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Casting Rod Guide Help - St. Croix 5C74HF
Posted by: Nate Nelson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: June 12, 2016 09:03PM

I am getting ready to build a heavy duty casting rod for a family member who will be using it to pitch football jigs and general plastics for bass, he would like the rod built on the St. Croix 5C74HF blank. I have limited experience building casting rods so would appreciate input on the guide train. I will be providing him an option for Fuji Tozite and Fuji Alconite, both titanium, and let him decide how much he wants to spend. That said, i am a little confused as to which guides i should be using and what sizes? My initial take is to go with a 12 (KW or RV), 6 (KT), 4 (KT), with size 4 (KT) runners but am very open to feedback. Also, which stripper guide do i use? It looks like the KW or RV are both options. I am leaning towards using the KT guides as my choker, and running guides. Looking forward to advice from those with more experience than me.


Re: Casting Rod Guide Help - St. Croix 5C74HF
Posted by: Jim Ising (---.dyn.centurytel.net)
Date: June 13, 2016 10:55AM

With size 4 runners you should start with the RV6, then 3 KB4, then KT4 to the top. The double legs of the RV FACE THE REEL.

Re: Casting Rod Guide Help - St. Croix 5C74HF
Posted by: Donald R Campbell (---.socal.res.rr.com)
Date: June 13, 2016 01:41PM

As usual, Jim Ising is right on with his recommendations. Ever since Jim provied that recommendation to me I have been using it on all of my bass casting rods. Works outstanding! The only except being an increase size to #5's on the runners, if the angler is going be be using braid with a top shot of floro.

Don Campbell

Re: Casting Rod Guide Help - St. Croix 5C74HF
Posted by: Nate Nelson (---.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
Date: June 13, 2016 03:00PM

Thanks Jim and Don, i am considering a size 5 versus 4.

Jim - do you know what size runners St. Croix puts on that rod off the shelf? If not, I have no problem calling them. I like the size they have on it.

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