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weaving jig construction.
Posted by: jnail (---.unitelc.com)
Date: November 06, 2001 01:12PM

ok, I am tired of weaving with double stick tape! always loses its stickiness half way through. I need a weaving jig. so, I dug through all my back issues and found an article in rod crafters journal july-august-september 98 by John Stumpe. he mentions using a jig developed by Kel Cheatham in orlando florida. a very simple looking device, where the threads are held in plastic gromet strips with foam between.
my question is does anyone know what exactly these grommet strips were intended for, and where can i get them?

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Re: weaving jig construction.
Posted by: andrew (---.ma.us.prserv.net)
Date: November 06, 2001 02:31PM

I believe they are from thye computer or electro0nics industry. 99% sure Good luck

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Re: weaving jig construction.
Posted by: Steve (---.mobile1.al.home.com)
Date: November 06, 2001 02:56PM

I've been looking for the same thing. I can't find these gromet strips anywhere. If you come across any PLEASE let me know.


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Re: weaving jig construction.
Posted by: Kerry (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: November 06, 2001 11:19PM

contact Doc Ski, he sells these devices

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Re: weaving jig construction.
Posted by: Steve (---.akzo-nobel.com)
Date: November 07, 2001 12:42AM

They ain't cheap either! That's why I perfer to make my own and can make several jigs for different situations.


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Re: weaving jig construction.
Posted by: Mike (163.206.48.---)
Date: November 08, 2001 09:22AM

Kel runs a rod and reel repair shop in Orlando, FL. e-mail me and I can give you contact info. The jigs work well and are not that expensive.

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Re: weaving jig construction.
Posted by: Chef Jim (65.141.14.---)
Date: November 12, 2001 12:13AM

If you've seen pictures Jim Kastroff's weaves in RodMaker Magazine, you will be surprised to learn that he's only been building rods for 6 years! One of the tools that he has developed is a light weight weaving loom (I have his 40 thread loom). Contact him
sdrodblder@aol.com re:availability.

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Re: weaving jig construction.
Posted by: STEVE MCCURRY/CONSEPT CUSTOM R (---.mind.net)
Date: November 26, 2001 09:47PM

jnail :: tyr doc ski rods or my self, both are similar mccurry@kfalls.net

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Re: weaving jig construction.
Posted by: Leon Jorgensen (---.dialinx.net)
Date: January 04, 2002 03:40AM

Take a look at the McMaster-Carr web site. www.mcmaster.com
They have them at what appears to be a reasonable price

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