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Re: What's Really Going down with Cork
Posted by: Jim Buraczewski (---.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net)
Date: July 26, 2005 09:25AM


Has anybody tried the granulated cork blocks? Seems to me the answer to our cork problems will ultimately be found with this type of modified and/or engineered product. While I love natural cork there are just to many issues with it.


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Re: What's Really Going down with Cork
Posted by: mike Oliver (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: July 26, 2005 11:27AM

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the interesting input. Looks like I/ we all still have the same problem sourcing good quality affordable cork.

ken seriously it does cost $175 for a 20 inch handle at raw material costs which includes shipping import duty of 3% VAT at 17.5% and handling by the carriers. This total cost is based on shives costing $2.50 from USA based suppliers. It depends on how you define quality and yes we have the scales but there is still a degree of subjectivity betwen individuals on how the inerpretation is done. I see it all the time when one person especially sellers of cork will claim over the phone to having near flawless product and when you get it , it is only fit for arbors.

I don't expect flawles cork that is just unreasonable but I do want cork that is worth the price we are all forced to pay.

Billy you Wag. EVA is ok for my beachcasters may be but fly rods give me a break.


Mike OLiver

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Re: What's Really Going down with Cork
Posted by: Billy Vivona (4.43.114.---)
Date: July 26, 2005 11:53AM

Wag - lol. I didn't know you built Nancy rods, I thought you were into Big Game Killer rods? Got 4,000# Shark?

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Re: What's Really Going down with Cork
Posted by: mike Oliver (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: July 26, 2005 01:03PM

Biily whats wrong with Nancy rods. Still working on the 4000* shark job.


Mike O.

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Re: What's Really Going down with Cork
Posted by: Mikko Stenberg (---.kyamk.fi)
Date: July 27, 2005 04:46AM

No problem Geoff! Did not meen to be offensive if I was. Sorry.

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