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Titanium Rods and Senstivity
Posted by: Sam Parkinson (---.bos.east.verizon.net)
Date: March 14, 2005 06:31PM

I just purchased a couple of all star titanium rod blanks and i made the mistake of not checking the weight before i bought them. I thought these would be very sensitive rods because they are top of the line but they seem heavy is the titanium only added for strength and durabliity? I also purchased an all star im10 this seems like a very nice blank. I am glad i bought these blanks at a good discount i am disappointed with the titanium blanks. This learning curve for rookies never seems to end.

Re: Titanium Rods and Senstivity
Posted by: Gerald McCasland (---.cable.mindspring.com)
Date: March 14, 2005 06:56PM


Sorry there is no Titaniun in the make up of the blanks, that is just the name of them.

I'm just curious as to what blanks that you purchased. I have built more than a few of them and have always considered them to be very sensitive and light in hand.

You say you got a good price on them so just build them and I bet you will will like them.

Gerald Mc

Re: Titanium Rods and Senstivity
Posted by: Sam Parkinson (---.bos.east.verizon.net)
Date: March 14, 2005 08:57PM

Gerald the models are the bast845mc and the bast845c.

Re: Titanium Rods and Senstivity
Posted by: Milton (Hank) Aldridge (---.maine.res.rr.com)
Date: March 15, 2005 08:29AM

Hi Gerald,

There is a company that put titanium in their blanks, so they say. I saw and tested the rod at the Marlboro, MA Fly fishing show this winter. They showed a cut section from one of their blanks and the a titanium wire embeded and spiraled the whole blank. The blank was very light, fast action and cast very nicely. They will sell blanks along as fully build rods. We were really thinking of taking on the line until I saw their warranty. It was a lifetime unconditional warranty, but if you had a problem it was going to cost $60.00 handling fee. I asked if that was after a year or so before the $60.00 had to be paided and was told no, it was from day 1. I said heck even I could offer a lifetime unconditional warranty on a forcast rod if I charged $60.00 to take care of the problem. I think I still have the info on the rod in my shop and will look it up if your interested in it.

On The Rocks Fishing
Wells, ME.

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