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upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: roger wilson (---)
Date: July 01, 2022 03:30PM

With the price of fuel where it is at, many folks are truncating travel and hence truncating fishing trips.
With the inflation, folks are tightening their belts and are concentrating on only purchasing necessities.
With the big drop in the stock market, folks who were counting on this money for retirement - are in many cases - dispensing with all purchases except necessities.

So, is there any reason at all to believe that a luxury item like a custom fishing rod is not going to be the pile of items that will not be purchased any time soon?

Conversely - with the high cost of fuel and other things, virtually every fishing and camping resort here in MN - is full with fully booked reservations down stream. The answer when asked, folks are saying that they are staying local with short drives, all to the good of the local camping and fishing resorts and businesses.

Take care

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Kent Griffith (---)
Date: July 01, 2022 03:46PM

You are exactly right!

However, the recession is not upcoming. We're in it according to the experts.

Key indicator:

Key Fed GDP tracker turns negative, signaling recession is here

The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model estimates -1.0% growth for Q2

The Federal Reserve's key real-time model for tracking U.S. economic activity has turned negative, signaling that the nation could already have entered a recession.

The GDPNow gauge, a widely watched measurement from the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank, indicated Thursday that real gross domestic product shrank by 1.0% in the second quarter from April through June.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2022 03:47PM by Kent Griffith.

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Chris Catignani (---)
Date: July 01, 2022 08:43PM

Actually might turn into the time to start building your own custom rods.
What would normally retail for $300+ can be made for under $100...IMO

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Aleks Maslov (Moderator)
Date: July 01, 2022 09:27PM

I agree with Kent that we are in a recession. However, from a supplier standpoint - we have never been busier. Summer in the fishing industry is typically slower. My personal opinion is that folks will look for more “value” in their purchases, but will demand drop off? No, it didn’t in 2008.

This reply was made through the app!

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: david taylor (---)
Date: July 01, 2022 09:32PM

People like those on this forum fish out of great passion if not addiction. I do not think a recession or inflation will affect that much.

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: July 01, 2022 09:59PM

Traditionally, the period from June through about September has always been a downtime for blank and component suppliers, which translates to fewer orders for custom rod builders. This is something that everyone in the business expects, recession or not.

Of course, fishing is always affected by recessions just like anything else, but in some ways it is never affected as deeply as most other daily endeavors. People love to fish and they will continue fishing through a recession.


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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Kent Griffith (---)
Date: July 02, 2022 08:09AM

Tom Kirkman Wrote:

> Of course, fishing is always affected by
> recessions just like anything else, but in some
> ways it is never affected as deeply as most other
> daily endeavors. People love to fish and they will
> continue fishing through a recession.

Tom here in Florida I can attest to this economic downturn is possibly increasing fishing, but also increasing the numbers of people who are now taking their catches home for food more so than releasing it.

I know I am moving in that direction as well using fishing to supplement food on the table that I do not have to buy with worthless paper dollars.

If you take a look at the lack of value our green paper has today, you can see how our wealth and "value" have been gutted and stolen by endless, continuous over-printing from the fed.

Now take a look at the current trend... the dollar is going down, down, down which is why prices are going up, up, up. But take a look at how our earned wealth is being stolen by inflation which is good cause to move away from paper! The green below is dollar value doing down. The blue is our current inflation trend due to overspending, over borrowing, and over printing... Notice where X marks the spot where inflation going up crosses the dollar going down? The date of our economy going negative is significant.

This country cannot afford to go any lower. There is nothing left.

Elon Musk is now predicting a coming crash, not just recession, [youtu.be] so fishing might be the only way some will be able to feed ourselves soon enough. So we have been stockpiling food in preparation for coming hard times due to creation of unconstitutional fiat currency whose elasticity is close to the snapping point.

The following current inflation chart should be shocking and alarming to everyone holding greenbacks... fiat currency elasticity has reached snapping point and they know it, but do not want to tell us that truth. We are being strangled and reaching our last gasp which is why the timing on all the rest which is preparation for bolshevik styled unrest to put it mildly. Lance & Chris Nash get it per their comments below...

Edited 18 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2022 02:33PM by Kent Griffith.

