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Fuji RV6
Posted by: Phillip Sykes (---.googlefiber.net)
Date: December 27, 2022 01:35PM

Hi everyone. I’m new rod building. I have built 3 rod over the past year, nothing super nice, just ultra light for the kids where I can practice wrapping and finishing. I fish for bass almost exclusively and my only bass build so far was a swb807. I used a kw10, kw5.5, then a few kb’s and then kt’s out to the tip, all size 5. The guides were alconite. I have a point blank 691mxf that I want to build as a jerkbait rod and I’m interested in using the rv6 stripper. I’ve read good things on here about the rv6 and thought I’d give it a try. Being this guide is only available in a titanium frame, has anyone used a rv6 and then used alconite guides the rest of the way? I really don’t have the need for titanium as this rod will only see fresh water and will be plenty light for my liking with Fuji alconites on it. It will replace a 20 year old jerkbait rod that probably weights twice what the new build will weigh no matter what guides I use.. Just wondering if a black titanium SiC rv6 followed by 2-3 alconite kb4.5’s then kt4.5’s would work or should I just go all titanium and spend the extra money? Would the thicker inner ring of the alconites have a negative effect vs the thinner ring torzite or Sic runners? I have 3-4 rods I want to build over the winter and I like the rv6 concept, just prefer not to drop $100 plus on titanium for freshwater bass fishing. Thanks!

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Re: Fuji RV6
Posted by: Michael Danek (---.adr01.alma.mi.frontiernet.net)
Date: December 27, 2022 03:28PM

Yes I've done what you suggest and there is no issue with doing it. The recovery speed difference between titanium runners and SS runners on a blank like that is measurable, but not major. (TNF, yes I've measured a number of them) Since the runners are so small there is really no appearance mismatch problem noticeable if you use light colored runners like silver corrosion controls with the titanium color RV6, or use dark gray corrosion control with the T2 titanium RV6.

Regarding ring thicknesses, don't worry about that either. I doubt if anyone can find a difference. Just build the rods with what you suggest and they will be great rods.

I build my casting rods with the RV6, 2 or 3 KB's , then KT's, all runners in size 5 or 5.5. I've never used a Torzite. All of them cast very well. I've built two of the rods you mention for my son and he loves them.

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Re: Fuji RV6
Posted by: Tim Scott (---)
Date: December 27, 2022 04:13PM

That works fine. I don’t have any real preference between the kw10 and RV6.

The difference in price between stainless alconite and Ti torzite in the small sizes is about $2 per guide. Now in the bigger sizes…..

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Re: Fuji RV6
Posted by: Phillip Sykes (---.googlefiber.net)
Date: December 27, 2022 04:13PM

Michael, thanks for the reply! I’ll give it a go.

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Re: Fuji RV6
Posted by: Lance Schreckenbach (---.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net)
Date: December 27, 2022 04:58PM

You are good, I do it all the time. The RV6 Has the height you want to produce a straight line to the tip ands only comes in a Ti frame. The difference in ring material is null.

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Re: Fuji RV6
Posted by: chris c nash (---.atmc.net)
Date: December 27, 2022 08:45PM

Tim Scott Wrote:
> The difference in price between stainless alconite
> and Ti torzite in the small sizes is about $2 per
> guide.

The difference between stainless Alconite and Titanium Torzite in the smaller guide sizes is a @#$%& of a lot more than $2.00 per guide . Try $6.00 - $7.00 per guide difference.

A Titanium Torzite KT running guide in size 5 is $ 8.55 a piece . A Stainless Alconite in size 5 is like $2.00 .



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Re: Fuji RV6
Posted by: Tim Scott (---)
Date: December 28, 2022 10:03AM

In double foots, yes, though he was talking single foot KT/KB in which

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Re: Fuji RV6
Posted by: Norman Miller (Moderator)
Date: December 28, 2022 11:17AM

The Fuji T2 titanium finish is a pretty close match to the BC stainless finish. So, a T2 Sic RV6 will match up pretty well with BC Alconite KB/KT runners. The regular titanium frame will match up well with the Sic polished stainless steel finish.


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Re: Fuji RV6
Posted by: chris c nash (---.atmc.net)
Date: December 28, 2022 06:13PM

Tim Scott Wrote:
> In double foots, yes, though he was talking single
> foot KT/KB in which

A KT/ KB single foot in Stainless Alconite will be about $7.00 cheaper than a Titanium Torzite KT/ KB single foot .

They aren't even remotely close to a $2.00 difference regardless of size.

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Re: Fuji RV6
Posted by: chris c nash (---.atmc.net)
Date: December 28, 2022 06:26PM

Although the comparison below is for the Frosted silver CC frame in Alconite instead of the polished silver frame the prices of the two frame types is the same . The below shows the price differences between a KT Titanium Torzite runner in size 4.5 in comparison to a KT stainless CC frame Alconite runner in a 4.5 size .



A very very large price difference as you can see .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2022 06:26PM by chris c nash.

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Re: Fuji RV6
Posted by: Peter Yawn (---.mpls.qwest.net)
Date: December 28, 2022 09:04PM

The RV6 looks cool, and I use them, but I can't imagine it makes one bit of difference whether you use a KW10 or an RV6. I use an RV6 when I do a titanium SIC guide set, and I use a KW10 when doing fazlite or alconite. Maybe I just have an OCD need to match.

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Re: Fuji RV6
Posted by: Tim Scott (---.source.akaquill.net)
Date: December 29, 2022 09:11AM

I apologize, you are correct. I had been using the slim SIC guides and moved to Ti for saltwater only use. My addled brain was transposing the SIC and alconite guides.

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