is taxed
> too)
> And we have that spool fot 3 euro each here...
> Just dont make any sense to buy spools from there
> ,
> I want to pay for the knowledge
> No problem by the way... i have a shop near home
> carry all the colours that i didnt know. I will
> just go there in person will be easy to find the
> shades
> Sorry if my answer was misunderstud, never wanted
> any free knoweledge

By codes, do you mean the folded cards that have samples of each color they offer and it's color number? If so, I can't remember paying for it. maybe because of the quantity I bought.

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Re: madeira shading codes
Posted by: massimiliano biagiotti (31.190.250.---)
Date: November 16, 2023 03:18PM

Hey man
No no that is avaible even as pdf

I wanted to pay viviona for the single codes that compose his shade pack
So I can buy that directly here in Italy

I willing to pay for hos selection so...

But I have solved

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