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Lance Schreckenbach (---.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net)
Date: July 02, 2022 07:20PM

This topic by nature is political. What I am seeing is a worldwide reset expressed at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The current state of the United States and the lack of oil production from here is affecting the world markets in a very negative way. At this point there is no stability except for those who have the money to create it. It is opening opportunities in markets that did not exist prior to this. In other words, the elites can purchase and do things that they have not been able to purchase or do and get more control of our humanity. Take it and read anything you want into it, but it is happening. There will be a period of instability until some kind of norm is established and we will have to learn to live with it. It will affect everything and anything including rod building.

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Phil Erickson (---)
Date: July 02, 2022 10:06PM

I am not joining the doom sayers! This country has been in worse conditions a number of times and we always come out of it better than before!

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: chris c nash (---.atmc.net)
Date: July 02, 2022 10:51PM

Lance is 100% correct .

The "Great reset" has been in the planning for decades. Of course the mainstream media is a big part of getting people to believe IT'S NOT real but it's 100% real . All you got to do is listen to the people involved with the WEF itself to know it's real.

The “Great Reset” is a long term ideological usurpation of what’s left of individual freedom and free market economies, and it’s goal is the imposition of a global socialist / communist dictatorship.

None of what's happening is by accident , not a single thing and it's going to get a lot worse not better .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2022 11:01PM by chris c nash.

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: July 03, 2022 07:59AM

We have Ewanicki's marketers are purposefully leaving out objectives data conspiracy ......... and now this ^^^^

Next thing you know, we're going to be revisiting the suspicion that the twin towers were brought down by controlled implosion.

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: John DeMartini (---.inf6.spectrum.com)
Date: July 03, 2022 08:41AM

A lot of nice theories offered. But I think we should be focusing on the elephant in the room.

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Ron Weber (---)
Date: July 03, 2022 12:25PM

I think we should be focusing more on the Rod building than the actual political aspects that people are trying to portray. Rod building has survived for decades, thru thick and thin, wars, recessions pandemics, etc and will continue to survive.

From the actual rules page, even though this may be skirting the issue.
"Please stick to topics associated with rod building. Political, religious and/or historical, etc., discussions/statements are not appropriate topics for this forum".

Ron Weber

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Kent Griffith (---)
Date: July 03, 2022 12:32PM

If my comments are a violation of any rule, then please feel free to delete anything I posted that is considered a rule violation.

I am perfectly happy working on what I do elsewhere where it can do some good for we the people and the future well being and defense of this country.

Patriotism to me is a civic duty. Happy 4th!

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Aleks Maslov (Moderator)
Date: July 03, 2022 02:10PM

Let's please keep the topic to rodbuilding and direct impacts to the craft...

Kent, I've removed one of your replies, but have kept two that are more or less relevant.

Thank you and Happy 4th!


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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Kent Griffith (172.58.175.---)
Date: July 03, 2022 02:32PM

Thanks Aleks!

I went back and edited out any partisanship in what was left.

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: July 04, 2022 06:46AM

Thank you Aleks !!!!

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Geoff Staples (---.wavecable.com)
Date: July 06, 2022 11:12AM

Hold on a second.... It appears above that a reply from Kent was removed due to comments identified by the moderator as having a partisan slant. The rules at the top of this forum state verbatim:
"Posts which are inflammatory, insulting, or that fail to include a proper name and email address will be removed and the persons responsible will be barred from further participation."
Seems like two very grey areas of moderation need to be applied to justify comment removal based on the rules above. First, a comment needs to be identified as partisan, and second, that "partisan" comment would need to be identified as "inflammatory." I find that level of moderation very subjective and clearly outside the scope of what has been moderated on this forum in the past. Political environment bears directly on economic conditions, economic conditions bear directly on the success of professional rod builders. I'd hate to see this forum slide down the slippery slope of political censorship.


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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: David Baylor (---.neo.res.rr.com)
Date: July 06, 2022 08:02PM

And I'd hate to see this forum slide into a forum with posts that conjure thoughts of the Illuminati, government conspiracies and political opinions. If that's your thing, there are plenty of other sites for that kind of stuff. IMO if it is allowed here, the site will lose members.

And not that it would be any great loss to this community, but I would be one of, if not the first to go.

It's a rod building site.

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Re: upcoming recession and effect on the rod building industry.
Posted by: Norman Miller (---)
Date: July 06, 2022 09:12PM

One of the reasons I come to rod board is to get away from politics. I don’t use any of the various social media formats, they’re all became too political and do nothing but @#$%& people off. Please keep politics away from this site, and keep it focused on rod building, fishing, and related topics.

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