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U-40 color lock 2
Posted by: JJohnson (---.eosinc.com)
Date: June 13, 2001 06:02PM

Is it normal for this stuff to get hard if not used for a long period of time? I had a couple bottles 1oz and all were hard after not using them for say 2 months or so, I then went out and bought a new bottle and when I opened it, it too was hard.

Thanks for the help

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Re: U-40 color lock 2
Posted by: Jack (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: June 13, 2001 06:25PM

I know if it freezes your out of luck. Maybe yours froze sometime between the time it was made and by the time it got you this spring? Also, I suppose if all the water evaporated in it that it would also solidify. I think I have heard that once CP goes hard, it is impossible to rejuvinate it. Lucky for you it's just a couple $ per bottle.

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Re: U-40 color lock 2
Posted by: JJohnson (---.eosinc.com)
Date: June 13, 2001 10:14PM

Thanks Jack.

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Re: U-40 color lock 2
Posted by: Ralph O'Quinn (---.pstbbs.com)
Date: June 14, 2001 02:54AM

The water base color preservers are safe when kept in a sealed container. Evaporation of the water willnot cause them to harden. What happened to you is you bought a container that froze in transportation or on the dealers shelf. In any event you should return the bottle to wherever you purchased it and get an exchange. The dealer/distributor can dicker with the manufacturer (me). We tell all our customers to never order color lock in the winter time.. These water base color preservers are acrylics or urethane/acrylics and cannot stand freezing temperatures. Once frozen -- thats the end of the ball game.

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