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Nfc reel handle the soft touch hole enlarging
Posted by: Jim Berry (---)
Date: November 08, 2023 05:36PM

Hi rodbuilding crew i had got some nfc grips the soft touch they have the foam caps for the rear split grip and the handle part for the reel seat i reamed them out by using the cork reamer of 3/8 ths ,the 7/16ths and the 1/2 inch to gradualy cut the foam cap and not tear tear them up using them in the magnetic screw driver handle it holds the six sided bits little time to do but it didnt tear them up or split them just to put it out there i am sure there is another way to do it but thats what came out of my think tank

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Re: Nfc reel handle the soft touch hole enlarging
Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.44.66.72.res-cmts.leh.ptd.net)
Date: November 08, 2023 07:14PM

Somebody draw me a picture. I know we're talking about NFC foam winding checks, but beyond that I'm lost.

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Re: Nfc reel handle the soft touch hole enlarging
Posted by: Jim Berry (---)
Date: November 09, 2023 08:11AM

Hi rodbuilding crew the arbor pilot bits have the centering 1/4 inch centering tube on the tip the bit has the cutting tips on the outer part of the bit the 1/2 bit starts the cut of your finished size but it leave a ridge of material in the foam plug so i use the smaller sized its to clean that out so the 1/2 bit can cut down more i use them by hand so i dont let the bit get hooked and split the foam cap i do this on the outer and on the inner side to meet in the middle sorry for my lack of wording if anyone else has any other way i will be checking back to get any other ideas i have learned from here by the things others have posted so i am posting what worked for me not a pro builder but just seeing and sharing what i got a good result with

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Re: Nfc reel handle the soft touch hole enlarging
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: November 09, 2023 09:41AM

Are we talking about the Flexcoat spade bits with the 1/4 inch arbored end?

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Re: Nfc reel handle the soft touch hole enlarging
Posted by: Jim Berry (---)
Date: November 09, 2023 10:01AM

Hi Spencer yes they were what i tried and worked little time spent but true center and worked

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Re: Nfc reel handle the soft touch hole enlarging
Posted by: roger wilson (---)
Date: November 09, 2023 11:49AM

If youhave problems with the pilot bits wrecking your particular build, then don't use them.

If you do use them and have a method to give you a perfect job continue using them.

For myself, I have built up a set of tapered files of various sizes to use when reaming.

I turn the files counter clockwise to avoid - screwing into the material being reamsed and split the material.

For example:


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