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North Fork vs Rainshadow?
Posted by: David Baylor (---.neo.res.rr.com)
Date: October 01, 2017 08:38AM

More specifically I'm looking for opinions on how the IM line of blanks from North Fork Composites compares to the Immortal line of blanks from Rainshadow?

The reason I ask is because due to an unfortunate incident while clearing my rods from the deck of my boat at my last tournament , I kinda broke my drop shot rod. Anyhow ..... I had planned on building a new rod on an Eternity2 blank, but I decided to take advantage of the sale Get Bit is having on NFC blanks. My preference would have been to go with a blank from the HM line of North Fork blanks, but I was looking for a 6'10" blank and North Fork doesn't offer a blank of that length in their HM line up, so I ordered a blank from the IM series of blanks.

The blank I ordered is the DS 6107 (IM). Being that the blank is from the IM series I'm not expecting it to be quite on par with what I understand the Eternity2 blanks to be, but I am hoping it is as good as the Immortal blanks I've built on. Any thoughts on how the Immortal and the North Fork IM blanks compare as far as sensitivity, crispness, and action, will be greatly appreciated.

As the pricing was so good, I also ordered a second North Fork blank from their IM line up. The MB 709 (IM) I'll be building it for flipping and pitching. It has an action (moderate fast) that I normally wouldn't use for flipping and pitching, but some posts from Steve Gardner and others in past threads, peaked my interest.

Any thoughts, comments, or opinions from those familiar with the 2 North Fork blanks mentioned will again, be greatly appreciated.

Thanks peoples!

Re: North Fork vs Rainshadow?
Posted by: roger wilson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: October 01, 2017 10:02AM

The way that a blank works is up to the owner and the holder of the blank.

Both the IM line of blanks from North Fork Composites and the Immortal line of Rainshadow blanks are excellent blanks.

Build one of each and reach your own conclusions and write your summary report back to us all. Can't go wrong with either blank.

Good luck

Re: North Fork vs Rainshadow?
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
Date: October 01, 2017 11:30AM

If you liked the G Loomis IMX rods, you'll like these. the butt and tip diameters are also virtually identical to the IMX classic blanks G Loomis sold, but I haven't taken the time to look at all the models.
As said before, Rainshadow makes some very nice blanks also, can't see how you could do wrong with either company's blanks.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2017 11:02PM by Spencer Phipps.

Re: North Fork vs Rainshadow?
Posted by: David DeBruhl (170.7.248.---)
Date: October 02, 2017 12:04PM

I have built the NFC DS-6107 rod blank in the (Delta) series on a spinning setup. This works perfect for shaky head presentation and I am sure this will work for drop shotting. The X-Fast tip only requires minimal effort to impart the action in the lure and hookset is solid. I often fish in clear reservoir in 20 to 30 feet and feel is everything. The feel and sensitivity on this blank is exceptional. I have not built any Immortal blanks so I have no way to compare.I know this probably doesn't help you any but, that's my two cents.

Re: North Fork vs Rainshadow?
Posted by: Lance Schreckenbach (---.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
Date: October 02, 2017 04:34PM

The 7' NFC blanks can easily be cut down to the desired 6'10" without much change in action. The main difference is the finish, the Immortal blank has a painted finish that is silver or titanium color whereas the NFC blanks have a sanded finish and no coating. Both are good blanks. The coating can slightly dampen the sensitivity of the blank but it is so slight it may not even be noticeable to most fishermen. If you tournament fish I would not recommend an "HM" blank especially for flipping or pitching. They are just too fragile and you don't want to break a rod right when it counts.

Re: North Fork vs Rainshadow?
Posted by: David Baylor (---.neo.res.rr.com)
Date: October 02, 2017 06:41PM

Roger, thanks for the response. I know that I will be the one that determines whether I like a blank or not. I was just looking for some reassurance I suppose.

Spencer thank you for your response as well. I have no experience with the IMX line up of rods from G Loomis.. I only own and have fished one Loomis rod. An old pre Shimano GL2. Nice rod for what it is, But it's not in the same class as the Immortal blanks. And I wouldn't expect it to be.

David, thank you for your reply. Your words are the words of reassurance I was looking for. The sensitivity and hook setting power were my major concerns. Especially the hook setting power. After reading your response I feel more certain about my choice of blanks.

Lance, I'd also like to thank you for your response.If you are referring to me not being able to find a blank from the HM series in the length I was after, I have no qualms about cutting a blank if it's going to result in the blank having the characteristics I am looking for. All of the blanks in the HM series, at least the ones that were at the incredible sale pricing, were 7'6" blanks, so I couldn't have taken off a mere 2". I've taken 6" of of blanks in the past and it changed the power of the blank by quite a bit. Which in those prior cases, is what I was trying to achieve. Based on those results, taking 8" off a light powered blank would have changed the power considerably.. More than I was willing to take a chance doing.

As mentioned in my original post....... I truly appreciate each and everyone's responses. I had no doubts that the North Fork blanks would be high quality blanks. The Immortal blanks are exceptional. I was just looking for some reassuring words.

Now I just have to wait until my blanks get here. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll get here in time for me to build them in time for my next tournament in two weeks..

Thanks again guys !!!

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