nternet gathering place for custom rod builders
  • Custom Rod Builders - This message board is provided for your use by the sponsors listed on the left side of the page. Feel free to post any question, answers or topics related in any way to custom building. When purchasing products please remember those who sponsor this board.

  • Manufacturers and Vendors - Only board sponsors are permitted and encouraged to promote and advertise products on the board. You may become a sponsor for a nominal fee. It is the sponsor fees that pay for this message board.

  • Rules - Rod building is a decent and rewarding craft. Those who participate in it are assumed to be civilized individuals who are kind and considerate in their dealings with others. Please respond to others in the same fashion in which you would like to be responded to. Registration IS NOW required in order to post. You must include your actual First and Last name and a correct email address when registering or posting. Posts which are inflammatory, insulting, or that fail to include a proper name and email address will be removed and the persons responsible will be barred from further participation.

    Registration is now required in order to post. You must include your actual First and Last name and a correct email address when registering or posting.

2025 ICRBE
Custom Rod Symbol
Common Cents System
American Grips Piscari
American Tackle
Anglers Rsrc - Fuji
BackCreek Custom Rods
HNL Rod Blanks–CTS
Custom Fly Grips LLC
Decal Connection
EPSON Decal Printers
Flex Coat Co.
Get Bit Outdoors
HFF Custom Rods
Janns Netcraft
Mudhole Custom Tackle
MHX Rod Blanks
North Fork Composites
Palmarius Rods
REC Components
RodBuilders Warehouse
RodHouse France
RodMaker Magazine
Schneiders Rod Shop
SeaGuide Corp.
Stryker Rods & Blanks
The Rod Room
The FlySpoke Shop
Utmost Enterprises
VooDoo Rods

A Suggestion
Posted by: Lonnie Dispennette (---.dialinx.net)
Date: June 13, 2001 12:40PM

Seems like I have to start every message to you with, "Thanks!", and here it is again. I do have a small suggestion that you might already have considered, but which I think is worth bringing up:
I wore my last computer out devouring old threads on several rodbuilding boards. I think this board is a dynamite idea because of the updates from sponsors - saves me a lot of time looking around for deals - but do you want the sale notices/board specials in the archives forever? I don't mind seeing threads letting me know that a retailer/wholesaler has a deal going, but if I search archives for comments on, for instance, "rainshadow blanks", I'd be disappointed to get a page of threads about sales someone had last year. Have you planned to put an expiration date on the dealer sale notices?


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Re: A Suggestion
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (---.dialinx.net)
Date: June 13, 2001 01:10PM

Actually, your suggestion is something I'll have to consider. I had not thought about the problems of having all these ads in the archives. We'll see how it goes for a while and then fine tune some things if need be. Thanks for your suggestion.


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Re: A Suggestion
Posted by: Bob Petti (32.97.110.---)
Date: June 13, 2001 02:35PM

Tom, are non-vendors allowed to post "for sale" items on occasion, as long as we keep pricing and negotiations and what not off the board?


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Re: A Suggestion
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (---.dialinx.net)
Date: June 13, 2001 04:04PM

Within reason, yes. The bottom line is that this is really the sponsors' board - they are the ones paying for it.

I suppose if you have an oddball from time to time, something like an odd handle, or a blank you want to sell or swap, you can likely get by with a casual mention that you'd like interested parties to contact you. Most of that is innocent enough, but you know there are also people who will take advantage of a situation and before you know it we've got people in the business using this as their ad medium without contributing to the upkeep of the board. Such things will be monitored closely.

If I could have done this site and let all the mgfs. and vendors in for free I certainly would have. But these things do cost. That's the only reason for the sponsor fees. I can assure you it extremely reasonable and is figured on a "cost" basis. I make no money on this. But those sponsors who have shelled out their fee are entitled to promotion and advertising that those who haven't, are not entitled to. I hope this sounds fair.


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Re: A Suggestion
Posted by: Bob Petti (---.stny.rr.com)
Date: June 13, 2001 05:24PM

Very fair, Tom. It's always good to get these issues out of the way up front, as much as possible. There are plenty of other outlets to sell stuff other than this board. Just wanted to clarify some of the intent, is all.


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